9.3   WRS Broadcasts on the World Wide Web

The Tornado launcher Info menu links your system Web browser directly to several alternative starting points in the Wind River Systems Web publications and related Internet resources.

Tornado does not itself include a Web browser (any more than it includes an editor). If your site does not have a Web browser, ignore this menu--it only provides convenient access to information, not any essential functionality.

Provides information about ordering or inquiring about Wind River Systems products.

Describes WRS training services, schedules, and prices.

Announcements from WRS about current and upcoming events.

Info>User's Group
Information about the Wind River Users Group, including links to the public software archive, instructions for joining the mailing list "exploder," and information about annual meetings.

The Wind River Systems home page.

The newsgroup devoted to VxWorks and its development tools. Although this is not a Wind River Systems publication, it is a valuable communications mechanism for VxWorks developers.