E.2   Resource Definition Files

If you wish to exercise more detailed control over the X resources (colors, fonts, bitmaps, and so on) used by Tornado, refer to the X resource files in the Tornado distribution (listed in this section) to select the properties you wish to override.

The documentation for X resources used by Tornado consists of comments in the resource files themselves.


WARNING: The names and values of all X resource strings other than the *customization properties are subject to change from one Tornado release to the next.

If you choose to override Tornado X resource values, we recommend that you do not edit these files in place; instead, use them as references, and override the resource settings as you wish in the .Xdefaults or .Xresources file in your home directory.

The following files contain the Tornado X resource definitions:

Comprehensive definitions for all resources common to all the Tornado tools.

Grayscale-monitor overrides for resources common to all the Tornado tools.

Comprehensive definitions for all resources specific to the Tornado tool toolName (where toolName is one of Browser, CrossWind, Dialog, or Launch).

Color-monitor overrides specific to a particular Tornado tool.

Grayscale-monitor overrides specific to a particular Tornado tool.