&L | #"&IB\m<' -"E"hG//F6v,/A Z{%* : #N r ! $ , !(!#B!;f!9! !-!3"I"]"m"*v"">"" ##$j$"%:%Q%e% }%&%% %%% &,&&*S&~&%'/?')o'R'=' *)6)J)b)u)`)))* 4*>*[*4m*8*2*+;-+oi++, - -5-- .!#.E.6^..<. ..//5/ H/S/j/-|/<// 00"$0G0Y0h0{0S000171N1k11,1(1D10;2/l2120223 44*4,=46j4l456 66 6737M7f7y788"18)T8~8%8$888k 9\x: ;;; <)<9?<y<<<<!<< =$=C=_=z====:=;>AS>3>>g?Z@`@@@ @@'@A-A"CAfACC&C CCDE)EEEFd,FF FFFFFG#GKIK_KrKKK1KK(K (L5L ILULhL{L LLL$L M%MEM ZM6fMMMMM MN N)NENbN{N N N^N P%P 8PEP%WP6}P PSST5T'QT$yT#TT$T%U"'UJU^UsUFUU3U>'V7fV V"V;VW!>W`W~W(W7W5W%4X"ZX.}XX$X-X:YYY-xY(Y=Y: Z HZ-SZ5ZZZZ3Z[B3[v[[3\!Q]s]]^*^C^ ]^+g^!^^^^/^C'_Nk__x`<`9`[ a|ia bb c!+c(Mcrvc c)c/!d Qd#_ddBdDd5e#ReEveeEfIg]h)qhAh&hi%iBi5]i"iEi i jj8jPjgj#ojj2jDj"kBkSk'lkkkkkekDPl ll#l!l&m4Am,vmOm;m:/n<jn;n5np.p=pPpEjpOpqq{s#s s'stt6tMt_tuu)7u1auu+u*uvv-vwyyyzzA3z uzzzz%zz{*{J{e{{{{{:{D |Je|3||}\~"~(1'Hp$,lr;6/:'R(z+υSgwچ&"!:1\PLJ,&ICp9G5HO~!Ί *!(Jf~"܋/Fd{5Ќ* 7F_x(ύ%"!6X mA{ю& (4N'_ՏEbOp@zH +2"r.!#5hcL'|3P6F$N?Ye,Gg;w8MCB}> &I td{lsWo`Q_ 1A#$!n&9iSV kf)q :[ 0xRj= Z<DK"U]%uJ-* \ ~/4T( yXa7m^v% Executing builtin `%s' [%s] Repeat count: %d Running Waiting for command Waiting for job [%d] to terminate Waiting for termination of jobs: queue [-n num] Add the command to queue for current site. Each site has its own command queue. `-n' adds the command before the given item in the queue. It is possible to queue up a running job by using command `queue wait '. queue --delete|-d [index or wildcard expression] Delete one or more items from the queue. If no argument is given, the last entry in the queue is deleted. queue --move|-m [index] Move the given items before the given queue index, or to the end if no destination is given. Options: -q Be quiet. -v Be verbose. -Q Output in a format that can be used to re-queue. Useful with --delete. - not supported protocol!%ld $#l#byte|bytes$ cached%lld $#ll#byte|bytes$ transferred in %ld $#l#second|seconds$%s failed for %d of %d director$y|ies$ %s failed for %d of %d file$|s$ %s is a built-in alias for %s %s is an alias to `%s' %s ok, %d director$y|ies$ created %s ok, %d director$y|ies$ removed %s ok, %d file$|s$ removed %s ok, `%s' created %s ok, `%s' removed %s: %d - no such job %s: %s - no such cached session. Use `scache' to look at session list. %s: %s - not a number %s: %s. Use `set -a' to look at all variables. %s: %s: file already exists and xfer:clobber is unset %s: -m: Number expected as second argument. %s: -n: Number expected. %s: BUG - deadlock detected %s: GetPass() failed -- assume anonymous login %s: No queue is active. %s: Operand missed for `expire' %s: Operand missed for size %s: argument required. %s: bookmark name required %s: command `%s' is not compiled in. %s: import type required (netscape,ncftp) %s: invalid block size `%s' %s: no current job %s: no old directory for this site %s: no such bookmark `%s' %s: received redirection to `%s' %s: some other job waits for job %d %s: spaces in bookmark name are not allowed %s: wait loop detected %sModified: %d file$|s$, %d symlink$|s$ %sNew: %d file$|s$, %d symlink$|s$ %sRemoved: %d director$y|ies$, %d file$|s$, %d symlink$|s$ %sTotal: %d director$y|ies$, %d file$|s$, %d symlink$|s$ (commands)**** FXP: giving up, reverting to plain copy **** FXP: trying to reverse ftp:fxp-passive-source , maximum size %ld , no size limit=1 =0|>1Account is required, set ftp:acct variableAmbiguous command `%s'. Ambiguous command `%s'. Use `help' to see available commands. Ambiguous command. Change current local directory to . The previous local directory is stored as `-'. You can do `lcd -' to change the directory back. Change current remote directory to . The previous remote directory is stored as `-'. You can do `cd -' to change the directory back. The previous directory for each site is also stored on disk, so you can do `open site; cd -' even after lftp restart. Changing remote directory...Close idle connections. By default only with current server. -a close idle connections with all servers Closing HTTP connectionClosing control socketClosing data socketClosing idle connectionConnectedConnecting data socket to (%s) port %uConnecting to %s%s (%s) port %uConnecting...Connection idleConnection limit reachedCould not parse HTTP status lineData connection peer has mismatching addressData connection peer has wrong port numberDefine or undefine alias . If omitted, the alias is undefined, else is takes the value . If no argument is given the current aliases are listed. Delaying before reconnectDelete specified job with or all jobs Execute commands recorded in file Execute site command and output the result You can redirect its output Expand wildcards and run specified command. Options can be used to expand wildcards to list of files, directories, or both types. Type selection is not very reliable and depends on server. If entry type cannot be determined, it will be included in the list. -f plain files (default) -d directories -a all types Fatal errorFetching headers...File cannot be accessedFile name missed. Getting file list (%lld) [%s]Group commands together to be executed as one command You can launch such a group in background Hit EOFHit EOF while fetching headersHost name lookup failureInterruptInvalid IPv4 numeric addressInvalid command. Invalid range format. Format is min-max, e.g. 10-20.Invalid time format. Format is