Revision History ================ Version 2.0.0, released Jan 2nd, 2007 ------------------------------------- This is a major release with all the accumulated additions from the last years. For a list please visit: Version 1.9.5, released Oct 7th, 2004 ------------------------------------- - increased number of clients for ODB. Please recompile all applications and recreate ODB from scratch - Sequence based transitions. Users can specify the sequence in which clients go through run transitions - Histogram subdirectories in midas root analyzer - Large file (>2GB) support in logger - odbedit can save ODB in XML format - Improvements in event builder - MySQL support in logger for writing run table - Improved debugging of mserver via -d flag - Fix of many small bugs Version 1.9.4, released July 9th, 2004 -------------------------------------- This version is mainly a maintencance update, fixing many little things here and there, but not adding much functionality. Version 1.9.3, released May 17th, 2003 -------------------------------------- - Support for ROOT output in logger and analyzer - ROOT online histos for analyzer - examples/experiment now uses ROOT, examples/hbookexpt old HBOOK - added simple rmidas histo display - cleanup makefile for different analyzers - bugs in mhttpd fixed - implemented ODB validitation - fixed buffer overflows in mhttpd - several other small modifications and bug fixes Version 1.9.2, released Oct 04, 2002 ------------------------------------ - odbedit: completion is working with flags too. - odbedit: Load protect the data dir if changed. - mdump: Display data in bank default type. - lazylogger: Implement extra field settings for tape manipulation - lazylogger: "Tape Data Append" flag, - lazylogger: multiple lazylogger instance with split run capability - lazylogger: Message with block number for Tape. - mlxspeaker: Added possible system call to wav file for "beeping" user before message. - mhist: Add index range for -i with -v. - eventbuilder: Revised version with user code. - stripchart.tcl: Handle arrayes. - cm_cleanup() accept single client name as argument. - fix rpc_db_get_key_info() - fix ces8210 driver. Version 1.9.1, released May 22, 2002 ------------------------------------ - Added event fragmentation via EQ_FRAGMENTED and bm_defragment_event - Added "/logger/channels/x/settings/Create subdir every" and "Subdir Format" - Avoid overwriting of run number in history display if there are many runs - Fixed several bugs in history display configuration page - Added "/Programs//Check interval" which can be reduced to auto restart programs faster than every 5 minutes (as it was before) - Added extra variables to hs_enum_vars for mhist to display array size Version 1.9.0, released May 13, 2002 ------------------------------------ - Added slowdev class driver. - Added jorway73a SCSI/CAMAC driver. - Makefile option for "analyzer_lite" (without HBOOK). - Removed lingering in mhttpd - Fixed big bug that history files did not get closed in hs_hread. This cause mhttpd to crash after ~100 history updates - Added /Experiment/Parameter Comment feature - If custom page /Custom/Status is present, it gets displayed instead of the standard status page - Speeded up return of long pages like HV slow control - Added "/logger/history dir" and "/logger/elog dir" - Added event builder section in mhttpd - Added "/Experiment/Edit on start/Edit run number" to disable default behaviour of editing the run number on start - Added log axis and time axis in history display - Added run marks in history display - Added zoom and offset feature in history display - Fixed bug where query in elog stopped at 12:00 - Added periodic alarms - Fixed problem that completion was not working if only one value in directory - Added /Elog/Buttons for variable elog history display - Fixed bug where keys containing "+" were not properly displayed in mhttpd odb display - Run start abort by frontend causes logger to overwrite old data file on next start by default now - Added history display configuration page - Made run numbers in history display vertical and not overwriting each other if too many are shown - Added optional debug output in cm_transition - Added debug output via "-v" flag in odbedit start/stop commands - Added "more lines" button in runlog.txt display - Put some spaces between panel names in history display - Added extra parameter to db_get_value, all user code so far using this function has to be adjusted! - Added "last x" buttons in Elog display - Added "-v" flag to logger for verbose display of history booking - mhttpd now displays link destination on ODB pages - db_create_link now fails if destination doesn't exist - Tab completion in odbedit now also works with "-l" flag Version 1.8.3, released August 8, 2001 -------------------------------------- - Fixed problems occuring under RedHat 7.1 - modified mserver.c to run under xinetd - put xinetd configuration info into INSTALL file - added /Custom tree in ODB for mhttpd to display user-specific pages - standalone elogd program included for offline logbook display - added mail notification in elog in mhttpd Version 1.8.2, released November 20, 2000 ----------------------------------------- - Parallelized Midas analyzer using the PVM system. See for some details - Added use_tests in analyzer request to make "analyzer tests" work correctly This needs modification of existing "analyzer.c" files. - Added manual triggered events, use EQ_MANUAL_TRIG in FE equipment list to display a button in mhttpd to trigger that event manually. Might be useful for "histogram" type of events. - Added number of messages for cm_msg_retrieve and in odbedit "old" command - Fixed various bugs in history system - bk_close returns bank size - Added cm_msg1 to produce messages which go to a differnt logging file - Create default /runinfo structure in cm_connect_experiment Version 1.8.1, released June 7, 2000 ------------------------------------ - Set environment variable MIDAS_DIR as the default data directory in /logger/data dir - Added MIDAS_EXPTAB environmant variable to point to "exptab" directory - Added delete option in elog system - ODB directories can now be attached to elog messages - Added history graphics display in mhttpd - Added -E flag to mhttpd to work only as an elog server (w/o any MIDAS experiment) - Added WebPAW display. See Version 1.8.0, released March 6, 2000 ------------------------------------- - We made major modifications in the equipment and runinfo ODB trees so we switched to a new major version. - Added deferred transitions: In some experiments, it can happen that a run transition like start/stop/pause/resume should only be done after certain hardware requirements are met. Examples are "scans" where a scan of some beamline element for example should first be finished before the run can be stopped. Another example is to start a run only when a target has been cooled down or the beam comes back after a shutdown. To accomodate this, deferred transitions have been introduced. Here is how it works: 1) The frontend registers a deferred transition handler like cm_register_deferred_transition(TR_STOP, callback); where callback is a function which has to decide when the transition shouldbe done. 2) Write the callback function. It can look like BOOL callback(INT transition, BOOL first) { static DWORD t; if (first) { t = ss_time(); printf("Stop requested\n"); } return ss_time() > t + 10; } If the transition is requested by entering "stop" in odbedit or by pressing the stop button in the web interface, the function is called once with first = TRUE. Then it is called periodically with first = FALSE and can return FALSE if the transition should not be performed or TRUE if it should be performed. In the above example all it does is to note the current time the first time, and then return TRUE when ten seconds have elapes. Thus the stop tranistion is deferred by ten seconds. Of course in a real application it has to check the hardware when it is finished. Once a client has registered a callback, the odbedit command "start/stop/.." prints a notification that the transition is in progress. If one wants to stop the run anyhow without waiting for the frontend, on can issue a "stop now" command. - Introduced "super"-events. Some experiments produce very small but many events. In this case, the "signal-to-noise" ratio between the MIDAS event header and the user data is pretty poor, since the event header contains 16 bytes. To overcome this problem and to improve performance, several of this small events can now be packed into one MIDAS event. To distinguish the events, they are called sub-events and super-events. To define the number of sub-event per super-event, one changes a number in the equipment list like: { "Trigger", /* equipment name */ 1, 0, /* event ID, trigger mask */ "SYSTEM", /* event buffer */ ... 0, /* stop run after this event limit */ 1000, /* number of sub events */ 0, /* don't log history */ ... }, *** please note that all existing frontends have to be changed to contain the "number of sub events" parameter. If this feature is not used, it should be zero *** This causes the readout routine to be called 1000 times before any MIDAS event is sent to the backend. To simplify the composition of the events, the readout routine contains a new parameter "offset", which contains the current offset in the super-event for the next sub-event. *** please also note that all existing frontends have also to be changed to contain the offset parameter, even if it is not used *** If it is desired to put all sub-events into a bank, more complicated operations have to be performed. On the first call (offset==0), the bank has to be opened, then the bank has to be filled until the number of subevents is reached. To close the bank, the readout routine is called with offset==-1 to indicate the end of super-event. The code could look like this: INT read_trigger_event(char *pevent, INT offset) { static WORD *pdata; int a; if (offset == 0) { /* init bank structure */ bk_init(pevent); /* create ADC bank */ bk_create(pevent, "ADC0", TID_WORD, &pdata); } if (offset == -1) { bk_close(pevent, pdata); return bk_size(pevent); } /* read ADC values */ for (a=0 ; a/Variables. Version 1.7.1, released Feb 9, 2000 ----------------------------------- - Skipped versions 1.6.5 to 1.6.9 because we switched to a new protocol, which is not compatible with 1.6.x. Version 1.7.0 was only for internal usage. - Fixed Y2K problem - Added alarm system, still lacking documentation (:-( - Added automatic program start/stop on run transitions (/programs/excute on start run) - Added auto start/stop under /programs. So programs can be automatically started at the beginning of a run or stopped at the end of a run - Added 32-bit MIDAS banks. Use bk_init32 to create 32-bit banks. - Added electronic log book. Use "elog" program to submit an electronic logbook entry or the Elog page in mhttpd. - Use /programs//Watchdog timeout in all programs as timeout value. The default value can be submitted by calling cm_connect_experiment1(..., timeout) - Fixed certain mutex bugs when accessing the ODB which caused MIDAS to crash once in a while. - Events bigger than the buffer cache automatically bypass the cache. - midas.log is now placed in the same directory as the .SHM files in case there is no data dir in the ODB - Fixed lots of bugs, please refer to individual source files. Version 1.6.4, released Aug 6, 1999 ----------------------------------- - Debugged FTP mode in lazylogger - Added bm_skip_event - Added Ctrl-C handler - Added JMidas graphical control program written in Java. This should be considered a pre-beta program, which is not intended for serious use, just for demonstration. It needs JDK 1.2. For Linux look at Version 1.6.3, released Feb 18, 1999 ------------------------------------ - Added MIDAS format to lazylogger - Added FTP support to lazylogger - Added debug logging facility to mserver (-d flag) - Added dm_xxx() funciton for Dual Memory buffer handling - ODBEdit saves .odb files now with full ODB pathname. When loading those files, they are written to their original location independent of the current path in the ODB - ODBEdit now accepts wildcards in the "ls" and "set" commands - ODB records can now be open several times with different dispatch functions which are all called when the record is changed - Added db_set_data_index2 function to avoid too many record updates when setting an array of values - BOOL values are displayed as 'y' and 'n' in the ODB - Added message display in mhttpd - Added hex display in mhttpd ODB display - Logger can now be stopped tiwh "!" - Fixed watchdog timeout on remote tape operations - Analyzer prints error message if histo dump flag is on when running offline - Analyzer does not stop if a file in a range of files is missing - Set /Analyzer/Bank switches/... to FALSE by default to avoid N-tuple overflow when an analyzer is started the first time - Assume MIDAS data format on /dev/... input - Analyzers puts current offline run number into ODB - Added -f flag to filter events in analyzer Version 1.6.2, released Dec 10, 1998 ------------------------------------ - Added -v (verbose) flag to analyzer - Program abort with "!" (without return) now also works under Unix Version 1.6.1, released Oct 28, 1998 ------------------------------------ - Fixed problem wiht "!" for stopping the analyer Version 1.6.0 ------------- - Same as 1.6 Version 1.6, released Oct 23, 1998, after switching to 1.x.x numbering scheme ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Introduces CVS (concurrent version system) for revision control. All files have how a LOG in their header shich shows their revision - Class & device drivers have now their own local memory so they can be used in different equipment - Wrote EPICS Channel Access device driver ch_acc.c - Fixed a bug in mfe.c which had to do with the event_buffer_size - Added prepaus, postpause, preresume and postresume tranistions - Modified the frontend tr_pause request to tr_prepause, so that the frontend first stops sending events when a run is paused. - Fixed "odbedit aborted" when ODBEdit normally exits. - Removed gethostbyname from client connection acception to speed up the connection process to a frontend or analyzer when they are busy. - Fixed minor bus in mana.c - Some revisions of the drivers/ directory - Modified version scheme from 1.06 to 1.6.0 where last digit is patch level Version 1.05, intermediate version, never released -------------------------------------------------- Version 1.04, released Aug 6, 1998 ----------------------------------- - Version after Pion-Beta beamtime '98 - Fixed some bugs in mhttpd - HTTPD written - fixed byte swapping bug in fcna function - Defined macro language for frontend (midas_macro.h), example is in \midas\examples\macro. - Limited shared memory size for Solaris - Rewrote VxWorks makefiles, replaced "ar" in unix makefile by "ld" - Support for multiple LAMs in frontend - Wrote camacrpc.c which emulates MIDAS CAMAC Standard functions from mcstd.h through RPC server camacrpc.c. - MCNAF uses camacrpc.c. If linked to other CAMAC drivers, MCNAF can be used locally on a computer which has CAMAC access. Version 1.03, released March 04, 1998 ------------------------------------- - Improved event sending over the network. A third TCP socket is now only used for sending event. For that reason, no programs of version 1.03 can run together with programs of 1.02 or prior. - All functions receiving events (like the ones passed via bm_request_event) are now called with two pointers. The first one pointing to the MIDAS header of the event (as before version 1.03) and an additional pointer pointing to the data part of the event. - Added bm_empty_buffers function. - ODB shared memory now gets flushed to disk after every run and whenever a client disconnects. - Support for Solaris Version 1.02, released October 3, 1997 --------------------------------------- - During run start/stop, the current time places under /runinfo is fetched from the server. This insures that the time is correct independent of the local clock of clients. - Added "Log messages" flag under channel settings for logger. Messages having their bit (from midas.h MT_xxx) set in "log messages" cause the logger to include these messages in the data stream going to disk or tape. The event ID of those events is EVENTID_MESSAGE (0x8002). Having "Log messages" set to 8 causes all user messages to be logged. - ODBEdit now only displays the last name from the current directory like "Settings" instead of /Logger/Channel/0/Settings. This makes editing of long lines in ODBEdit easier because a wrap around is more unlikely. To get the full directory, the command "pwd" has been added. - The environment variables MIDAS_SERVER_HOST and MIDAS_EXPT_NAME can be set to tell all MIDAS applications where to connect to. These values can be overwritten with the command line parameters -h and -e. - Added "copy" command in ODBEdit. - Improved the way works in ODBEdit. When different keys start with the same character and one presses , the key name is expanded until the first non-matching character. - Improved UNIX makefile so that the same makefile (which is now located directly under midas-x.xx) can be used for all supported UNIXes. For each UNIX brand, a corresponding subdirecory for libraries and binaries is created. - Added chat mode in ODBEdit. Using the command "chat", users can talk to each other like on Internet Chat. All messages are logged in the midas log file. Version 1.01, released October xx, 1997 --------------------------------------- - Simplified RPC connection between clients. When a client contacts another client (for example to start/stop a run) the connection works without callback (as it does for the main MIDAS server). This saves system re- sources and speeds up run transitions. IMPORTANT NOTE: Due to this change, programs of Version 1.01 or later won't work together with programs of Version 1.00 or earlier! - Added cm_synchronize function which synchronized MIDAS clients. It is used in the frontend framework (mfe.c) to get the time from the server and set it on the local frontend. - Added -h flag to ODBEdit "ls" command to display values in hex format - Statistics of logging channels get zeroed (except "bytes written total") even if channel is not active. This is useful in status display programs to indicate that a channels is inactive. - Logger can now stop a run after a given number of received events. The event limit in the /Equipment//Common works on events of a specific type, the event limit in /Logger/Channels//Settings on all events going to a specific channel. - If ODBEdit is started with a command (-c flag), it no longer produces program started/stopped messages which would go to midas.log. - If ODBEdit is started with a command which starts with "@", the command is treated as a file name and the commands inside that file are executed. This feature can be used as a kind of batch processing. Version 1.00, released September 8, 1997 ---------------------------------------- - Added FTP functionality in MLogger. The logger can now write directly to remote computers via FTP. In the logger/channels settings, set type to FTP and path to ,,,,, where is usually 21. This feature is used at PSI to write directly to the PSI archive (via port 1021) - Added -s flag to analyzer to set the PAWC size. Version 0.99, released August 22, 1997, after first beam time at PSI -------------------------------------------------------------------- - Improved ODBEdit command line editing (Insert mode) - Added system call cm_execute(command) which lets applications execute shell commands at the server. - Host names can now be 256 characters long instead of only 32 characters - Fixed many minor bugs, mostly connected with HBOOK in mana.o - Auto restart feature now works - Time tag is printed with messages in ODBEdit - ODBEdit array access improved. Following schemes are possible: set value set [index] value set [*] value for all values of an array set [n..m] value for range of values of an array Version 0.67, released June 24th, 1997 -------------------------------------- - Added password access. When /experiment/security/password is present, each client has to enter that password before it can connect. If the host of the client is present under /experiment/security/rhosts/, the password validation is skipped. The password can be set with the "passwd" command inside ODBEdit. The design of the password system is equivalent to the UNIX password system. - Changed ODBEdit commands dealing with arrays. A array of n values is now created with create [n] and set with set [i] - Added ODBEdit command line recall (via arrow keys) and completion (via TAB) - db_write_changed records and update_odb in mfe.c now work in RPC_FTCP mode in decrease network traffic. - Implemented automatic key locking when runs are started. If a ODB tree "/Experiment/Lock when running" is present with a list of links, the targets of these links are locked for write access when a run is started and freed when a run is stopped. This can be useful to lock HV demand values or trigger settings during a run. - rpc_set_tcp_size(size) now sets the TCP buffer size of rpc_send_event. The default has decreased from 64k to 8k to avoid "bursts" from the frontend. Version 0.65, released June 6th, 1997 ------------------------------------ - Fixed several memory leaks - Reduced max. event size to 4k on VxWorks - Increase logger timeout to 5min because of exabyte tape rewind Version 0.66, released June 13th, 1997 -------------------------------------- - Extended slow control system so that an equipment can have several devices of the same type. See LRS1440.C for an example. - Changed ODBEdit "talk" command to more general "msg" command. This command produces a message of type "user" which is tagged with the user's name. Mspeaker not talsk messages of type MT_TALK and MT_USER. The user name shows also up in the MIDAS logging file. This way the log file can be used as an electronic logbook. Whenever anything has been changed by an user, she/he writes a message with ODBEdit> msg which then shows up in the message file together with the run start/stop messages. - Fixed a bug in mlogger.c which occured when writing to two tapes. Version 0.64, released June 4, 1997 ----------------------------------- - changed maximum number of ODB clients from 10 to 32. Old *.SHM files cannot be used with this new version. To recycle old ODBs, follow this procedure: o Start ODBEdit from V0.63 o Save the odb under init.odb "save init.odb" o Delete ODB.SHM o Start ODBEdit from V0.64 o Load init.odb Delete all SYSTEM.SHM and SYSMSG.SHM files before starting any V0.64 program. In case of problem one might have to delete the shared memory segments under UNIX manually with "ipcs" and "ipcrm". - Changed timeout behavior of logger to avoid timeouts. Increase the logger timeout to 120s for use of two exabytes in parallel. - Added a bm_delete_request in tr_poststop of logger - Added a transition lock. When a run is started or stopped, another instance of ODBEdit cannot start or stop a run during the transition. The flag is /Runinfo/In progress - Fixed a problem with the statistics update of event. Had to split channel entries into /Logger/Channels/x/Settings and /Logger/Channels/x/Statistics. - Fixed a couple of bugs Version 0.63, released May. 16, 1997 ------------------------------------ - Added HBOOK support (from CERN library) to anaylzer module mana.c. Details about the analyzer implementation can be found under - Removed .MTX files under UNIX. Now, .SHM files are also used to generated keys for semaphores. - mserver can now be started from inetd. For setup, following changes have to be made: Add following line to /etc/services midas 1175/tcp Add following line to /etc/inetd.conf midas stream tcp nowait root /usr/local/bin/mserver /usr/local/bin/mserver if your executable is under /usr/local/bin/. Note that the last argument is also the full path name, not only "mserver" as it is for other entries in inetd.conf. After that, mserver is started automatically whenenver someone wants to connect. - Added MAX_EVENT_SIZE definition in midas.h. After modifying it, one has to recompile ALL midas programs. The upper limit is given by the shared memory resources on a given computer (usually some MB). - Added confirmation for delteting keys and changing access mode to keys in ODBEdit. Version 0.62, released Apr. 10, 1997 ------------------------------------ - Changed db_get_data arguments which contain ODB type now. - Added db_get_data_index routine - Added new YBOS.C/YBOS.H files from P. Amaudruz, modified them slightly to avoid compiler warnings. Moved all global definitions from YBOS.H to YBOS.C. - Fixed a few bugs in the history system (hs_read(), mhist). - Designed device driver concept for slow control. Added EQ_SLOW to equipment type (besides EQ_PERIODIC and EQ_POLLED). Any equipment of type EQ_SLOW must define a class driver and a device driver list in the equipment table. A class driver links ODB values to input/output channels while device drivers carry out only simple commands like set channel/get channel. Device drivers have to talk to the hardware (RS232 for example) which class drivers are hardware independent. Class drivers also have to supply a readout routine, which is used to produce events which go to the DAQ data stream. Two class drivers have been written, one for high voltage equipment and one for multimeter like equipment. Three device drivers have been written, one for the LeCroy LRS1440 HV system and two for Keithly PC plug-in boards (DAS-TEMP and DAS-1600). A NULL device driver has also been implemented for testing class drivers without any hardware. The HV class driver supports following features: o Setting of demand values (linked to /Equipment/HV/Variables/Demand) o Automatic read back of HV values (linked to .../Measured) o Setting of current limits and voltage limits for all channels o Ramping of HV values according to a specified ramp speed Range checking and un-tripping has not yet been implemented. The multimeter class driver supports following features: o Reading of input channels o Writing to output channels o Offset and Factor values for all channels to convert channel values to meaningful units Both class drivers do the reading of channels in their idle loops. They only send the update to the ODB if values change more than what is specified in their update threshold. Version 0.61, released Mar. 26, 1997 ------------------------------------ - Modified cm_msg to contain routine name where error occured. - Added "are these parameters correct?" query when starting a run with ODBEdit. - Modified data file name generation from runxxxx.dat with four digits to a variable number of digits (for experiments having more than 9999 runs). The file name can now be run%05d.dat or so which is directly used as a format specifier for printf(). - Fixed a bug that clients were killed by the watchdog when thy system time was changed by the superuser. - Added a function db_create_record to create records in the ODB. Records are a set of keys which match a C structure in the user program. Previously, they could be mapped ("hot linked") to the C structure with db_open_record. This function checked the size of the record versus the C structure, but there was no way to check if the order and type of the variables in the ODB were correct. This led to errors when the structure of the logging channels (CHN_INFO) was changed and the logger run on an experiment which still had the old ODB structure /logger/channels/x/common. The new function db_create_record creates an ODB tree which matches exactly a C structure. This is done by supplying this function with a string representation of the C structure ("init_str"). If the record or part of it exists already in the ODB, it is merged with the init_str, with values in the ODB having priority. Only non-existing ODB values are created from init_str. The string representation can be created with the ODBEdit command "save -s tmp.h" which creates a string from the current point in the ODB. The ODBEdit command "save -c tmp.h" can be used to create a C structure from the current ODB tree. One example of this usage is the "event" command in ODBEdit. It creates "event.h" which contains C structures and string representation of all "FIXED" events plus some general ODB branches. The frontend framework MFE.C regenerates the event representation in the ODB automatically. Version 0.60, released Mar. 3, 1997 ----------------------------------- - A framework named "FAL" to run MIDAS on a single Windows NT computer has been created. This framework uses the user "frontend.c" and "analyzer.c" modules and incorporates the F)rontend, A)nalyzer and L)ogger in one program. This speeds up things because events don't have to be passed between different processes if the frontend and analyzer are running on the same machine. - Support for multiple analyzers. Each analyzer creats its own "common" and "statistics" subtree under /analzyer// where is the analyer name specified as analyzer_name in analyzer.c. - Developped history system. Events may be written to a history file on disk with the hs_xxx routines. An example of a standalone program to log the PSI accelerator status can be found under \midas\examples\acslog.c. Since this program receives UDP packets from the PSI accelerator, it runs only in the domain, but the code gives a starting point for statndalone history loggers. History logging is also incorporated into the frontend framework. A new flag in the equipment was added to enable history logging. Existing frontend user programs have to be changed to include this flag in the equipment list. The actual logging is then done in the "mlogger" program. Additional to the change in the frontend equipment list, the /equipment//common ODB tree has to include the new flag "Log history". Although this is created by the frontend program auto- matically, existing setups might be corrupted because this flag is added at the end of the /common tree. Best is if all "/equipment//common" structures are deleted inside odbedit before running a V0.60 program. The history is written to YYMMDD.hst files (with YYMMDD the date when the history was logged) in the actual data directory. Every day a new file is created. If the disk runs out of space, old history files can be deleted even when the history system is running. The "mhist" utility can be used to query the history files. Started in the directory where the history files reside, it queries the user for the event and variable to dump as well as the time interval. The output can be directly imported into EXCEL and displayed as a value over time curve. - Added a new logging format called "dump". If /Logger/channels/x/format equals "dump", the events are written to the data file in detailed ASCII format, each value with its name tag. This can be used for debugging purposes. The format "ascii" writes also data in ascii format to the data file, but with less tag information. This format can be used for simple experiments which want to analyze their data later on a system which cannot read binary data (like FORTRAN on a VAX...). - All MIDAS tools now use consistent flags: tool [-h Hostname] [-e Experiment] [...] If Hostname is missing or equal to "local", a connection to the local computer is established. Depending on the MIDAS environment variable and the "exptab" file, the proper shared memory is accessed. The flags can have more than one letter (like "-host" instead "-h"). If Experiment is missing and more than one experiment is defined on the target, a list of defined experiments is presented. - A message type MTALK is defined additionally to MERROR and MINFO and can be used in cm_msg to produce messages which are spoken in systems with a speech output. - Removed password entry in exptab. If the exptab file is used system wide, it should be readable world and writeable root only. - Added rename command in ODBEdit - Added "Tape capacity" feature. For tape channels, a tape capacity is defined under "/logger/channels/x/Tape capacity". This capacity in bytes must be set by the operator once (like 5000000 for a 5BG tape). Then, a counter named "Bytes written total" under the statistics tree is incremented together with the "bytes written" counter, but not cleared at the end of a run. If the "bytes written total" counter reaches the tape capacity, the run is stopped. The counter cna be reset manually when a new tape is loaded or by the "rewind" command, which has been added to ODBEdit. Note that each logging channel must now have a structure similar to: [Logger/Channels/0] State = STRING : [8] on Type = STRING : [8] Tape Path = STRING : [256] /dev/nrmt0 Format = STRING : [8] YBOS ODB Dump = BOOL : 1 Buffer = STRING : [32] SYSTEM Event ID = INT : -1 Trigger Mask = INT : -1 Byte limit = DOUBLE : 0 Tape capacity = DOUBLE : 5000000 [Logger/Channels/0/Statistics] Events written = DOUBLE : 0 Bytes written = DOUBLE : 0 Bytes written total = DOUBLE : 1200056 - A timeout counter has been added to CAM_WAITQ in mhyt1331.h. This can be useful when a fast frontend looks for the Q bit of a CAMAC ADC. If the ADC gets no gate, the frontend would block forever. With this timeout, the frontend can detect the missing gate and recover. - A bug in ss_sleep under VxWorks has been fixed. Version 0.59, released Jan. 29, 1997 ------------------------------------ - Wrote "mtape" utility which is similar to the UNIX mt command, but also runs on Windows NT and has some MIDAS extensions. - Merged MSG() and sm_send routine into cm_msg routine. - Added some ss_tape_xxx functions - Added "magic number" for MIDAS data format. When the third and fourth byte on a tape file are equal to MIDAS_MAGIC (0x494d) defined in midas.h, this tape is considered in MIDAS data format. This number is generated when writing an ODB dump at the beginning of a run in MIDAS format. The event header contains as event id 0x8000, as trigger mask 0x494d and as serial number the run number. - added "truncate" command to ODBedit. With this command, an array inside the odb can be trucated. Without a parameter, a given key is truncated to one element. - added "-w" flag to the "scl" command in ODBedit to display watchdog information for all clients. Version 0.58, released Jan. 15, 1997 ------------------------------------ - Changed usage of MIDAS environment variable slightly. When the directory pointed to by the MIDAS environment variable contains no "exptab" file, the shared memeory files are created in that directory instead of the local directory. This has the advantage that a single experiment on a machine doesn't need an exptab file and still all local clients connect to the same shared memory independent from where they are started. - Added ss_directio_xxx routines for direct port access under Windows NT. Please refer to \midas\divers\directio\readme.txt to install the necessary device driver. - Added "event" command to ODBedit. This command creates a file called "event.h". This file contains C structures for following ODB subtrees: TREE STRUCTURE ----------------------------------------- /runinfo RUNINFO /analyzer/parameters ANA_PARAM /experiment/run parameters EXP_PARAM /equipment//variables _EVENT if format is FIXED /equipment//settings _SETTINGS These structures can be used in the analyzer and the frontend to access the variables in those trees via C structures like: ... #include "event.h" ANA_PARAM ana_param; HNDLE hKey; INT analyzer_init() { db_find_key(hDB, 0, "/Analyzer/Parameters", &hKey); db_open_record(hDB, hKey, &ana_param, sizeof(ana_param), MODE_READ, NULL); } INT analyze_trigger_event(EVENT_HEADER *pevent) { INT offset; offset = ana_param.offset; } Since the analyzer parameters in the above example are opened in update mode, a change of /analyzer/parameters/offset via ODBEDIT will immediately affect the "offset" variable in the analyzer. This way, the analyzer can be steered without recompilation. - Modified mlogger to produce only one line for each system message which goes to sysmsg.log in the format Date/Time Client Message -------------------------------------------------- Wed Jan 15 09:17:46 1997 [ODBEdit] ODBEdit started - Changed the way a frontend sends event data. If the buffer name in the equipment list of frontend.c is an empty string (""), the events are not sent to any buffer which feed loggers ana analyzers. This makes sense together with the RO_ODB flag, in which case events are only sent to the online database, but not to any buffer. - Moved YBOS routines to ybos.h and ybos.c Version 0.57, released Dec. 12, 1996 ------------------------------------ - Added ODB dump facility for individual logging channels. If the flag "/logger/channels/x/ODB Dump" is one, the current ODB is written to the logging channel at the beginning and end of a run. It resides in ASCII format in a system event with event_id = 0x8000 (begin of run) and 0x8001 (end of run). The serial number of the system event is the run number. This system events only get generated if the logging channel is written in MIDAS or ASCII format. - Run parameter ODB subtree defined in "/experiment/run parameter". - Added edit of run parameter at the start of a run. If the ODB subtree "/Experiment/Edit on start" contains any value or link to another value, odbedit asks the user to enter those values when starting a run. - Fixed a bug in ss_sleep which did not work under UNIX if millitime<1000 - Created analyzer framework. For a user-written analyzer, a similar scheme than for the frontend exists. A user-writter analyze.c has to be linked with midas\src\mana.c. One example is under midas\examples\analyze.c. It request a trigger event (id 1) and a scaler event (id 2). Like the equipment list in the frontend, one defines "event requests" at the beginning of analyze.c together with a callback routine which is called when an event of the specified type is received. Following functionality was added to the framework: - Callback routines for receiving events, start/stop of runs, init/exit - The event request is copied to /analyzer//common in the ODB. Changes of these values lead automatically to a request modification in the analyzer. Setting the "sampling type" from 1 (GET_ALL) to 2 (GET_SOME) immediately modifies the behaviour of the analyzer such that only a subset of events are seen by the analyzer. Setting "enabled" to zero removes totally the analyzer request of a specific event. - A statistics subtree under /analyzer//statistics tells how many event were analyzed. - For events with "FIXED" format, a header file "event.h" is created at the startup of the analyzer. This may be used in the user code to access those events directly with a C-structure. - When a run is stopped, all events in the buffers are analyzed before the analyzer agrees to stop the run. - When a new version of an analyzer is started and the previous version is still running, it is shutdown automatically. - Offline mode is supported. Starting an analyzer with the -f flag causes the analyzer to read events from that file instead from the buffers. This option only works for files in MIDAS format. If those files contain an ODB dump, this dump is read from the file and stored to the local ODB. This feature enables the analyzer to see the same settings as it has been online. - Added evaluation of environment variable "MIDAS" to find an "exptab" file with experiment definitions. If several MIDAS experiments are defined in an exptab file, this unique files should be stored at a central position, e.g. together with the midas system binaries under /usr/local/bin or under \midas\bin. An environment variable should then be defined like setenv MIDAS /usr/local/bin under UNIX set MIDAS=\midas\bin under NT to point to that exptab file. This way, MIDAS programs can be started from any directory and still connect to the proper experiment. Version 0.56, released Nov. 27, 1996 ------------------------------------ - Added a flag "RO_ODB" to equipment read-on options. When this flag is set, periodic events are copied to /equipment/xxx/variables when they are read out; polled events are copied there once every ten seconds. Currently, fixed and MIDAS formats are supported for this operation. - Added auto restart feature. If "/logger/auto restart" equals one, the logger automatically restarts a new run after it stopped a run due to the byte limit. If a run is stopped manually (not by the logger), a new run is NOT automatically restarted. This gives a user the chance to stop DAQ without having the logger always restarting runs even if the auto restart flag is on. - Added free disk space check. When the logger writes to disk and the disk has less than 10MB free space, the run is automatically stopped. - Added ODB dump facility. If "/logger/odb dump" is one, the current ODB is saved into "/logger/odb dump file" at the end of each run. This feature gives a carbon copy of all settings after each run, which makes it very easy to look at settings like HV demand values at run xxx. - Modified callback scheme, which now uses two different ports for TCP connections. This solves problems with the MS-DOS version. Version 0.55, released Nov. 18, 1996 ------------------------------------ - Fixed a bug where a frontend got killed after it has stopped a run. - Added frontend event format "FIXED". In this mode, data is sent in fixed length binary records. The contents of that data is described under /equipment/xxx/variables. To generate a C header file, go to /equipment/xxx/variables and enter "gen event.h" in odbedit. Then use event.h in your frontend code to assemble the event. - Modified MIDAS bank routines to become simpler. Use a sequence like DWORD *pdata; bk_init(pevent); bk_create("TRIG", TID_DWORD, &pdata); *pdata++ = x; bk_close(pdata); in the frontend code to assemble a MIDAS bank called "TRIG". - Added ASCII format for logging. When /logger/channels/x/format is set to ASCII, all data is converted to plain text before logging to disk or tape. Currently, ASCII conversion is possible for frontend event formats "FIXED" and "MIDAS". - Added specific hardware type ID's and structures in midas/include/hardware.h. The ID's can be used when creating MIDAS banks: bk_create("ADC", TID_DWORD | TID_LRS1882, &pdata); This way the type of the bank gets known to the system and can be decoded correctly when logging in ASCII format. Version 0.54, released Nov. 11, 1996 ------------------------------------ - Optimized mfe.c for minimal computer deadtime. Polled events are read out now in a loop for 100ms before the scheduler checks scalers etc. - Added an asynchronous mode to cm_transition. If this function is called with async_flag == ASYNC, then it returns immediately, without waiting for the clients to respond on the run transition (asynchronous RPC call). This mode is useful when the run gets stopped inside the system, like when the logger reaches the byte limit. It avoids deadlock situation where the logger would wait for the frontend to stop the run and the frontend would wait for the logger to log the remaining events. Under nomal circumstances, cm_transition should be called with async_flag == SYNC. - Move logging statistic from /logger/channels/x/ to /logger/channels/x/statistics. This way the statistics can be updated automatically via db_send_changed_records in the logger main loop. - Fixed problem in mlogger that logging channels were opened twice on a start/pause/start sequence (as opposed to a start/pause/resume sequence). - Fixed the problem that the mlogger exited at the following condition: a) the mlogger contacted the mfe to stop a run b) that mfe exited of crashed - When odbedit contacted other clients to start/stop a run and those clients crashed afterwards, the network connection was not closed properly and odbedit could run out of network connections. Fixed that by adding a cm_yield into the odbedit loop. - Added routines for writing to tape under Window NT. - Added routines for logging data in MIDAS format. For this format, fixed length records are created on a tape as specified with TAPE_BUFFER_SIZE in midas.h. Events are copied inside this buffer without any physical record header since the event headers contain already the size information for the data. Events can of course span more than one record. - Added bank manipulation routines bk_init, bk_create, bk_close and bk_locate which are similar to the YBOS routines but are byte oriented and have less overhead. - A remote consumer works again, but with a limited data rate. - Modified shutdown command in odbedit. "shutdown all" shuts down all clients while "shutdown " shuts down an individual clients. Client names can be seen under "/system/clients/..." in the ODB tree. - Worked on unix makefile to be usable for different unix systems. One can now select the operating system by outcommenting lines in the makefile. A "make install" is included for installing midas binaries in a system directory (usually /usr/local/bin). - A consumer may call bm_receive_event directly instead using a callback routine. The consume.c example was modified to show both schemes. Version 0.53, released Oct. 24, 1996 ------------------------------------ - A user-written RPC server can now listen under a different port than the main MIDAS server. This can be achieved by calling rpc_register_server and rpc_connect with a port number different from the main MIDAS port number 1175 (see RPC_SRVR and RPC_CLNT for details). - Periodic events can now be read out during states like "running", "paused" and "stopped", and on transitions like "start", "stop", "pause", "resume". This is controlled by the read_on flag in the equipment list. Several read-on flags RO_xxx can be or'ed together. - Added conditional compling code for Free BSD Unix. This turned out to be the same as Linux. - Frontend now works under MS-DOS. - Added pause/resume command to ODBEDIT. - Added command line flags to ODBEDIT. Usage: odbedit [-e Experiment] [-d Directory] [-c Command] [Hostname] - Added -v flag in ODBEDIT "ls" command to only show value of a key. So if a shell script wants to find only a value like the run number, the command odbedit -d /runinfo -c 'ls -v "run number"' will just return the bare run number and the command odbedit -d /runinfo -c 'set "run number" 10' will set it to ten. Version 0.52, released Oct. 15, 1996 ------------------------------------ - fixed several memory leaks - optimized calles to ss_millitime in mfe.c - cm_disconnect got a shutdown flag - ss_clear_screen and ss_printf added - added periodic routine frontend_loop in mfeuser which is called on periodically when the frontend is idle and the flag frontend_call_loop in mfeuser.c is TRUE. This routine can be used to perform periodic tasks which are not correlated with sending of events. One example is the measurement of ADC values and sending them to the ODB when they have changed. - added a status display to mfe.c which shows the status of the different equipment when the display_status flag in mfeuser.c is TRUE. - removed "format" parameter from db_open_record - added db_send_changed_record routine which automatically sends all changed records opened via db_open_record(..., MODE_WRITE, ...). This way a client can write to the local copy of a record and later progagate the changes to the ODB by calling db_send_changed_records periodically. - removed MODE_EXCLUSIVE access in db_open_record, only MODE_READ and MODE_WRITE are allowed. MODE_READ means that one sees automatically updated ODB -> client when the ODB record is changed, MODE_WRITE means that no other client may write to the record and the local record is automatically copied to the ODB when db_send_changed_records() is called. - added macros TRIGGER_MASK, EVENT_ID, TIME_STAMP and SERIAL_NUMBER to access the midas event header inside mfeuser.c Version 0.51, released Oct. 2, 1996 ----------------------------------- Version after work at TRIUMF. Basic logger and frontend written. Tested under VxWorks and Ultrix. Version 0.50, released Sept. 1996 --------------------------------- Initial version