A.2   Host Facilities

As with all Tornado tools, WindView keeps as much processing as possible on the host in order to minimize the effect of logging on target activities. In the case of WindView, this is particularly important since understanding target behavior depends on not changing it in the act of measuring it.


One portion of WindView resides on the host as part of the Tornado host-resident tools. It provides the following services:

In addition, WindView uses information in the .e file are responsible to tell the GUI how to select instrumentation for the component libraries and how to filter out the events the user chooses not to display at a particular moment. The .e files also contain pointers to the bitmaps used by the view graph for the display of kernel and component events.


The event-base also resides on the host, as part of WindView.It provides controlled access to raw event data received from the target by:

Non-WindView Tools

WindView provides facilities to export event data to other host tools. Currently the ability to export data to an Excel spreadsheet is implemented for Windows hosts.