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value?...createaxisName ?axisName?... ?option value?...configureaxisName optioncget q <q q pp p p p p p p p Dp ?axisName?usevaluetransformlimitsvalueinvtransform?option value?...configureoptioncget,أ@8 u u  u u (@ t t t t (@ t t t t ( t t t t (t zt vt kt ^t Rt Ft Dt ,ع @t 5t )t t t t $@t s s s $@s s s s $s s s s $ s s s |s 0ss ks cs bs 4\s Xs bar-typeStipplestipple-stippleraisedReliefrelief-reliefblueForegroundforeground-foregroundblueForegroundforeground-foregroundpinkForegroundforeground-foregroundpinkForegroundforeground-foregroundforeground-fg2BorderWidthborderWidth-borderwidthbackground-bgborderWidth-bdnavyblueBackgroundbackground-backgroundnavyblueBackgroundbackground-backgroundredBackgroundbackground-backgroundredBackgroundbackground-backgroundz z z z 8  z z z xz  lz az Vz Mz Cz :z 1z -z  )z z z z z y y y D y y y y ع y y y y y } y y y y uy jy _y Zy Sy My Gy  :y .y "y y  y y  y  y y x x x $_ x x x x (_ x x x 8  x x x x x x x x x x x x @q x zx rx |} kx ex _x ,} Xx Rx Lx T} Ydataydata-ydataXdataxdata-xdataWeightsweights-weightsStylesstyles-stylesStipplestipple-stippleraisedReliefrelief-reliefPenpen-penyMapYmapY-mapyxMapXmapX-mapxnoHidehide-hideflatLabelRelieflabelRelief-labelreliefLabellabel-labelblueForegroundforeground-foregroundblueForegroundforeground-foregroundDatadata-dataforeground-fg2BorderWidthborderWidth-borderwidthallBindTagsbindTags-bindtagsbackground-bgborderWidth-bd0.0BarWidthbarWidth-barwidthnavyblueBackgroundbackground-backgroundnavyblueBackgroundbackground-backgroundactiveBarActivePenactivePen-activepeninfrontoverlapstackedalignedunknown mode valuenormalnormalnormalnormalinfrontinfrontinfrontinfrontstackedstackedstackedstackedalignedalignedalignedalignedoverlapoverlapoverlapoverlap": should be "infront", "stacked", "overlap", or "aligned"bad mode argument "bltGrBar.cstyleArrbltGrBar.cpenPtractiveBaractiveBaractiveBar-hide-label-map*-*data-barwidthbltGrBar.cnewArrbltGrBar.crectArr && indexArrbltGrBar.cactiveArrbltGrBar.crectArrbltGrBar.crectMap gsave /DrawSymbolProc { Fill fill grestore } def %d %d %d Sq ,u ld`xԻ|bltGrBar.cbarPtrbltGrBar.chPtr != NULLbltGrBar.cgraphPtr->freqArrcan't allocate new vectorodd number of data pointsbltGrElem.celemPtr->x.valueArr && elemPtr->y.valueArrbothbothboth"bad along value "xybothunknown along valuelinelinelinelinestripstripstripstripbarbarbarbarlinestripbarunknown element typeendendend"" in "can't find element """ already exists in "element "Element"can't split name list " %% Element "%s" %% Active Element "%s" bltGrElem.cactiveArrbltGrElem.chPtrD ع 7 0 0} -along-interpolate-halo: bad window x-coordinate: bad window y-coordinate" is hiddenelement "name%dindexxydist1name0-hide-map*-*data-label01currentcurrentcurrent~ h c I D t4 , `  0  X   | tn g ^ Z U O  B = 2 - $ elemNametype?elemList?show?pattern?...namesnamegetelemNameexists?elemName?...delete?elemName?...deactivateelemName ?option value?...createelemName ?elemName?... ?option value?...configurex y varName ?option value?... ?elemName?...closestelemName optioncgetelemName sequence commandbind?elemName? ?index...?activate ȅ …   ,    ,     y t o l  f a \ X  M C 9 7 (ع 1 , ' % _    _     _     yesMinorminor-minoryMapYmapY-mapyMapXmapX-mapxxMapXmapX-mapx0LinewidthlineWidth-linewidthyesHidehide-hidenoHidehide-hidedotDashesdashes-dashes#000000colorcolor-color#a3a3a3Colorcolor-colorbltGrGrid.cgridPtrGridgrid   y u t q p i (h toggleonoff?options...?configureoptioncget    4    4߇ ؇ ч   ˇ Ƈ        ع     Positionposition-position0LinewidthlineWidth-linewidthyesHidehide-hideDashesdashes-dashes#000000Colorcolor-color#000000Colorcolor-colorbltGrHairs.chairsPtrCrosshairscrosshairs   Ո ш Ј ͈ ̈ ň hĈ toggleonoff?options...?configureoptioncget я      s k X F : 8 ع &    P َ Ȏ  P        (} r  f [ P  D 9 . !    ع       T     { Lo d Y Q LK F A > 7 1 - + 4̹ $    8̹     <̹     @̹   ڌ Ό  ƌ            \ z s l \ 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"leftmargin", "rightmargin", "topmargin", "bottommargin", "plotarea", or @x,ybad position "leftmarginrightmargintopmarginbottommarginplotarea@%d,%dunknown legend position-rows-font-hide-position-*pad?-*border*bltGrLegd.clegendPtrLegendlegendcurrentcurrentcurrent   4ƒ        | indexget?pattern?...deactivate?option value?...configureoptioncgetelemName sequence commandbind?pattern?...activate W   X3 )   0,     D    ٙ $ҙ ̙ ƙ  $       }      y t o f  ` [ V S L F @  3 '         ع     $_ ݘ ؘ Ә ј (_ Ř    hع    (   { ( r j b Y  P H @ 7  )    ع    4,     ع ՗ ȗ       @      | u n g $ ` Z T O | F > 6 |} / ) # ,}    T} 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valuenaturalnaturalnaturalnaturalcubiccubiccubiccubicquadraticquadraticquadraticquadraticstepstepstepsteplinearlinearlinearlinear": should be linear, natural, quadratic, or stepbad smooth value "increasingincreasingincreasingincreasingdecreasingdecreasingdecreasingdecreasingbothbothbothboth" : should be "increasing", "decreasing", or "both"bad trace value "increasingdecreasingbothunknown trace directionbltGrLine.cstylesbltGrLine.cpenPtractiveLineactiveLineactiveLinebltGrLine.cstyleMapbltGrLine.cpointArrbltGrLine.cindexArrbltGrLine.cnewArrbltGrLine.cindexArrbltGrLine.ctmpPtr->nPoints > 0bltGrLine.cnewArrbltGrLine.cindexArrbltGrLine.cx1bltGrLine.cpointArrbltGrLine.cindexArrbltGrLine.cactiveArrbltGrLine.cindexArrbltGrLine.csegArrbltGrLine.csegArr && indexArrbltGrLine.cpointArr && indexArrbltGrLine.ctracePtrbltGrLine.cpointArrbltGrLine.cindexArr-scalesymbols-hide-label-map*-smooth-*data-trace-pixels /DrawSymbolProc { " % Bitmap mask is "" % Bitmap symbol is " gsave Fill stroke grestore } def [ X U R O L I F C @ BmTrScSpCrPlDiCiSqLi%d %d %g %s %d %d %d Li /DashesProc { gsave stroke grestore } def /DashesProc {} def 0 0,XUFHpYZM(RL'bltGrLine.clinePtr a   | q d WindowMarkerTextMarkerPolygonMarkerLineMarkerImageMarkerBitmapMarker      p l a V L C : 1 D ) "   @    ,,     ׫ ѫ ̫ ǫ    w o c X M E  < 4 , ' !        0_     4_  ,  ֪ Ъ ˪ ƪ Ī ̹     ̹         z s l  f a \ xU O I F 8= 5 - + @"    D0YOffsetyOffset-yoffset0XOffsetxOffset-xoffsetnoUnderunder-underTexttext-textShadowshadow-shadowShadowshadow-shadow0.0Rotaterotate-rotate4PadYpadY-pady4PadXpadX-padxforeground-outline-nameyMapYmapY-mapyxMapXmapX-mapxnoHidehide-hideleftJustifyjustify-justify#000000Foregroundforeground-foreground#000000Foregroundforeground-foreground*-Helvetica-Medium-R-Normal-*-12-120-*Fontfont-fontbackground-fillForegroundforeground-fgElementelement-elementCoordscoords-coordsText allBindTagsbindTags-bindtagsBackgroundbackground-bgMarkerBackgroundbackground-backgroundcenterAnchoranchor-anchorϯ ȯ   x    D   } 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"texttexttexttextlinelinelinelinebitmapbitmapbitmapbitmapimageimageimageimagepolygonpolygonpolygonpolygonwindowwindowwindowwindow": should be "text", "line", "polygon", "bitmap", "image", or "window"unknown marker type "bitmapimagelinepolygontextwindowunknown marker type" already existscan't rename marker: "bltGrMarker.chPtrbltGrMarker.cmarkerPtr-name-name-name-namemarker%dcurrentcurrentcurrent01 \  \   } ho e @ 0           , markertype?pattern?...namesnamegetmarkerexists?marker?...deletetype ?option value?...createmarker ?marker?... ?option value?...configuremarker optioncgetmarker sequence commandbindmarker ?beforeMarker?beforemarker ?afterMarker?after " is a % Marker "`l": can't parse position "": should be "@x,y"bad position "@%d,%dbltGrMisc.cresultdefcolordefcolordefcolordefcolordefcolordefcolordefcolordefcolortoo many names in colors listdefcolorInfInfInf-Inf-Inf-Inf+Inf+Inf+Inf"bad expression "88defcolordefcolordefcolordefcolordefcolor"" in "can't find pen "-type-type-type-type" specifiedunknown pen type """ already exists in "pen "" in use: can't change pen typepen "Pen"" is of the type "pen ""wanted type """ in "can't find pen "   ` N @4 - س     penNametype?pattern?...names?penName?...deletepenName ?option value?...createpenName ?penName?... ?option value?...configurepenName optioncget} v o k ,a X O  D : 0 *         $    8    ع     (  | y 0s n i d ̹ ^ Y T O ̹ B 6 * $           4    ع 0Widthwidth-widthnoPreviewpreview-preview8.5iPaperWidthpaperWidth-paperwidth11.0iPaperHeightpaperHeight-paperheight1.0iPadYpadY-pady1.0iPadXpadX-padxnoMaxpectmaxpect-maxpectnoLandscapelandscape-landscape0Heightheight-heightnoFooterfooter-footerFontMapfontMap-fontmapyesDecorationsdecorations-decorationscolorColorModecolorMode-colormodeColorMapcolorMap-colormapyesCentercenter-centercolorcolorcolorcolorgrayscalegrayscalegrayscalegrayscalegreyscalegreyscalegreyscalegreyscalemonochromemonochromemonochromemonochrome": should be "color", "greyscale", or "monochrome"bad color mode "colorgreyscalemonochromeunknown color mode%%%BeginPreview: %d %d 8 %d %%EndPreview %!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0 %%%%BoundingBox: %d %d %d %d %%Pages: 0 blt_version???%%%%Creator: (BLT %s %s) %%%%CreationDate: (%s) %%%%Title: (%s) %%%%DocumentData: Clean7Bit LandscapePortrait%%Orientation: %s %%DocumentNeededResources: font Helvetica Courier %%EndComments bltGraph.proLOGNAME???0 0 moveto ) show @(Created by: 10 10 moveto ) show (File: 10 20 moveto ) show (Date: 10 30 moveto 8 /Helvetica SetFont % making the origin the upper left corner % 2. Translate the origin to the other side of the page, % 1. Flip y-axis over by reversing the scale, % Transform coordinate system to use X11 coordinates %g -%g scale 0 %d translate %% Set color level % User defined page layout /CL %d def %% Set origin %d %d translate %% Landscape orientation 0 %g translate -90 rotate %% Setting graph scale factor %g %g scale %%EndSetup gsave clip grestore % Unset clipping %EOF end grestore %Trailer showpage w": can't create "": error writing file "bltGrPs.cpsPtrPostscriptpostscript H  |  \p ?fileName? ?option value?...output?option value?...configureoptioncget ?volumePercent?"wrong # args: should be ""bad volume percentage value " (beepblt                     y r  j  b X O G ? 0 unknown signalSIGXFSZSIGXCPUSIGWINCHSIGVTALRMSIGUSR2SIGUSR1SIGURGSIGTTOUSIGTTINSIGTSTPSIGTRAPSIGTERMSIGSTOPSIGSEGVSIGQUITSIGPWRSIGPROFSIGPIPESIGKILLSIGIOSIGINTSIGILLSIGHUPSIGFPESIGCONTSIGCHLDSIGBUSSIGALRMSIGABRTX   8 < h  l  < p  @  $   -check-killsignal-keepnewline-onoutput-onerror-lastoutput-lasterror-error-update-output-echo"unknown signal "" is out of rangesignal number "%dcan't get stderr channel : can't read data from to non-blocking:can't set file descriptor EXITEDchild completed normallyKILLEDSTOPPEDUNKNOWNchild completed with unknown status 0x%x varName ?options? command ?arg...?"wrong # args: should be "bltBgexec.cbgPtrstdoutstderr varName ?options? command ?arg...?"missing command to execute: should be "child process exited abnormallyP bgexecblt   n g a _ ̹ Y W ̹ O K D @ 1.0-scale0.0-rotate4-pady4-padxcenter-justify*-Helvetica-Medium-R-Normal-*-12-120-*-font    1.0-scale0.0-rotate3?d6 d63d6d6      0PUUU 說/'خ-l_g6E2AC <| « `UUU?  888888  ??8@@@@@ @@UUUUUUU@pWUUUU( ڿ pwUW[TUu{ @T_A!( @]@DDbgd@UUUWUUUU*WUU"expecting hex value: got ""expecting hex value: got "bltBitmap.cdataPtrbitmap has wrong # of data valuescan't allocate memory for bitmapcan't allocate bitmap data arraycan't allocate bitmap data array %s%02xcan't create bitmapshould be "width height"wrong # of bitmap dimensions: should be "dimensions sourceData"wrong # of bitmap data components: bad bitmap dimensions01V L> 9 . ' h    L      bitmapNamewidthbitmapNamesourcebitmapNameheightbitmapNameexistsbitmapName data ?flags?definebitmapNamedatabitmapName text ?flags?composet bitmapbltbigBLTBLT    ,watchBusyCursorbusyCursor-cursor busybltBusy.cbusyPtr_Busy%s_BusyBusy"can't find busy window "10holdholdholdBLT Busy Data   $     v Ll d <X Q J B 8 ?pattern?windowswindowstatus?window?...release?pattern?isbusywindow ?options?... ?window options?...hold?window?...forgetwindow ?options?...configurewindow optioncgetBLT Busy DatabltBusy.cdataPtrBLT Busy Data8 busyblt\, \, \,                 Dx   x k _ S Q  ع I B ; 9 @ع $    ,    ,   y 0e R ? = (7 2 - Dl  %    $    8    <ع    D` 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containerblt"bad buffer # "bltCutbuffer.cnewPtr"bad rotate count "can't rotate cutbuffers unless all are set p      l  value ?buffer?set?count?rotate?buffer?get  cutbufferbltbltDebug.cinfoPtrcan't get stderr channel> watchwatchwatchwatchignoreignoreignoreignore bltdebugbltblt::drag&dropDragDropTokenBltDrag&DropTarget    @    v k c Y H = 5 +               { p e b \ W R N D E 9 1 $             y i ^ V  M = 2 *              t   t top_left_arrowCursortokenCursor-tokencursor3BorderWidthtokenBorderWidth-tokenborderwidth#000000OutlinetokenOutline-tokenoutline#000000OutlinetokenOutline-tokenoutline#ffffffBackgroundtokenBackground-tokenbg#d9d9d9BackgroundtokenBackground-tokenbg#000000ActiveBackgroundtokenActiveBackground-tokenactivebackground#a3a3a3ActiveBackgroundtokenActiveBackground-tokenactivebackgroundseAnchortokenAnchor-tokenanchorCommandsiteCommand-sitecmdallSendsend-sendnoSelfTargetselfTarget-selftarget#7f7f7fStipplerejectStipple-rejectstippleStipplerejectStipple-rejectstipple#d9d9d9ForegroundrejectForeground-rejectfg#ff0000ForegroundrejectForeground-rejectfg#ffffffBackgroundrejectBackground-rejectbg#d9d9d9BackgroundrejectBackground-rejectbgCommandpackageCommand-packagecmd3ButtonBindingbuttonBinding-button ,               ~ xk Y G E  9 . #           0    L    | { s k c |Y H = 5 +               w i a Y  Q J C < 4raisedReliefrelief-relief#7f7f7fStipplerejectStipple-rejectstippleStipplerejectStipple-rejectstipple#d9d9d9ForegroundrejectForeground-rejectfg#ff0000ForegroundrejectForeground-rejectfg#ffffffBackgroundrejectBackground-rejectbg#d9d9d9BackgroundrejectBackground-rejectbg#000000Outlineoutline-outline#000000Outlineoutline-outlinetop_left_arrowCursorcursor-cursor3BorderWidthborderWidth-borderwidth#ffffffBackgroundbackground-background#d9d9d9Backgroundbackground-background3ActiveBorderWidthactiveBorderWidth-activeborderwidthseAnchoranchor-anchorsunkenactiveReliefactiveRelief-activerelief#000000ActiveBackgroundactiveBackground-activebackground#a3a3a3ActiveBackgroundactiveBackground-activebackground cget -cursor%d} {dd-token%dbltDnd.csrcPtr" has not been initialized as a drag&drop sourcewindow "button number must be 1-5, or 0 for no bindingsblt::Drag&DropInitsource [file join $blt_library bltDragdrop.tcl] (while loading bindings for blt::drag&drop)blt::Drag&DropInitbltDnd.ctargetPtrlocationsendhandletargetsend} {bltDnd.csrcPtr->rootPtrallallallsource/target mismatch: No matching types bltDnd.cchildPtr drag pathname x y"wrong # args: should be "missing -packagecmd: } { drop pathname x y"wrong # args: should be " errors ?proc?"wrong # args: should be " active"wrong # args: should be "10 location ?x y?"wrong # args: should be "handlerhandlerhandlerhandler": must be "handler" or a configuration optionbad operation "handlerhandlerhandler data command ?arg arg...? wrong # args: should be "handlehandlehandle handle data ?value? wrong # args: should be "target cannot handle datatype: handle target handler ?data command arg arg...? or: target usage: oper ?args?"wrong # args: should be "sourcesourcesourcesourcetargettargettargettargettokentokentokentokendragdragdragdragdropdropdropdroperrorserrorserrorserrorsactiveactiveactiveactivelocationlocationlocationlocationsource, target or token": must be active, drag, drop, errors, location, bad operation "T H1drag&dropbltbgerrorbgerror`}4~   tD     `} u m ^  U M E ; 2 )                  p  ~ v o h e  ] V O L noTargettarget-targetnoSourcesource-sourceCommandsiteCommand-sitenoSelfTargetselfTarget-selftargetResultresult-resultPackageCommandpackageCommand-packageOnDroponDrop-ondropOnLeaveonLeave-onleaveOnMotiononMotion-onmotionOnEnteronEnter-onentertop_left_arrowcursorscursors-cursors3ButtonNumberbuttonNumber-buttonAllowFormatsallowFormats-allowformats     X     X     \z s l i PV D 2 0 ` $    T     T        h  { s hm h c [ dU P K C d4 &  l    l     raisedReliefrelief-relief#7f7f7fStipplerejectStipple-rejectstippleStipplerejectStipple-rejectstipple#d9d9d9Fillfill-fill#ff0000Fillfill-fill#ffffffOutlineoutline-outline#d9d9d9Outlineoutline-outline3BorderWidthborderWidth-borderwidth#ffffffBackgroundbackground-background#d9d9d9Backgroundbackground-background3ActiveBorderWidthactiveBorderWidth-activeborderwidthseAnchoranchor-anchorsunkenactiveReliefactiveRelief-activerelief#000000ActiveBackgroundactiveBackground-activebackground#a3a3a3ActiveBackgroundactiveBackground-activebackgroundXSendEvent response to drop: Protocol failed -cursorcgetactivenormalrejectunknown status valuecancelmovelinkcopyunknown actioncancelcancelcancelmovemovemovelinklinklinkcopycopycopycancelcancelcancelbltUnixDnd.ctokenPtrdndtokenDndToken"" in source "can't find format "" is not a drag&drop source/targetwindow "bltUnixDnd.cdndPtrblt::DndInitsource [file join $blt_library bltDnd.tcl] (while loading bindings for blt::drag&drop)button must be 1-5, or 0 for no bindingsblt::DndInitxyformatsbuttonstateblt::DndStdDropxyformatsbuttonstatebltUnixDnd.cchildPtrbltUnixDnd.crootPtr"Malformed property "Not initialized 0x%x" is not a registered drag&drop source.widget "" is not a registered drag&drop source.widget ""no drag&drop token created for "" is not a registered drag&drop source.widget ""no drag&drop token created for "" is not a registered drag&drop source.widget "no current drag&drop operation for source """ for source "can't find handler for format "-source-source-source-target-target-target" is not a registered drag&drop target.widget """ in target "can't find format "no drop in progress"" for target "can't find handler for format "" is already registered as a drag&drop manager""no token created for ""no token created for " 0  z  w widget ?option value?...windowwidget ?option value?...configurewidget optioncget P`    bt m Q L hf9 4 k!  o  q  hr  v  c  tn h ` args...tokenwidget ?format command?setdatawidget x y timestampselectwidget ?option value?...registerwidget formatpull?-source|-target? ?pattern?nameswidget ?format command?getdatawidget x y ?token?dropwidget x y ?token?drag?-source|-target? widget...deletewidget ?option value?...configurewidget optioncgetwidgetcancel BLT Dnd DataBLT Dnd DatabltUnixDnd.cdataPtrBLT Dnd DataBLT Dnd MessageBLT Dnd TargetBLT Dnd FormatsBLT Dnd CommDataH ~dndblt@h ,    ,    (,    ,     l | v p 0` h a Z t` S M G D; 0 % L   L   H   T    T  | k $, e ` [ \, P F < d2 )   `    h    h ShadowtextShadow-textShadowShadowtextShadow-textshadowTextFonttextFont-textfontTextColortextColor-textcolorTexttext-textEntryOpenCommandentryOpenCommand-opencommandLabelShadowlabelShadow-labelshadowLabelShadowlabelShadow-labelshadowLabelFontlabelFont-labelfontLabelColorlabelColor-labelcolorLabelColorlabelColor-labelcolorLabellabel-labelImagesimages-imagesIconsicons-iconsautoButtonbutton-buttondatadata-dataEntryCloseCommandentryCloseCommand-closecommandSelectionMode allBindTagsbindTags-bindtags 3 "   h     h    d  u m d a V K C ` 7 , !  `         tع      |    | t \h ] R J \B ; 4 `  (    xsolidReliefopenRelief-openreliefImagesimages-images#000000Foregroundforeground-foreground#000000Foregroundforeground-foregroundforeground-fgsolidReliefcloseRelief-closerelief1BorderWidthborderWidth-borderwidthbackground-bgborderWidth-bd#ffffffBackgroundbackground-background#ffffffBackgroundbackground-background#ffffffForegroundactiveForeground-activeforeground#000000ForegroundactiveForeground-activeforeground#ffffffBackgroundactiveBackground-activebackground#000000BackgroundactiveBackground-activebackground u+ d+ S+ K+  9+ (+ + + * * * * * * * * * * * *  s* h* ]* U* ,Q* E* A* 6*  .* '*  * * * ) ) 0ع ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Tع ) ) ) ) ) t) g) [) O) K)  @) 6) ,) )) ) ) ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( W( L( A( 9( -( "( ( ( ( ( ' ' ع ' ' ' '  ' ' ' ' <|' h' T' L' <<' -' ' ' @' & & & 8& & & & X& & & & X& s& g& e& ع Z& P& F& D& Pع 7& +& &  & &  & & 4% % % % @x % % % % $ % % % |%  j% Y% N% F% 3% !% % % ع % $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ |$ p$ e$ Z$ S$  E$ 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0ScrollIncrementyScrollIncrement-yscrollincrementScrollCommandyScrollCommand-yscrollcommand0ScrollIncrementxScrollIncrement-xscrollincrementScrollCommandxScrollCommand-xscrollcommand200Widthwidth-widthTrimtrimLeft-trimleftTiletile-tile1TakeFocustakeFocus-takefocusSeparatorseparator-separatorflatReliefselectRelief-selectreliefsingleSelectModeselectMode-selectmode#000000ForegroundselectForeground-selectforeground#ffffffForegroundselectForeground-selectforegroundSelectCommandselectCommand-selectcommand1BorderWidthselectBorderWidth-selectborderwidth#b0e2ffBackgroundselectBackground-selectbackground#000000BackgroundselectBackground-selectbackgroundyesScrollTilescrollTile-scrolltilehierboxScrollModescrollMode-scrollmodesunkenReliefrelief-reliefOpenCommandopenCommand-opencommand1LineWidthlineWidth-linewidth0LineSpacinglineSpacing-linespacing#000000LineColorlineColor-linecolor#000000LineColorlineColor-linecolor2HighlightThicknesshighlightThickness-highlightthickness#000000HighlightColorhighlightColor-highlightcolor#ffffffHighlightBackgroundhighlightBackground-highlightbackground#d9d9d9HighlightBackgroundhighlightBackground-highlightbackgroundnoHideRoothideRoot-hideroot400Heightheight-height#000000Foregroundforeground-foreground#000000Foregroundforeground-foreground*-Helvetica-Medium-R-Normal-*-12-120-*Fontfont-font#ffffffFocusForegroundfocusForeground-focusforeground#000000FocusForegroundfocusForeground-focusforegroundnoFocusEditfocusEdit-focuseditdotFocusDashesfocusDashes-focusdashesforeground-fgnoExportSelectionexportSelection-exportselectiondotDashesdashes-dashesCloseCommandcloseCommand-closecommand2BorderWidthborderWidth-borderwidthCursorcursor-cursorbackground-bgborderWidth-bd#ffffffBackgroundbackground-backgroundnoAutoCreateautoCreate-autocreateyesAllowDuplicatesallowDuplicates-allowduplicates#000000ForegroundactiveForeground-activeforeground#000000ActiveBackgroundactiveBackground-activebackground#e4f7ffActiveBackgroundactiveBackground-activebackground|?A@?|?listboxlistboxlistboxhierboxhierboxhierboxcanvascanvascanvas": should be "hierbox", "listbox", or "canvas"bad scroll mode "listboxhierboxcanvasunknown scroll modeautoautoauto01autounknown button valuebltHierbox.cimageArrendendend"bad position "bltHierbox.clinkPtr != NULLbltHierbox.cnameArrbltHierbox.centryPtrbltHierbox.ctreePtrbltHierbox.ccomponents%dendendendanchoranchoranchorfocusfocusfocusrootrootrootparentparentparentcurrentcurrentcurrentupupupupupupdowndowndownlastlastlastprevprevprevnextnextnextnextsiblingnextsiblingnextsiblingprevsiblingprevsiblingprevsiblingview.topview.topview.topview.bottomview.bottomview.bottom"" in "can't find node entry """ in "can't find node entry """ in "can't find node entry "% bltHierbox.chierPtrHierbox-hideroot-height-width-linespacing-fontHierboxFolderHierboxFolderMaskyellowbltHierbox.chierPtr->levelInfobltHierbox.chierPtr->visibleArr pathName ?option value?..."wrong # args: should be "Buttonbuttonblt::HierboxInitsource [file join $blt_library bltHierbox.tcl] (while loading bindings for %s)blt::HierboxInit -screen-screen-screenallallall%d %d %d %du1 p1 k1 P1 K1 lD1 :1 (1 ?option value?...configureoptioncgettagName ?sequence command?bindnodeactivate-recurse-recurse-recurse-recurse10anchoranchoranchorendendendinsertinsertinsertsel.firstsel.firstsel.firstnothing is selectedsel.lastsel.lastsel.lastnothing is selected"bad label index "10 index ?first last? wrong # args: should be "-recurse-recurse-recurse-recurse entry open node"missing node argument: should be "4 h4 4  4 4  4 4 @`4 T4 D4 =4  84 24 x!,4 %4  4 4 ! 4 4 3 ?-recurse? nodesizenodeopennode index stringinsertindexindexnodehiddennode first lastdeletenode ?node...? ?option value?...configurenode first lastchildrennode optioncgetnodeactivate exactexactexactexactglobglobglobglobregexpregexpregexpregexpnonmatchingnonmatchingnonmatchingnonmatchingnamenamenamenamefullfullfullfullexecexecexecexeccountcountcountcount": should be a positive numberbad match count ""bad find switch "too many argsendendendendendend"missing argument for find option "-full-full-fullexactexactexactexactglobglobglobglobregexpregexpregexpregexpnonmatchingnonmatchingnonmatchingnonmatchingfullfullfullfullnamenamenamename": must be -exact, -glob, -regexp, -name, -full, or -nonmatchingbad switch "allallall"missing pattern for search option "-at-at-at index ?-at index? index"wrong # args: should be "-at-at-at"" in "can't find path component "" > bad range: "intointointobeforebeforebeforeafterafterafter": should be into, before, or afterbad position """ is an ancestor of "can't move node: "gadgetselect-recurse-recurse-recurse-recurse-open-open-open-open" is hidden.first node "" is hidden.last node "markmarkmarkmarkdragtodragtodragtodragto": should be either "mark" or "dragto"bad scan operation "-anchor-anchor-anchormissing "-anchor" argumentsee ?-anchor anchor? index"wrong # args: should be "10clearclearclearclearsetsetsetsettoggletoggletoggletoggle": should be "clear", "set", or "toggle"bad option ""can't select hidden node ""can't select hidden node "; ,#; ; |#; ;  ; ;  ; ; #; ;  ; ;  x; firstIndex ?lastIndex?togglefirstIndex ?lastIndex?setindexincludesindex actiondragtofirstIndex ?lastIndex?clearcancelindexanchor-recurse-recurse-recurse-recurse-command-command-command-command followed by comparison command"-command" must be": must be -command or -recursebad switch "?C 6C 1C C C 0 C C tB B tB B B B $B B B B "B B `B OB hIB EB ,B 'B A A A A  `A @A "A A 8 A A 4@ @ @ @ P@ @ @ @ L$@ @ " @ @ T ? ? ? ? x? ? `? ?moveto fract? ?scroll number what?yview?moveto fract? ?scroll number what?xviewindextoggle?-recurse? ?-command string? index...sort?-exact? ?-glob? ?-regexp? ?-nonmatching? ?-name string? ?-full string? ?-data string? ?--? ?index...?showoper argsselection?-anchor anchor? indexseedragto|mark x yscan?-open? firstIndex lastIndexrange?-recurse? index...openx y ?varName?nearestindex into|before|after indexmove?-at index? position label ?label...? ?option value?insert?-at index? stringindex?-exact? ?-glob? ?-regexp? ?-nonmatching? ?-name string? ?-full string? ?-data string? ?--? ?index...?hide?-full? index ?index...?getindexfocus?flags...? ?firstIndex lastIndex?findoper argsentry?-recurse? index ?index...?deletecurselection?option value?...configure?-recurse? index...closeoptioncgetargsbuttontagName ?sequence command?bindindex...bboxXC hhierboxblt_b`b%pbC bbhtext"F F ,F F t F F 8ع E E 4ع E E Pع E E 0C E E d̹ E E h̹ E E DE E <E E \E E TzE xE Lع 0-width0.0-relwidth0.0-relheight0.0-relcavitywidth0.0-relcavityheight0-pady0-padxcenter-justify0-height0-cavitywidth0-cavityheightnone-fillcenter-anchorN N N M M M M M M M  M M M M HM M xM vM rM gM aM \M WM LQM LM GM  M  M M L L L L L L L L L L <C L L L L Xع zL pL fL Dع \L SL JL @ع  8L 'L L L  L K K K K K K K ع K K }K uK cK RK GK ?K 2K &K K K T K K J J J J J $ J J J J (J J J PJ J J J 8C J |J nJ d`J SJ GJ DJ hع 4J %J J \ J I I I `ع 10yScrollUnitsyScrollUnits-yscrollunitsScrollCommandyScrollCommand-yscrollcommand10ScrollUnitsxScrollUnits-xscrollunitsScrollCommandxScrollCommand-xscrollcommand0Widthwidth-widthTexttext-text1TileOffsettileOffset-tileoffsetTiletile-tile1TakeFocustakeFocus-takefocus0x25SpecialCharspecialChar-specialchar#000000ForegroundselectForeground-selectforeground#ffffffForegroundselectForeground-selectforeground2BorderWidthselectBorderWidth-selectborderwidth#c3c3c3BackgroundselectBackground-selectbackground#000000BackgroundselectBackground-selectbackgroundMaxWidthmaxWidth-maxwidthMaxHeightmaxHeight-maxheight1LineSpacinglineSpacing-linespacing0Heightheight-height#000000Foregroundforeground-foreground#000000Foregroundforeground-foreground*-Helvetica-Medium-R-Normal-*-12-120-*Fontfont-fontFilefile-fileforeground-fg1ExportSelectionexportSelection-exportselectionpencilCursorcursor-cursorbackground-bg#ffffffBackgroundbackground-background#d9d9d9Backgroundbackground-backgroundcentercentercentercentertoptoptoptopbottombottombottombottom": should be "center", "top", or "bottom"bad justification argument "centertopbottomunknown justification value"bad screen distance "" must be non-negative valuescreen distance "%dout of memory"can't find line at "anchoranchoranchoranchorsel.firstsel.firstsel.firstsel.firstsel.lastsel.lastsel.lastsel.last"": nothing selected in "bad index "page.toppage.toppage.toppage.toppage.bottompage.bottompage.bottompage.bottomendendendendendendendendend": should be one of the following: anchor, sel.first, sel.last, page.bottom, page.top, @x,y, index, line.charbad index "can't determine line number from index "%d""" must be "parent window of "" is already appended to "bltHtext.cwinPtrr" for reading: can't open "": can't stat "": error reading "premature end of TCL command blockcan't reallocate array of linescan't reallocate text character bufferwidgetwidgetwidgetlinelineline%dindexindexindex%dfilefilefile?unknown?R R R R indexfilelinewidgetglobal htexthtexthtext-height-width-text-file-linespacing-font0-text-fileinternal error: First position not found `%d' internal error: Last position not found `%d' can't determine line number from index "%d"clearclearclearclear selection clear"wrong # args: should be "presentpresentpresentpresent selection present"wrong # args: should be "01rangerangerangerange selection range first last"wrong # args: should be " index" selection wrong # args: should be "fromfromfromfromadjustadjustadjustadjusttototototototowordwordwordwordlinelinelineline": should be "adjust", "clear", "from", "line", "present", "range", "to", or "word"bad selection operation "can't determine line number from index "%d"can't allocate line structurewindow `%s' is null "" is not managed by "window """ is not managed by "window "markmarkmarkmarkdragtodragtodragtodragto": should be either "mark" or "dragto"bad scan operation "first index is greater than last%d.%dY  eY Y fY vY X[Y RY TKY EY h>Y 6Y L\/Y )Y PgY Y  maxbad range "": min > maxbad range "" out of rangenominal value "%d%d%dnonenonenonenonebothbothbothbothexpandexpandexpandexpandshrinkshrinkshrinkshrink": should be "none", "expand", "shrink", or "both"bad resize argument "noneexpandshrinkbothunknown resize valuenormalnormalnormalnormalnonenonenonenonefullfullfullfull": should be "normal", "none", or "full"bad control argument "normalnonefull%g" is not managed by any table""" in table "can't manage "bltTable.centryPtr"" does not belong to table "widget ""bad column span specified for ""bad row span specified for " %d,%d -ipadx -ipady -rowspan -columnspan -anchor -padx {%d %d} -pady {%d %d} -fill -columncontrol -rowcontrol -reqwidth {} -reqheight {}"" does not belong to table "widget "": must start with "r" or "c"bad index "" index "bad %c%d" in table "" matches no pattern "bltTable.crcPtr -pady {%d %d} -height {%s} -padx {%d %d} -width {%s} -resize -weight %c%d \ "no table associated with widget "bltTable.ctablePtr -padx {%d %d} -pady {%d %d} -propagate no -reqwidth {%s} -reqheight {%s}": should be "row,column"bad index "": row is out of rangebad index "": column is out of rangebad index ""bad span specified for "" is out of rangerow index "" is out of rangecolumn index "" is out of rangeindex "containercontainercontainercontainercontainercontainercontainercontainer": should be widget, row or column index, or "container"unknown item " ": must start with "r" or "c"bad index "%c%d"from" and "to" must both be rows or columns": should be widget, row, or columnunknown item "%c%d%c%d %d %d %d %d " is not managed by any table"": should be widget, row, or columnunknown item " -before-before-before-after-after-afterrow|column ?span?insert wrong # args: should be "" can't be negativespan value "": should be 2 or greaterbad split value "-pattern-pattern-pattern-pattern-slave-slave-slave-slave"needs widget argument for "" : should be "-pattern", or "-slave"bad switch " # Table widget layout \ \ # Row configuration options configure r # Column configuration options configure c # Table configuration options configure " needs valueswitch "-pattern-pattern-pattern-pattern-start-start-start-start-span-span-span-span" : should be "-pattern", "-span", or "-start"bad switch "p p p p p `p 8p )p "p <p o Xo o ,o o \o no @o %o o  o n n Hn n n n n container row|column divsplitcontainer ?switch arg?...searchcontainersavecontainer x ylocatecontainer first lastjoincontainer ?-before|-after? row|column ?count?insertcontainer ?row|column|widget?...infowidget ?widget?...forgetcontainer row|column|widgetextentscontainer row|column ?row|column?delete?switch? ?arg?containerscontainer ?row|column|widget?... ?option value?...configurecontainer ?row|column|widget? optioncgetcontainerarrangeBLT Table DataBLT Table DatabltTable.cdataPtrBLT Table Data0q tablebltrowcolumnlq ; p; tabset< = p h> <= D> \>  xw gw Vw dDw 3w "w hw w  w w  v v v Xv v v v v v 4, v v v , v v v , v |v vv qv lv gv  [v Pv Ev T?v :v 5v P.v (v "v <tq v v v v H̹ v v u u L̹ u u u u ̹ u u u u ̹  u u u `u u u l u u u xu 8 ou gu _u [u tUu Pu Ku 8, Cu  ,ع 6 / ( &  "            ~ v q m i g Xع _ X Q O ع : &   <  ́ Ł <    @{ h U S 8I @ 7 5 lع )    ع     ع   ڀ Ӏ 0ˀ Ā       | y k Z J : 8   &             ~ s k Y H = 5 *     dع  ~ ~ ~ 4~ ~ ~ ~ Lq ~ ~ ~ ~ Pq  ~ ~ ~ ~  |~ n~ c~ [~ K~ <~ 0~ .~ ع  #~ ~ ~ ~ } } } } H} } } } q } } } }  } } }  } } } } ع 0Widthwidth-widthTiletile-tile1Tierstiers-tiersleftTextSidetextSide-textside1TakeFocustakeFocus-takefocusraisedTabRelieftabRelief-tabrelief1BorderWidthtabBorderWidth-tabborderwidth#bfbfbfBackgroundtabBackground-tabbackground#000000BackgroundtabBackground-tabbackgroundnoneSlantslant-slanttopsideside-side#000000ShadowColorshadowColor-shadowcolor5SelectPadselectPad-selectpad#000000ForegroundselectForeground-selectforeground#ffffffForegroundselectForeground-selectforegroundSelectCommandselectCommand-selectcommand#d1d1d1BackgroundselectBackground-selectbackground#000000BackgroundselectBackground-selectbackground0ScrollIncrementscrollIncrement-scrollincrementScrollCommandscrollCommand-scrollcommandyesSameWidthsameWidth-samewidth0.0Rotaterotate-rotatesunkenReliefrelief-relief0PageWidthpageWidth-pagewidth0PageHeightpageHeight-pageheight3OuterPadouterPad-outerpad2HighlightThicknesshighlightThickness-highlightthickness#000000HighlightColorhighlightColor-highlightcolor#ffffffHighlightBackgroundhighlightBackground-highlightbackground#d9d9d9HighlightBackgroundhighlightBackground-highlightbackground0Heightheight-height3Gapgap-gap#000000Foregroundforeground-foreground#000000Foregroundforeground-foreground*-Helvetica-Medium-R-Normal-*-12-120-*Fontfont-fontforeground-fg1Dashesdashes-dashes1BorderWidthborderWidth-borderwidthCursorcursor-cursorbackground-bgborderWidth-bd#d9d9d9Backgroundbackground-background#ffffffBackgroundbackground-background#ffffffactiveForegroundactiveForeground-activeforeground#000000activeForegroundactiveForeground-activeforeground#000000activeBackgroundactiveBackground-activebackground#d1d1d1activeBackgroundactiveBackground-activebackground"" in tabset "can't manage "leftleftleftleftrightrightrightrighttoptoptoptopbottombottombottombottom": should be left, right, top, or bottombad side "leftrightbottomtopunknown side valuenonenonenonenoneleftleftleftleftrightrightrightrightbothbothbothboth": should be "none", "left", "right", or "both"bad argument "leftrightnonebothunknown value"" in "can't find tab named "": no such index" in "can't find tab "activeactiveactiveselectselectselectfocusfocusfocusupupupupupupdowndowndownleftleftleftrightrightrightendendend"" in "can't find tab """ in "can't find tab "bltTabset.c%s: line %d "tkwin is null"bltTabset.chPtrbltTabset.ctabPtrbltTabset.chPtrbltTabset.csetPtrTabset-slant-gap-side-height-width-side-*background-rotate-*foreground-font-index-index-index-name-name-name": should be "-index" or "-name"bad switch "endendend"" already exists in "tab "Tab%beforebeforebeforeafterafterafter": should be "after" or "before"bad key word "Tearoff> F + ! H   LG   G  ߉ D Љ index ?parent?tearoff?pattern...?namesdockallnameOrIndex ?option value?...configurenameOrIndex optioncgetmarkmarkmarkmarkdragtodragtodragtodragto": should be either "mark" or "dragto"bad scan operation "bltTabset.cx == tabPtr->tierbltTabset.ccount > 0   C ʍ ō D   D   p   DE  ~ E x r P k d  @ +  %     E   X   H ݌ ، tI ׌ ӌ PH Ɍ Č   ?moveto fract? ?scroll number what?viewoper argstabsizeindexseedragto|mark x yscanx ynearestname after|before indexmoveindexinvokeindex name ?name...? ?option value?insertstringindexindexgetindexfocusfirst ?last?delete?option value?...configureoptioncgetindex ?sequence command?bindindexactivate pathName ?option value?..."wrong # args: should be "blt::TabsetInitsource [file join $blt_library bltTabset.tcl] (while loading bindings for %s)blt::TabsetInit h8 tabsetblt  endendendbad index "end": vector is empty++end++end++end"bad index "" is out of rangeindex "" (first > last)bad range ""can't find vector ""unbalanced parentheses "endextra characters after vector name"can't find namespace in "endfailed to resize "%s" to %d bytesbltVector.cvPtr->valueArr != vPtr->staticSpacebltVector.carraySize < vPtr->arraySizebltVector.cvPtr"can't find namespace in "#auto#auto#autovector%d": must contain digits, letters, or underscorebad vector name "::" already existscommand "read-only indexerror resizing vectorwrite-only indexspecial vector indexunknown variable trace flagbltVector.cindexArrbltVector.ctempArrbltVector.cunsetArr"can't get index ""can't set index ""bad vector size "bltVector.cvecArr" differ in length" and "vectors "alwaysalwaysalwaysalwaysneverneverneverneverwhenidlewhenidlewhenidlewhenidlenownownownowcancelcancelcancelcancelpendingpendingpendingpending10": should be "always", "never", "whenidle", "now", "cancel", or "pending"bad qualifier ""bad density "bltVector.ccount == v2Ptr->nValues": incorrect byte sizeunknown binary format "": should be either i#, r#, u# (where # is size in bytes)unknown binary format ""can't handle format "" wasn't opened for readingchannel "count can't be negative-swap-swap-swap-format-format-format"missing arg after "-at-at-at"missing arg after "" is out of rangeindex "bltVector.cbyteArrbinary-translationerror reading channel: error reading channel: short read-value-value-valueendendendbltVector.cvPtrArray"" is not the same size as "vector "-reverse-reverse-reverse-reverse": should be "-reverse"unknown flag "bltVector.cmergeArr"" is not the same size as "vector "" are not the same length" and "vectors "2 4 - + 4 & $ 4   4   c   x| ޚ ؚ ( ך К g   (j      k   hn ~ x  p c Y q O H s @ 9  0 ' u   l   4   d  ܙ  ˙ Ǚ  ™       varNamevariable?-reverse? ?vecName...?sortlistsetstart end ?step?seq?-value? value ?value?searchfirst lastrangerandomvecName densitypopulate?offset?offsetkeywordnotify?vecName?normalizevecName ?vecName...?merge?newSize?lengthindex ?value?indexexpressionexprvecNamedupindex ?index...?deleteclearchannel ?numValues? ?flags?binreaditem ?item...?appenditem/item-item+item*bltVector.cnameArr-variable-variable-variable-variable" switchno variable name supplied with "-command-command-command-command" switchno command name supplied with "-watchunset-watchunset-watchunset-watchunset" switchno value name supplied with "-flush-flush-flush-flush" switchno value name supplied with ""bad vector switch "no vector names suppliedcan't specify more than one vector with "-command" switchcan't specify more than one vector with "-variable" switch"bad vector specification ""bad vector range ""bad vector size "  ` <  ' " \   4  ?pattern?...namesexpressionexprvecName ?vecName...?destroyvecName ?vecName...? ?switches...?createBLT Vector Datadomain error: argument not in valid rangeDOMAINARITHfloating-point value too small to representUNDERFLOWARITHfloating-point value too large to representOVERFLOWARITH%derrno = unknown floating-point error, UNKNOWNARITHextra characters after vector"unmatched parentheses in expression ""unmatched parentheses in expression "unknown operatorbad operatorunexpected token in expressiondivide by zerounknown operator in expressiondivide by zerounknown operator in expressionvectors are different lengthscan't divide by 0.0 vector componentunknown operator in expression": syntax error in expression "minmaxmeansumprodP t  K t F t ,A t \< 4 L 7 t 3 t |. t * t L$ t  4   4   t   t  4 (  4   4 (`  4    b  4 l  4 `  4 a  4  ܣ t ֣ t  ѣ 4  ͣ t lȣ t ã 4 $   ^  t  4   t  t  4  vartanhtansumsqrtsortskewsinhsinsdevroundrandomprodq3q1nznormminmedianmeanmaxlog10loglengthkurtosisfloorexpcoshcosceiladevatanasinacosabsBLT Vector DatabltVector.cdataPtrBLT Vector Data  vectorblt"bad vector size "bad array size"can't resize vector "bltVector.cclientPtrbad vector tokenvector no longer existsunknown function return typebltVector.cmathPtr   } t CONTINUEBREAKRETURNERROROK%d%s failed: %s NO INTERPRETER AVAILABLEerrorInfoerrorCode%d%d%s failed: %s errorInfoerrorCodecan't allocate watch structure"can't find any watch named ""no argument for "-precmd-precmd-precmd-precmd-postcmd-postcmd-postcmd-postcmd-active-active-active-active-maxlevel-maxlevel-maxlevel-maxlevel": should be "-active", "-maxlevel", "-precmd" or "-postcmd"bad switch "" already existsa watch "activeactiveactiveidleidleidleignoreignoreignore" should be "active", "idle", or "ignore"bad state "-precmd -postcmd %d -maxlevel truefalse-active & \      p ߨ Ԩ \ ʨ è h   l     ?state?nameswatchNameinfowatchNamedeletewatchNamedeactivatewatchName ?switches?createwatchName ?options...?configurewatchNameactivateD  P watchblt#%02x%02x%02x%ld: bad window x-coordinate: bad window y-coordinate@%d,%d"can't warp to unmapped window "JPEG support not compiled exist or is not a photo image" doesn'tsource image " exist or is not a photo image" doesn'tdestination image "empty kernelkernel must be square exist or is not a photo image" doesn'tsource image " exist or is not a photo image" doesn'tdestination image "none" is emptysource image " exist or is not a photo image" doesn'tsource image " exist or is not a photo image" doesn'tdestination image "box" is emptysource image " height= width= y=nonsensical dimensions for subregion: x=J  C :  3 *         ۮ 4 Ю ʮ  ɮ î 4   |    ` @          | | ?window?warptowindow ?window?...unmapsrcPhoto destPhoto x y width height ?horzFilter? 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?bad atom??bad atom??bad atom?          z p i a J 9 0 * !                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C8 DQ Eh F G H I N Q' RA SY Tr V Y o r u# {= |Z w  # @ Z F   3"rO3;BE8vRY]1nkXspx) #$%& "dinit.c/usr/src/bs/BUILD/glibc-2.1/csu/gcc2_compiled.int:t(0,1)=r(0,1);0020000000000;0017777777777;char:t(0,2)=r(0,2);0;127;long int:t(0,3)=r(0,1);0020000000000;0017777777777;unsigned int:t(0,4)=r(0,1);0000000000000;0037777777777;long unsigned int:t(0,5)=r(0,1);0000000000000;0037777777777;long long int:t(0,6)=r(0,1);01000000000000000000000;0777777777777777777777;long long unsigned int:t(0,7)=r(0,1);0000000000000;01777777777777777777777;short int:t(0,8)=r(0,8);-32768;32767;short unsigned int:t(0,9)=r(0,9);0;65535;signed char:t(0,10)=r(0,10);-128;127;unsigned char:t(0,11)=r(0,11);0;255;float:t(0,12)=r(0,1);4;0;double:t(0,13)=r(0,1);8;0;long double:t(0,14)=r(0,1);12;0;complex int:t(0,15)=s8real:(0,1),0,32;imag:(0,1),32,32;;complex float:t(0,16)=r(0,16);4;0;complex double:t(0,17)=r(0,17);8;0;complex long double:t(0,18)=r(0,18);12;0;void:t(0,19)=(0,19)../include/libc-symbols.h/usr/src/bs/BUILD/glibc-2.1/build-i386-linux/config.h../include/libintl.h../intl/libintl.h../include/features.h../include/sys/cdefs.h../misc/sys/cdefs.h/usr/lib/gcc-lib/i386-redhat-linux/egcs-2.91.66/include/stddef.h../include/locale.h../locale/locale.hlconv:T(10,1)=s48decimal_point:(10,2)=*(0,2),0,32;thousands_sep:(10,2),32,32;\grouping:(10,2),64,32;int_curr_symbol:(10,2),96,32;\currency_symbol:(10,2),128,32;mon_decimal_point:(10,2),160,32;\mon_thousands_sep:(10,2),192,32;mon_grouping:(10,2),224,32;\positive_sign:(10,2),256,32;negative_sign:(10,2),288,32;\int_frac_digits:(0,2),320,8;frac_digits:(0,2),328,8;\p_cs_precedes:(0,2),336,8;p_sep_by_space:(0,2),344,8;\n_cs_precedes:(0,2),352,8;n_sep_by_space:(0,2),360,8;\p_sign_posn:(0,2),368,8;n_sign_posn:(0,2),376,8;;../include/xlocale.h../locale/xlocale.h__locale_struct:T(13,1)=s36__locales:(13,2)=ar(0,1);0;5;(13,3)=*(13,4)=xslocale_data:,0,192;\__ctype_b:(13,5)=*(0,9),192,32;__ctype_tolower:(13,6)=*(0,1),224,32;\__ctype_toupper:(13,6),256,32;;__locale_t:t(13,7)=(13,8)=*(13,1)../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/_G_config.h../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/bits/types.hsize_t:t(16,1)=(0,4)__u_char:t(15,1)=(0,11)__u_short:t(15,2)=(0,9)__u_int:t(15,3)=(0,4)__u_long:t(15,4)=(0,5)__u_quad_t:t(15,5)=(0,7)__quad_t:t(15,6)=(0,6)__int8_t:t(15,7)=(0,10)__uint8_t:t(15,8)=(0,11)__int16_t:t(15,9)=(0,8)__uint16_t:t(15,10)=(0,9)__int32_t:t(15,11)=(0,1)__uint32_t:t(15,12)=(0,4)__int64_t:t(15,13)=(0,6)__uint64_t:t(15,14)=(0,7)__qaddr_t:t(15,15)=(15,16)=*(15,6)__dev_t:t(15,17)=(15,5)__uid_t:t(15,18)=(15,3)__gid_t:t(15,19)=(15,3)__ino_t:t(15,20)=(15,4)__mode_t:t(15,21)=(15,3)__nlink_t:t(15,22)=(15,3)__off_t:t(15,23)=(0,3)__loff_t:t(15,24)=(15,6)__pid_t:t(15,25)=(0,1)__ssize_t:t(15,26)=(0,1)__rlim_t:t(15,27)=(0,3)__rlim64_t:t(15,28)=(15,6)__id_t:t(15,29)=(15,3)__fsid_t:t(15,30)=(15,31)=s8__val:(15,32)=ar(0,1);0;1;(0,1),0,64;;__daddr_t:t(15,33)=(0,1)__caddr_t:t(15,34)=(10,2)__time_t:t(15,35)=(0,3)__swblk_t:t(15,36)=(0,3)__clock_t:t(15,37)=(0,3)__fd_mask:t(15,38)=(0,5)__fd_set:t(15,39)=(15,40)=s128fds_bits:(15,41)=ar(0,1);0;31;(15,38),0,1024;;__key_t:t(15,42)=(0,1)__ipc_pid_t:t(15,43)=(0,9)__blkcnt_t:t(15,44)=(0,3)__blkcnt64_t:t(15,45)=(15,6)__fsblkcnt_t:t(15,46)=(15,4)__fsblkcnt64_t:t(15,47)=(15,5)__fsfilcnt_t:t(15,48)=(15,4)__fsfilcnt64_t:t(15,49)=(15,5)__ino64_t:t(15,50)=(15,4)__off64_t:t(15,51)=(15,24)__t_scalar_t:t(15,52)=(0,1)__t_uscalar_t:t(15,53)=(0,4)__intptr_t:t(15,54)=(0,1)../linuxthreads/sysdeps/pthread/bits/pthreadtypes.h../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/bits/sched.h__sched_param:T(18,1)=s4sched_priority:(0,1),0,32;;_pthread_fastlock:T(17,1)=s8__status:(0,3),0,32;__spinlock:(0,1),32,32;;_pthread_descr:t(17,2)=(17,3)=*(17,4)=xs_pthread_descr_struct:pthread_attr_t:t(17,5)=(17,6)=s36__detachstate:(0,1),0,32;\__schedpolicy:(0,1),32,32;__schedparam:(18,1),64,32;\__inheritsched:(0,1),96,32;__scope:(0,1),128,32;\__guardsize:(16,1),160,32;__stackaddr_set:(0,1),192,32;\__stackaddr:(17,7)=*(0,19),224,32;__stacksize:(16,1),256,32;;pthread_cond_t:t(17,8)=(17,9)=s12__c_lock:(17,1),0,64;\__c_waiting:(17,2),64,32;;pthread_condattr_t:t(17,10)=(17,11)=s4__dummy:(0,1),0,32;;pthread_key_t:t(17,12)=(0,4)pthread_mutex_t:t(17,13)=(17,14)=s24__m_reserved:(0,1),0,32;\__m_count:(0,1),32,32;__m_owner:(17,2),64,32;\__m_kind:(0,1),96,32;__m_lock:(17,1),128,64;;pthread_mutexattr_t:t(17,15)=(17,16)=s4__mutexkind:(0,1),0,32;;pthread_once_t:t(17,17)=(0,1)pthread_rwlock_t:t(17,18)=(17,19)=s32__rw_lock:(17,1),0,64;\__rw_readers:(0,1),64,32;__rw_writer:(17,2),96,32;\__rw_read_waiting:(17,2),128,32;__rw_write_waiting:(17,2),160,32;\__rw_kind:(0,1),192,32;__rw_pshared:(0,1),224,32;;pthread_rwlockattr_t:t(17,20)=(17,21)=s8__lockkind:(0,1),0,32;\__pshared:(0,1),32,32;;pthread_t:t(17,22)=(0,5)wchar_t:t(19,1)=(0,3)wint_t:t(19,2)=(0,4)_G_int16_t:t(14,1)=(0,8)_G_int32_t:t(14,2)=(0,1)_G_uint16_t:t(14,3)=(0,9)_G_uint32_t:t(14,4)=(0,4)_IO_stdin_used:G(0,1)GCC: 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