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( 0 8 D L T  \ d 0t Mm]]`P`F=NPE+,(+K( K  0C-pL`HP`P`eFaPE@@0 3/T /@-Usage: %s -l label [options] name Version: %s 9.9.4-RedHat-9.9.4-8.fc20Required options: -l label: label of the key pair name: owner of the key Other options: -a algorithm: %s RSA | RSAMD5 | DH | DSA | RSASHA1 | NSEC3DSA | NSEC3RSASHA1 | RSASHA256 | RSASHA512 | ECCGOST | ECDSAP256SHA256 | ECDSAP384SHA384 (default: RSASHA1, or NSEC3RSASHA1 if using -3) -3: use NSEC3-capable algorithm -c class (default: IN) -E enginename -f keyflag: KSK | REVOKE -K directory: directory in which to place key files -k: generate a TYPE=KEY key -L ttl: default key TTL -n nametype: ZONE | HOST | ENTITY | USER | OTHER (DNSKEY generation defaults to ZONE -p protocol: default: 3 [dnssec] -t type: AUTHCONF | NOAUTHCONF | NOAUTH | NOCONF (default: AUTHCONF) -y: permit keys that might collide -v verbose level Date options: -P date/[+-]offset: set key publication date -A date/[+-]offset: set key activation date -R date/[+-]offset: set key revocation date -I date/[+-]offset: set key inactivation date -D date/[+-]offset: set key deletion date -G: generate key only; do not set -P or -A -C: generate a backward-compatible key, omitting all dates Output: K++.key, K++.private dnssec-keyfromlabel.cisc__mem_create(0, 0, &mctx) == 0unknown flag '%s'cannot open directory %s: %snone-p must be followed by a number [0..255]-v must be followed by a number-P specified more than once-A specified more than once-R specified more than once-I specified more than once-D specified more than once%s: invalid argument -%c %s: unhandled option -%c 3a:Cc:E:f:K:kl:L:n:p:t:v:yFhGP:A:R:I:D:could not initialize dst: %sthe key label was not specifiedthe key name was not specifiedextraneous argumentscannot allocate memory%s:%sNSEC3RSASHA1RSASHA1strdup failedno algorithm specified; defaulting to %s RSAThe use of RSA (RSAMD5) is not recommended. If you still wish to use RSA (RSAMD5) please specify "-a RSAMD5" unknown algorithm %s%s is incompatible with NSEC3; do not use the -3 optionNOAUTHNOCONFNOAUTHCONFAUTHCONFinvalid type %sno nametype specifiedzonehostentityuserinvalid KEY nametype %sotherinvalid DNSKEY nametype %sinvalid DNSKEY protocol: %dspecified null key with signing authoritya key with algorithm '%s' cannot be a zone keyinvalid key name %s: %sfailed to get key %s/%s: %s cannot use -G together with -P or -A options%s: warning: Key is not flagged as a KSK, but -R was used. Revoking a ZSK is legal, but undefined. cannot use -C together with -P, -A, -R, -I, -D, or -G optionsdst_key_buildfilename returned: %s %s: %s already exists %s: %s could collide with another key upon revokation %s: WARNING: Key %s could collide with another key upon revokation. If you plan to revoke keys, destroy this key and generate a different one. failed to write key %s: %s dnssec-keyfromlabeldnssectool.cisc_heap_insert failed: %s Break in NSEC3 chain at: %.*s Expected: %.*s Found: %.*s %s: fatal: '%s' ambiguous: use 'mi' for minutes or 'mo' for monthstime value %s is invalidunexpected NSEC RRset at %s %s: %sdns_rdata_tostruct()dns_nsec3_hashname()dns_rdataset_first()Missing NSEC3 record for %s (%s) Missing NSEC3 record for %s Bad NSEC3 record for %s, bit map mismatch record_nsec3()Multiple NSEC3 records with the same parameter set for %s%s: dns_rdatatype_totext()dns_db_allrdatasets()TTL mismatch for %s %s keytag %u No correct %s signature for %s %s rdataset iteration failed: %sMissing NSEC record for %s Bad NSEC record for %s, next name mismatch (expected:%s, found:%s) dns_nsec_buildrdata()Bad NSEC record for %s, bit map mismatch Multipe NSEC records for %s No signatures for %s/%s Warning: Found unexpected signatures for %s/%s %s/%s/%disc_log_create(mctx, &log, &logconfig) == 0isc_log_settag(logconfig, program) == 0stderrisc_log_createchannel()isc_log_usechannel(logconfig, "stderr", ((void *)0), ((void *)0)) == 0logp != ((void *)0)ectx != ((void *)0)could not create entropy objectkeyboardcould not initialize entropy source: %sout of memory(sources).tail == (source)(sources).head != (source)(sources).tail != (source)TTL must be numeric0123456789000000time value %s is invalid: %snowunknown class %smajor <= 1Key %s has incompatible format version %d.%d, use -f to force upgrade to new version.Key %s has incompatible format version %d.%d, use -f to force downgrade to current version.Key ID %d could collide with %d Key ID %d exists (matchkeys).tail == (key)(matchkeys).head == (key)(matchkeys).head != (key)(matchkeys).tail != (key)ZSKself-signed KSKpresentstand-byisc_heap_create()failed to find the zone's origin: %sZone contains no DNSSEC keys Zone contains no SOA record NSEC lookup failed NSEC3PARAM lookup failed DNSKEY is not signed (keys offline or inactive?) SOA is not signed (keys offline or inactive?) NSEC is not signed (keys offline or inactive?) NSEC3PARAM is not signed (keys offline or inactive?) No valid NSEC/NSEC3 chain for testing dns_rdata_tostructdns_rdata_totextrevoked KSK is not self signed: %s DNSKEY %.*sNo self-signed DNSKEY found.No self-signed KSK DNSKEY found. Supply an active key with the KSK flag set, or use '-P'.Verifying the zone using the following algorithms:. dns_db_createiterator()dns_dbiterator_first()Missing %s for algorithm %s dns_dbiterator_current()dns_dbiterator_next()iterating through the database failed: %sverifynode_r->length >= _lExpected and found NSEC3 chains not equal The zone is not fully signed for the following algorithms:DNSSEC completeness test failed.DNSSEC completeness test failed (%s).Zone fully signed: Algorithm: %s: KSKs: %u active, %u stand-by, %u revoked %*sZSKs: %u active, %u %s, %u revoked в'òֲ 4||tXd PȞT,8h@<X ܬ8<< 8Pȿ  , H<84 H U f v          H o v @Ho`ooTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTx\dnssec-keyfromlabel.debug77zXZִF!t/%]?Eh;ަ#$[[~7-/*!]B5,ѡQ On?&uؿ{rCRhA3aY4ouĢ j\Q_pg߸U"8 M.O;G\S򯱱>06ߍNuL^5t.-WXRB=>g.ېpYzXn*]{?B~Í<@iܸ{H&v`A*6km˰N>7Ue23$^- i%)XVF6BVGt'F~z7nízmat7'*P7t{)9#(B?Yzeos2colkuNVffq7Q&2EжU8?؃h,x!Nf JoG>UuWECYY&GC=i+ºYfŕE5f>YU=gq5]D9g/Q?UE/x1(fѫ~2kY?f'WGz#5dt\iA G7.odօ50UBt=Y—(w1ImJ3& +_GHEe bȂ:]jghR.©rϛhF neg ¡6 iބ}c5Pdfh~gWHpO/bFR/_r2Pq֜LӎT)(/'qr~Zʜ-sY$\. ;זUY;ʩb@T;,InFIs  Fv NoB[o```j Hs @ |HH" wTT"tȨ( fԎ܎@'xp' (`XXX``` h