2.1   Introduction

This chapter describes how to set up your host and target systems, how to boot your target, and how to establish communications between the target and host. It assumes that you have already installed Tornado.


NOTE: For information about installing Tornado, as well as an introductory tutorial using the integrated VxWorks target simulator, see the Tornado Getting Started Guide.

You do not need much of this chapter if all you want to do is connect to a target that is already set up on your network. If this is the case, read 2.3 The Tornado Host Environment and then proceed to 2.6 Booting VxWorks.

The process of setting up a new target has the following steps (described in detail in the remainder of this chapter). Some of these steps are only required once, when you begin using Tornado for the first time; some are required when you install a new target; and only the last two are repeated frequently.

Tornado Configuration (once only)

  1. Make sure that there is a Tornado registry running at your site.

  1. Make sure your host environment includes the right definitions, on the host system where you attach the target.

Target Configuration (once for each new target)

  1. Modify your host network tables so that you can communicate to your target.

  1. Install the VxWorks boot ROM (or equivalent) in your target.

  1. Set up physical connections (serial, Ethernet) between your target and your host.

  1. Define a Tornado target server to connect to the new target.

Normal Operation (repeat to re-initialize target during development)

  1. Boot VxWorks on the target. (VxWorks includes a target agent, by default.)

  1. Launch or restart a Tornado target server on the host.


NOTE: In general, this manual refers to Tornado directories and files with relative pathnames starting at the directory wind. Use the pathname chosen on your system for Tornado installation.