Library and Subroutine Reference

rBuffLib - dynamic ring buffer (rBuff) library 171
rBuffShow - dynamic ring buffer (rBuff) show routines 171
trgLib - trigger events control library 172
trgShow - trigger show routine 173
usrWindview - configuration file for WindView on the target 174
wdbTsfsDrv - virtual generic file I/O driver for the WDB agent 174
wvFileUploadPathLib - file destination for event data 178
wvLib - event logging control library (WindView) 179
wvSockUploadPathLib - socket upload path library 186
wvTmrLib - timer library (WindView) 187
wvTsfsUploadPathLib - target host connection library using TSFS 188
fileUploadPathClose( ) - close the event-destination file (WindView) 189
fileUploadPathCreate( ) - create a file for depositing event data (WindView) 189
fileUploadPathLibInit( ) - initialize the wvFileUploadPathLib library (WindView) 190
fileUploadPathWrite( ) - write to the event-destination file (WindView) 190
rBuffInfoGet( ) - get rBuff information 191
rBuffShow( ) - show rBuff details and statistics 191
rBuffShowInit( ) - initialize the rBuff show facility 192
sockUploadPathClose( ) - close the socket upload path (WindView) 192
sockUploadPathCreate( ) - establish an upload path to the host using a socket (WindView) 193
sockUploadPathLibInit( ) - initialize wvSockUploadPathLib library (WindView) 193
sockUploadPathWrite( ) - write to the socket upload path (WindView) 194
trgAdd( ) - add a new trigger to the trigger list 195
trgChainSet( ) - chains two triggers 196
trgDelete( ) - delete a trigger from the trigger list 197
trgDisable( ) - turn a trigger off 197
trgEnable( ) - enable a trigger 198
trgEvent( ) - trigger a user-defined event 198
trgLibInit( ) - initialize the triggering library 199
trgOff( ) - set triggering off 199
trgOn( ) - set triggering on 200
trgShow( ) - show trigger information 201
trgShowInit( ) - initialize the trigger show facility 201
trgWorkQReset( ) - resets the trigger work queue task and queue 202
tsfsUploadPathClose( ) - close the TSFS-socket upload path (WindView) 202
tsfsUploadPathCreate( ) - open an upload path to the host using a TSFS socket (WindView) 203
tsfsUploadPathLibInit( ) - initialize wvTsfsUploadPathLib library (WindView) 203
tsfsUploadPathWrite( ) - write to the TSFS upload path (WindView) 204
wdbTsfsDrv( ) - initialize the TSFS device driver for a WDB agent 204
wvEvent( ) - log a user-defined event (WindView) 205
wvEvtBufferGet( ) - return the ID of the WindView event buffer (WindView) 205
wvEvtClassClear( ) - clear the specified class of events from those being logged
(WindView) 206
wvEvtClassClearAll( ) - clear all classes of events from those logged (WindView) 206
wvEvtClassGet( ) - get the current set of classes being logged (WindView) 207
wvEvtClassSet( ) - set the class of events to log (WindView) 207
wvEvtLogInit( ) - initialize an event log (WindView) 208
wvEvtLogStart( ) - start logging events to the buffer (WindView) 208
wvEvtLogStop( ) - stop logging events to the buffer (WindView) 209
wvLibInit( ) - initialize wvLib - first step (WindView) 209
wvLibInit2( ) - initialize wvLib - final step (WindView) 210
wvLogHeaderCreate( ) - create the event-log header (WindView) 210
wvLogHeaderUpload( ) - transfer the log header to the host (WindView) 211
wvObjInst( ) - instrument objects (WindView) 212
wvObjInstModeSet( ) - set object instrumentation on/off (WindView) 213
wvOff( ) - stop a typical instance of event logging and upload (WindView) 213
wvOn( ) - start a typical instance of event logging and upload (WindView) 214
wvRBuffMgrPrioritySet( ) - set the priority of the WindView rBuff manager (WindView) 215
wvSigInst( ) - instrument signals (WindView) 215
wvTaskNamesPreserve( ) - preserve an extra copy of task name events (WindView) 216
wvTaskNamesUpload( ) - upload preserved task name events (WindView) 217
wvTmrRegister( ) - register a timestamp timer (WindView) 218
wvUploadStart( ) - start upload of events to the host (WindView) 219
wvUploadStop( ) - stop upload of events to host (WindView) 220
wvUploadTaskConfig( ) - set priority and stacksize of tWVUpload task (WindView) 220