allControlsDestroy [win32] destroys all the controls in a dialog or window applicationRegistryPathSet [win32] sets the path where the persistent state of this application should be saved applicationReturnCodeSet [win32] sets the return code for the application applicationTitleSet [win32] sets the title of the application autoscale automatically scale vxWorks autoTimerCallbackGet [win32] see `windowTimerCallbackGet' autoTimerCallbackSet [win32] see 'windowTimerCallbackSet' averageCharSizeGet [win32] retrieves the average character size of a window B
bindNamesToList [Tcl] create variables in the caller that are bound to list values bkendCacheTextUpdate( ) update the instruction cache bkendContextCont( ) continue a context bkendContextCreate( ) create a context bkendContextKill( ) destroy a context bkendContextResume( ) resume a context bkendContextStatusGet( ) get a context status bkendContextStep( ) single step a context bkendContextSuspend( ) suspend a context bkendDirectCall( ) call a target function synchronously bkendEventGet( ) get an event from the target bkendEventpointAdd( ) add an event point bkendEventpointDelete( ) delete an event point bkendEvtPending( ) check if an event is pending bkendFlagsGet( ) Get the supported flags for this backend bkendFreeResultArgs( ) free the memory used by the returned structure bkendFuncCall( ) call a target function asynchronously bkendGopherEval( ) evaluate a Gopher string bkendInitialize( ) initialize the back end bkendLog( ) log a request exchanged between the target server back end and the target bkendMemChecksum( ) perform a checksum on target memory bkendMemFill( ) fill target memory with a pattern bkendMemMove( ) move a block of target memory bkendMemProtect( ) write protect (or write enable) target memory bkendMemRead( ) read target memory bkendMemScan( ) scan target memory for a pattern bkendMemWrite( ) write target memory bkendModeGet( ) get the debugging mode bkendModeSet( ) set the debugging mode bkendRegsGet( ) get target register value(s) bkendRegsSet( ) set target register value(s) bkendTgtConnect( ) connect to the target bkendTgtDisconnect( ) disconnect from the target bkendTgtPing( ) ping the target bkendVIOWrite( ) write data to a target virtual I/O channel C
chartCreate create a new Tcl chart chartDestroy destroy a chart chartPost post a chart chartSetQuantities establish a set of quantities to display in a chart chartSetValues set the values of the quantities contained in a chart chartTitleSet set the title of a chart window chartUnpost removed a chart from the display cmpAdd add components to vxWorks cmpBuild build the project cmpBuildFlagsAdd add flags to the build cmpBuildMacroGet get a build macro cmpBuildMacroSet set a build macro cmpBuildRuleSet set the build rule for the project cmpBuildSpecCreate create a new buildSpec cmpBuildSpecSet set the active buildSpec cmpFileAdd add a file to the project cmpFileListGet get a list of files in the project cmpFileRemove remove a file from the project cmpInfo get info about a set of components cmpListGet get a list of components in vxWorks cmpLoad dynamically load components cmpParamGet get a parameter cmpParamSet set a parameter in the current project cmpProjClose close the currently open project cmpProjCopy create a copy of an existing project and open it cmpProjCreate create a project and open it cmpProjDelete delete the currently open project cmpProjHandleGet get the handle to the currently open project cmpProjOpen open a project cmpRemove remove components from vxWorks cmpTest test the component descriptor files for errors cmpUnavailListGet list unavailable components cmpValidate validate the component configuration configStatusSet set the configuration status bar to the given string controlCallbackGet [win32] retrieves the Tcl script (if any) established to process events for a control controlCallbackSet [win32] sets a Tcl script to process events for a control in a dialog or window controlChecked [win32] retrieves the check state of a control in a window or dialog controlCheckSet [win32] checks a control in a window or dialog controlContextMenuShow [win32] show the specified context menu. controlCreate [win32] creates a control in a Tcl window, dialog, or toolbar controlDestroy [win32] destroys a control in a dialog or window controlEnable [win32] enables or disables a control in a dialog or window controlEnabled [win32] retrieves the enabled state of a control in a dialog or window controlEventGet [win32] returns the most recent event that has occured on a control controlExists [win32] determines whether a particular control exists in a dialog or window controlExpandingItemGet [win32] gets information about the currently expanding item of a treelist control. controlFocusSet [win32] sets focus to a control in a dialog or window controlHandleGet [win32] returns the handle of a tcl control controlHelpIDSet [win32] sets the help ID to be used for the named control in a dialog or window controlHidden [win32] retrieves the hidden state of a control in a dialog or window controlHide [win32] hides or shows a control in a dialog or window controlItemDelete [win32] delete the specified item in a control. controlItemInsert [win32] inserts the provided item into the control. controlItemPropertyGet [win32] gets the property of an item in a control controlItemPropertySet [win32] sets the value of the specified property. controlLockUpdate [win32] locks the updating of the control. controlParentSet [win32] sets the specifed window as the parent of the control. controlPositionGet [win32] retrieves the position of a control controlPositionSet [win32] sets the position of a control in a dialog or window controlPropertyGet [win32] returns the value of the specified property of a control. controlPropertySet [win32] allows to configure the control properties controlSelectionGet [win32] gets the selection in a control in a dialog or window controlSelectionSet [win32] sets the selection in a control in a dialog or window controlSizeGet [win32] retrieves the size of a control in a dialog or window controlSizeSet [win32] sets the size of a control in a dialog or window controlStructureSet [win32] sets the structure of a hierarchy (tree) control controlTabsAdd [win32] add the strings as new tabs in a tab control. controlTextInsert [win32] inserts the text into a text control. controlUnlockUpdate [win32] Unlocks all the updates on the control. controlValuesGet [win32] retrieves values of controls controlValuesSet [win32] sets the data or text of a control cxrDataDocCreate create a component xref document from .cdf files cxrSizeGet get the size of a set of components cxrSubfolders find everything under a given folder recursivly cxrSubtree what components are required by a given set of components cxrSupertree what components require a given set of components D
delayedEval arrange for an expression to be evaluated later dialogCreate create a new Tcl dialog dialogCreate [win32] Creates a dialog dialogDestroy destroy a dialog dialogGetValue query the value of a dialog item dialogGetValues query the values of all dialog items dialogListDeselect deselect an item in a dialog's list dialogListSelect select an item in a dialog's list dialogPost post a dialog dialogSetValue set the value of a dialog item dialogSetValues set the values of all items in a dialog dialogTitleSet set the title of a dialog window dialogUnitsToPixels [win32] conversion routine dialogUnpost remove a dialog from the display dirBrowseDialogCreate [win32] create a standard directory browser dialog docWalk walk a document downtcl request evaluation of an expression in the debugger's interpreter F
fileDialogCreate [win32] create a standard file browser dialog flagBool( ) interprets an argument as a boolean. flagInt( ) interprets an argument as an "integer parameter required" argument. flagName( ) interprets an argument as a "string parameter required" argument. H
helpLaunch [win32] start winhelp using a specified file, ID, mode, and so forth hierarchyCreate create a hierarchy window hierarchyDestroy destroy a hierarchy hierarchyExists test for the existence of a hierarchy hierarchyHighlight highlight a given node in a hierarchy hierarchyIsDisplayed check if a hierarchy window is displayed hierarchyList return a list of all existing hierarchies hierarchyPost post a hierarchy hierarchySetStructure set the structure of a hierarchy hierarchySetValues set the values of terminal nodes in a hierarchy hierarchyUnhighlight highlight a given node in a hierarchy I
INFORMATION WTX-protocol-requests manual layout L
listBoxAddItems add items to a listbox listBoxDeleteAll delete all elements in a list box listBoxSelect select an item in a list box listBoxUpdateItems supply a new list for a listbox loadAlignGet( ) determine the required alignment for an address or a size loadBufferFree( ) free a buffer previously allocated loadCommonManage( ) process a common symbol loadCoreBuilderGet( ) publish information about the tool chain loadCoreBuilderSet( ) record information about the tool chain loadCoreFileCheck( ) check whether the core file is up to date loadFlagsCheck( ) check for illegal combinations of flags loadModule( ) load an object module into memory loadModuleAt( ) load an object module into memory loadModuleAtFromFileName( ) load an object module into memory loadOutputToFile( ) write a module's segments in a file loadRelocLink( ) Link the relocator Shared library to the OMF specific loader. loadSegmentsAllocate( ) allocate text, data, and bss segments loadUndefSymAdd( ) record an undefined symbol name M
mainWindowCreate [win32] Creates a main window for the application markDelete delete a mark markGoto move the source context to the position of a mark markInfo return information about a mark markList enumerate all marks markSet set a mark on a source line memBlockCreate [Tcl] create a memory block memBlockDelete [Tcl] delete a memory block, freeing its resources memBlockDis [Tcl] disassemble a memory block memBlockDup [Tcl] create a new block exactly like a given one memBlockGet [Tcl] get the elements in a memory block memBlockGetString [Tcl] get the memory block contents in string form memBlockInfo [Tcl] get information about a memory block memBlockList [Tcl] list the handles of all existing memory blocks memBlockSet [Tcl] set the elements in a memory block memBlockSwap [Tcl] switch the endianness of a block memBlockWriteFile [Tcl] write the memory block contents to a file menuButtonCreate create a button in a top level menu menuCreate create a new menu on the top menu bar modAnalyze analyze archives and/or object modules modCalledBy find all modules that call a given set of modules modCalls find all modules that are called by a given set of modules modInfo get info about module relationships modSubtree find (recursivley) all modules called by a set of modules modSupertree find (recursivley) all modules that call a set of modules modTrace trace module dependencies msleep [Tcl] sleep for the specified number of milliseconds mxrDataDocCreate create a module xref document mxrDocValidate test for duplicate symbol names and other bugs mxrSizeGet return the size of a set of modules mxrSubtree recursively, what modules are called by a given set of modules mxrSupertree recursively, what modules call a given set of modules mxrTcGet get the toolchain associated with an MxrDoc N
noticePost post a notice dialog noticeUnpost unpost a notice O
objectCreate create a new object in the application well P
pixelsToDialogUnits [win32] conversion routine S
selection return the text of the current selection in the code window sourceContextDisplay move the source context to a new location sourceContextForget forget cached information about a source file sourceContextForgetAll forget all cached information about source files sourceRedisplay redisplay the source window symAdd( ) create and add a symbol to a symbol table, including a group number symByValueAndTypeFind( ) look up a symbol by value and type symByValueFind( ) look up a symbol by value symEach( ) call a routine to examine each entry in a symbol table symFindByName( ) look up a symbol by name symFindByNameAndType( ) look up a symbol by name and type symFindByValue( ) look up a symbol by value symFindByValueAndType( ) look up a symbol by value and type symRemove( ) remove a symbol from a symbol table systemColorsEnumerate [win32] enumerates pre-defined system colors T
targetArchitectureInit( ) Set the target architecture related infomations. textWindowAppend add to the contents of a text window textWindowCreate create a text window textWindowIsDisplayed check if a text window is visible textWindowPost post a text window textWindowSet set the contents of a text window tgtCpuAlignmentGet( ) Returns the target CPU memory aligment. tgtCpuFamilyGet( ) Returns the target CPU family type. tgtCpuFamilyNameGet( ) Returns the target CPU family name. tgtCpuNameGet( ) Returns the target CPU name. tgtCpuTypeGet( ) Returns the target CPU type tgtLoaderCheckRtnNameGet( ) Returns the loader module verifier name. tgtLoaderInitRtnNameGet( ) Returns the loader initialization routine name. tgtLoaderManageRtnNameGet( ) Returns the loader module manager routine name. tgtLoaderNameGet( ) Returns the loader DLL name currently used. tgtLoaderOmfTypeGet( ) Returns the loader Object Module Format currently used. tgtMemAlignGet( ) return the alignment value for the target memory tgtMemCacheGet( ) get a block descriptor for target memory tgtMemCacheSet( ) give a block of target memory an attribute tgtMemCalloc( ) allocate a block of memory for an array tgtMemFree( ) free a block of memory tgtMemMalloc( ) allocate a block of memory from the system memory partition tgtMemMove( ) move a block on the target tgtMemRead( ) read a block of target memory tgtMemRealloc( ) reallocate a block of memory tgtMemSet( ) set a memory area to a particular value tgtMemValloc( ) allocate memory on a page boundary tgtMemWidthRead( ) read a block of target memory tgtMemWidthWrite( ) write a block to the target tgtMemWrite( ) write a block to the target tgtMemWriteByte( ) write a byte to the target tgtMemWriteInt( ) write an `int' to the target tgtMemWriteShort( ) write a `short' to the target tgtModuleVerifyRtnNameGet( ) Returns the module verifier routine name. tgtRelocatorNameGet( ) Returns the relocator DLL name currently used. tgtRelocInitRtnNameGet( ) Returns the relocator library initialization tgtSegRelocatorRtnNameGet( ) Returns the segment relocator routine name. tgtSwapNeeded( ) Returns TRUE if host and target byte order differs. toolbarCreate [win32] create a toolbar on a window toolBarItemCreate create a new tool bar button or update an old one toolBarItemDelete delete a toolbar item ttySend send text to a subprocess through the interface W
WDB_CONTEXT_CONT continue a context WDB_CONTEXT_CREATE create a context on the target WDB_CONTEXT_KILL kill a context on the target WDB_CONTEXT_RESUME resume a context on the target WDB_CONTEXT_STATUS_GET get the context of a status on the target WDB_CONTEXT_STEP single step a context WDB_CONTEXT_SUSPEND suspend a context on the target WDB_DIRECT_CALL call a function on the target in the agent's context WDB_EVALUATE_GOPHER execute a Gopher string WDB_EVENTPOINT_ADD add an asynchronous eventpoint WDB_EVENTPOINT_DELETE delete an eventpoint WDB_EVENT_GET upload an event from the target WDB_FUNC_CALL call a function on the target WDB_MEM_CACHE_TEXT_UPDATE synchronize cache after writing to the target WDB_MEM_CHECKSUM checksum a block of target memory WDB_MEM_FILL fill target memory with a pattern WDB_MEM_MOVE move memory on the target WDB_MEM_PROTECT write enable/disable a region of target memory WDB_MEM_READ read memory from the target WDB_MEM_SCAN scan a block of target memory for a pattern WDB_MEM_WRITE write the contents of host memory to target memory WDB_MODE_GET get the agent mode WDB_MODE_SET set the agent mode WDB_REGS_GET get the registers of a context on the target WDB_REGS_SET set the registers of a context on the target WDB_TARGET_CONNECT connect the target server to the target agent WDB_TARGET_DISCONNECT disconnect the target server from the target agent WDB_TARGET_PING probe the target WDB_VIO_WRITE write data to a virtual I/O channel windHelpDisplay [unix] displays specified link in a web browser windHelpDisplay [win32] displays specified link in a web browser windHelpDocDirGet [unix] gets the current doc directory windHelpDocDirGet [win32] gets the current doc directory windHelpDocDirSet [unix] sets the current doc directory windHelpDocDirSet [win32] sets the current doc directory windHelpEntryLookup [unix] gets the entry number in entry names list windHelpEntryLookup [win32] gets the entry number in entry names list windHelpIndexGet [unix] gets the current complete help index windHelpIndexGet [win32] gets the current complete help index windHelpInit [unix] initialises the help data base windHelpInit [win32] initialises the help data base windHelpLinkGet [unix] gets the hyper link windHelpLinkGet [win32] gets the hyper link windHelpListGet [unix] gets the list of help entries windHelpListGet [win32] gets the list of help entries windowActivateCallbackGet [win32] returns the script called when the window or dialog is activated windowActivateCallbackSet [win32] sets the Tcl script to be called when a dialog or window is activated windowActiveGet [win32] gets the name of the currently active Tcl window, dialog, or toolbar windowActiveSet [win32] sets the named Tcl window as the active window windowClientSizeGet [win32] retrieves the size of the client area of a dialog or window windowClose [win32] closes a dialog or window windowCreate [win32] creates a child window windowEventGet [win32] returns the most recent event that has occured in a dialog or window windowExists [win32] determines whether a particular window exists windowExitCallbackGet [win32] returns the script called when the user or system exits the dialog or window windowExitCallbackSet [win32] sets the Tcl script called when a dialog or window is exited windowHandleGet [win32] gets the internal Windows handle of a dialog or window windowHelpFileGet [win32] gets the path of help file. windowHelpFileSet [win32] sets the help file to be used for the named dialog or window windowHelpIDGet [win32] gets the help ID of the window windowHelpIDSet [win32] sets the help ID and (optionally) the help file to be used for named dialog or window windowHidden [win32] determines whether a particular UITcl window or dialog is hidden windowHide [win32] hides or shows a Tcl window, dialog, or toolbar windowInitCallbackGet [win32] returns the script called when the dialog or window is initialized windowInitCallbackSet [win32] sets the Tcl script called when a dialog or window is initialized windowPositionGet [win32] retrieves the position of a dialog or window windowPositionSet [win32] sets the position of a dialog or window windowPropertySet [win32] sets the value of a property windowQueryCloseCallbackGet [win32] returns the script called to determine whether the dialog or window can be closed safely windowQueryCloseCallbackSet [win32] sets the Tcl script to be called when closing a dialog or window windowShow [win32] shows or hides a Tcl window, dialog, or toolbar windowShowCallbackGet [win32] returns the script called when the dialog or window is displayed windowShowCallbackSet [win32] sets the Tcl script called when a dialog or window is displayed windowSizeCallbackGet [win32] returns the script called when the user or system resizes the dialog or window windowSizeCallbackSet [win32] sets the Tcl script to be called when a dialog or window has been resized windowSizeGet [win32] retrieves the size of a dialog or window windowSizeSet [win32] sets the size of a dialog or window windowTimerCallbackGet [win32] returns the timer script for the given dialog or window windowTimerCallbackSet [win32] sets or removes the timer script for the given dialog or window windowTitleGet [win32] gets the title of a dialog or window windowTitleSet [win32] sets the title of a dialog or window windowVisible [win32] determines whether a particular UITcl window or dialog is visible on the screen wpwrLogErr( ) log an error message. wpwrLogHeaderSet( ) set the message header wpwrLogMsg( ) log a message. wpwrLogRaw( ) log a raw message to `stderr' wpwrLogWarn( ) log a warning message. wsArgv examine/change original window system command arguments wsBusyAnimation check or set busy animation wsHierarchy print the window system hierarchy of graphical objects wsObjectSelect change to the help cursor and return the name of the object wsRestart restart the application wsSync flush pending requests to the window system wsTitleSet set the text of the window manager title bar wsWindowGeom return the geometry string of a window wsWindowIconic report whether a given window is iconified wsWindowId return the X Window ID of the application's top level window wtxAgentModeGet( ) get the mode of the target agent wtxAgentModeGet [Tcl] get the WDB agent mode wtxAgentModeSet( ) set the mode of the target agent wtxAgentModeSet [Tcl] set the WDB agent mode wtxAsyncEventGet( ) get an event from the asynchronous event list wtxAsyncNotifyDisable( ) stop the asynchronous event notification wtxAsyncNotifyDisable [Tcl] Stop the asynchronous event notification wtxAsyncNotifyEnable( ) start the asynchronous event notification wtxAsyncNotifyEnable [Tcl] Start the asynchronous event notification wtxAsyncResultFree( ) free memory used by a wtxAsyncEventGet() call result wtxBreakpointAdd( ) create a new WTX eventpoint of type breakpoint wtxCacheTextUpdate( ) synchronize the instruction and data caches. wtxCacheTextUpdate [Tcl] synchronize the instruction and data caches. wtxClientDataGet( ) get the client data associated with the WTX handle wtxClientDataSet( ) set the client data associated with the WTX handle wtxClose [Tcl] close a target server file wtxCommandSend( ) Pass a string to be interpreted by the target server wtxConsoleCreate( ) create a console window (UNIX only) wtxConsoleCreate [Tcl] create a target server console window (UNIX only) wtxConsoleKill( ) destroy a console (UNIX only) wtxConsoleKill [Tcl] kill a target server virtual I/O console (UNIX only) wtxContextCont( ) continue execution of a target context wtxContextCont [Tcl] continue a context stopped at a breakpoint wtxContextCreate( ) create a new context on the target wtxContextCreate [Tcl] create a new context on the target wtxContextExitNotifyAdd( ) add a context exit notification eventpoint wtxContextKill( ) kill a target context wtxContextKill [Tcl] kill a context wtxContextResume( ) resume execution of a target context wtxContextResume [Tcl] resume a suspended context wtxContextStatusGet( ) get the status of a context on the target wtxContextStatusGet [Tcl] get the status of a context wtxContextStep( ) single step execution of a target context wtxContextStep [Tcl] single step a context by machine instruction wtxContextSuspend( ) suspend a target context wtxContextSuspend [Tcl] suspend a context wtxCpuInfoGet( ) gets cpu related information from architecturedb file wtxCpuInfoGet [Tcl] explore target data base resource file to retrieve info wtxDirectCall( ) call a function on the target within the agent wtxDirectCall [Tcl] make a function call in the agent's context wtxEach( ) call a routine to examine each WTX-registered service wtxEnumFromString [Tcl] convert a WTX constant to numeric form wtxEnumInfo [Tcl] show the mapping between WTX constant names and numeric values wtxEnumList [Tcl] list all WTX constant types known wtxEnumToString [Tcl] convert a numeric WTX constant to symbolic form wtxErrClear( ) explicitly clear any error status for the tool wtxErrDispatch( ) dispatch an error with supplied code for the given handle wtxErrExceptionFunc( ) a function to handle an error using longjmp() wtxErrGet( ) return the last error for a handle wtxErrHandlerAdd( ) add an error handler for the WTX handle wtxErrHandlerRemove( ) remove an error handler from the WTX handle wtxErrMsgGet( ) fetch the last network WTX API error string wtxErrorHandler [Tcl] query or establish an error handler for a connection wtxErrSet( ) set the error code for the handle wtxErrToMsg( ) convert an WTX error code to a descriptive string wtxEventAdd( ) send an event to the target server wtxEventAdd [Tcl] send an event to all other tools attached to the target server wtxEventGet( ) get an event from the target wtxEventGet [Tcl] receive an event if any are waiting wtxEventListGet( ) get all the events in one call. wtxEventListGet [Tcl] get all the events in one call. wtxEventpointAdd( ) create a new WTX eventpoint wtxEventpointAdd [Tcl] add an agent eventpoint wtxEventpointDelete( ) delete an eventpoint from the target wtxEventpointDelete [Tcl] delete an eventpoint wtxEventpointList( ) list eventpoints on the target server wtxEventpointList [Tcl] list the eventpoints known to the agent wtxEventpointListGet( ) list eventpoints on the target server wtxEventpointListGet [Tcl] list the eventpoints known to the agent wtxEventToStrType( ) convert a WTX event enumeration type to a string wtxExecutableFind [Tcl] WDB / WTX requests executable path via document name wtxExecutableFind [Tcl] WDB / WTX requests executable path via document name wtxFileClose( ) close a file on the target server wtxFileOpen( ) open a file on the target server wtxFuncCall( ) call a function on the target wtxFuncCall [Tcl] call a function on the target wtxGopherEval( ) evaluate a Gopher string on the target wtxGopherEval [Tcl] request the evaluation of a Gopher script by the agent wtxHandle [Tcl] show the WTX handle stack or set the top element of the stack wtxHostType [Tcl] get the host-type code for the current process wtxHwBreakpointAdd( ) create a new WTX eventpoint of type hardware breakpoint wtxInfo( ) allocate and return a descriptor for the named service wtxInfoQ( ) return a list of all services registered with the Tornado registry wtxInfoQ [Tcl] return a list of existing servers wtxInitialize( ) initialization routine to be called by the WTX client wtxLogging( ) WDB / WTX requests logging controls wtxLogging [Tcl] WDB / WTX requests logging controls wtxMemAddToPool( ) add memory to the agent pool wtxMemAddToPool [Tcl] add memory to the agent pool wtxMemAlign( ) allocate aligned target memory wtxMemAlign [Tcl] allocate a block of aligned memory from the agent pool wtxMemAlloc( ) allocate a block of memory to the TS-managed target memory pool wtxMemAlloc [Tcl] allocate memory from the agent pool wtxMemChecksum( ) perform a checksum on target memory wtxMemChecksum [Tcl] compute the checksum on target memory wtxMemDisassemble( ) get disassembled instructions matching the given address wtxMemDisassemble [Tcl] query the target server disassembled instructions wtxMemFree( ) free a block of target memory wtxMemFree [Tcl] free a block of agent pool memory wtxMemInfoGet( ) get information about the target-server-managed memory pool wtxMemInfoGet [Tcl] return information about the agent pool wtxMemMove( ) move a block of target memory wtxMemMove [Tcl] move a block of memory on the target wtxMemRead( ) read memory from the target wtxMemRead [Tcl] read target memory into a memory block wtxMemRealloc( ) reallocate a block of target memory wtxMemRealloc [Tcl] reallocate a block of agent pool memory wtxMemScan( ) scan target memory for the presence or absence of a pattern wtxMemScan [Tcl] scan target memory for the presence or absence of a pattern wtxMemSet( ) set target memory to a given value wtxMemSet [Tcl] set a block of memory to a specified value wtxMemWidthRead( ) read memory from the target wtxMemWidthRead [Tcl] read memory from the target wtxMemWidthWrite( ) write memory on the target wtxMemWidthWrite [Tcl] write a memory block to the target wtxMemWrite( ) write memory on the target wtxMemWrite [Tcl] write a memory block to the target wtxObjModuleByNameUnload( ) unload an object module from the target wtxObjModuleChecksum( ) checks validity of target memory. wtxObjModuleChecksum [Tcl] checks validity of target memory. wtxObjModuleFind [Tcl] find an object module given a name or an ID wtxObjModuleFindId( ) find the ID of an object module given its name wtxObjModuleFindName( ) find object module name given its ID wtxObjModuleInfoAndPathGet( ) return information on a module given its ID wtxObjModuleInfoAndPathGet [Tcl] return information about an object module wtxObjModuleInfoGet( ) return information on a module given its module ID wtxObjModuleInfoGet [Tcl] return information about an object module wtxObjModuleList( ) fetch a list of loaded object modules from the target wtxObjModuleList [Tcl] fetch a list of IDs of object modules loaded on the target wtxObjModuleLoad( ) Load a multiple section object file wtxObjModuleLoad [Tcl] Load a multiple section object file wtxObjModuleLoadCancel( ) Stop an asynchronous load request wtxObjModuleLoadCancel [Tcl] Stop an asynchronous load request wtxObjModuleLoadProgressReport( ) get the asynchronous load status wtxObjModuleLoadProgressReport [Tcl] get the asynchronous load status wtxObjModuleLoadStart( ) Load a multiple section object file asynchronously wtxObjModuleLoadStart [Tcl] Load a multiple section object file asynchronously wtxObjModuleUnload( ) unload an object module from the target wtxObjModuleUnload [Tcl] unload an object module wtxOpen [Tcl] open a file for use with virtual I/O wtxPath [Tcl] return a pathname suitable for the environment wtxProbe( ) probe to see if the registry service is running wtxRegister( ) register the target server with the Tornado registry service wtxRegister [Tcl] add an entry to the Tornado registry wtxRegisterForEvent( ) ask the WTX server to send events matching a regexp wtxRegisterForEvent [Tcl] provide a regular expression to mask event delivery wtxRegsGet( ) read register data from the target wtxRegsGet [Tcl] read a block of register data from the target wtxRegsSet( ) write to registers on the target wtxRegsSet [Tcl] write a block of register data to the target wtxResultFree( ) free the memory used by a WTX API call result wtxServiceAdd( ) add a new service to the agent wtxStrToContextId( ) convert a string argument to a WTX_CONTEXT_ID_T wtxStrToContextType( ) convert a string argument to a WTX_CONTEXT_TYPE value wtxStrToEventType( ) convert a string to a WTX event enumeration type wtxStrToInt32( ) convert a string argument to an INT32 value wtxStrToTgtAddr( ) convert a string argument to a TGT_ADDR_T value wtxSymAdd( ) add a symbol with the given name, value, and type wtxSymAdd [Tcl] add a new symbol to the symbol table wtxSymAddWithGroup( ) add a symbol with the given name, value, type and group wtxSymFind( ) find information on a symbol given its name or value wtxSymFind [Tcl] locate a symbol in the symbol table wtxSymListByModuleIdGet( ) get a list of symbols given a module Id wtxSymListByModuleNameGet( ) get a list of symbols given a module name wtxSymListFree( ) free memory used to store symbols in a list wtxSymListGet( ) get a list of symbols matching the given search criteria wtxSymListGet [Tcl] query the target server symbol table wtxSymRemove( ) remove a symbol from the default target server symbol table wtxSymRemove [Tcl] remove a symbol from the symbol table wtxSymTblInfoGet( ) return information about the target server symbol table wtxSymTblInfoGet [Tcl] return information about the target server symbol table wtxTargetAttach( ) reattach to the target wtxTargetAttach [Tcl] attempt to reattach to the target wtxTargetBootlineGet( ) get the target bootline information string wtxTargetBspNameGet( ) get the target board-support-package name string wtxTargetCpuTypeGet( ) get the target CPU type code wtxTargetEndianGet( ) get the endianness of the target CPU wtxTargetHasFppGet( ) check if the target has a floating point processor wtxTargetIpAddressGet( ) gets target IP address. wtxTargetName [Tcl] return the name of the target server attached wtxTargetReset( ) reset the target wtxTargetReset [Tcl] reset the target wtxTargetRtTypeGet( ) get the target-runtime-type information wtxTargetRtVersionGet( ) get the target-runtime-version information wtxTerminate( ) terminate the use of a WTX client handle wtxTimeout [Tcl] return or set the current WTX timeout wtxTimeoutGet( ) get the current timeout for completion of WTX calls wtxTimeoutSet( ) set the timeout for completion of WTX calls wtxToolAttach( ) connect a WTX client to the target server wtxToolAttach [Tcl] attach to a target server wtxToolConnected( ) check to see if a tool is connected to a target server wtxToolDetach( ) detach from the target server wtxToolDetach [Tcl] detach from a target server wtxToolIdGet( ) return the tool identifier of the current tool wtxToolIdGet [Tcl] return the tool identifier of the current tool wtxToolIdGet [Tcl] return the tool identifier of the current tool wtxToolName [Tcl] return the name of the current tool wtxToolNameGet( ) return the name of the current tool wtxTsInfoGet( ) get information about the target server, the target, and the link to the target wtxTsInfoGet [Tcl] get information about the target server wtxTsKill( ) kill the target server wtxTsKill [Tcl] kill the target server wtxTsLock( ) lock the connected target server for exclusive access wtxTsLock [Tcl] lock the target server wtxTsNameGet( ) get the full name of the currently attached target server wtxTsRestart( ) restart the target server wtxTsTimedLock( ) lock the connected target server a limited time wtxTsUnlock( ) unlock the connected target server wtxTsUnlock [Tcl] unlock target server wtxTsVersionGet( ) return the Tornado version wtxTsVersionGet [Tcl] return Tornado version wtxUnregister( ) unregister the server with the Tornado registry wtxUnregister [Tcl] remove an entry from the Tornado registry wtxUnregisterForEvent( ) ask the target server to not send events matching wtxUnregisterForEvent [Tcl] ask the target server to not send events matching wtxVerify( ) verify that a WTX handle is valid for use wtxVioChanGet( ) get a virtual I/O channel number wtxVioChanGet [Tcl] claim a VIO channel wtxVioChanRelease( ) release a virtual I/O channel wtxVioChanRelease [Tcl] release a VIO channel wtxVioCtl( ) perform a control operation on a virtual I/O channel wtxVioCtl [Tcl] change the characteristics of a virtual I/O channel wtxVioFileList( ) list the files managed by the target server wtxVioFileList [Tcl] list the files managed by the target server wtxVioWrite( ) write data to a VIO channel wtxVioWrite [Tcl] virtual I/O write WTX_AGENT_MODE_GET WTX get debug agent mode WTX_AGENT_MODE_SET WTX set debug agent mode WTX_CACHE_TEXT_UPDATE WTX synchronize the instruction and data caches WTX_CLOSE WTX close a file or pipe WTX_COMMAND_SEND WTX pass a string to be interpreted by the target server WTX_CONSOLE_CREATE WTX create a virtual target console (UNIX only) WTX_CONSOLE_KILL WTX kill a virtual target console (UNIX only) WTX_CONTEXT_CONT WTX continue a context on the target WTX_CONTEXT_CREATE WTX create a context on the target WTX_CONTEXT_KILL WTX destroy a context on the target WTX_CONTEXT_RESUME WTX resume a context on the target WTX_CONTEXT_STATUS_GET WTX gets the context of a status on the target WTX_CONTEXT_STEP WTX step a context on the target WTX_CONTEXT_SUSPEND WTX suspend a context on the target WTX_DIRECT_CALL WTX call a function on the target within the agent WTX_EVENTPOINT_ADD WTX add an eventpoint WTX_EVENTPOINT_ADD_2 WTX add an eventpoint WTX_EVENTPOINT_DELETE WTX delete an eventpoint WTX_EVENTPOINT_LIST WTX return a list of eventpoints WTX_EVENTPOINT_LIST_GET WTX return a list of eventpoints WTX_EVENT_ADD WTX add an event WTX_EVENT_GET WTX get an event WTX_EVENT_LIST_GET WTX get all the events in one call WTX_FUNC_CALL WTX call a function on the target WTX_GOPHER_EVAL WTX evaluate a Gopher program WTX_INFO_GET WTX get information about a given server WTX_INFO_Q_GET WTX get information about a list of servers WTX_MEM_ADD_TO_POOL WTX add memory to the memory pool WTX_MEM_ALIGN WTX allocate aligned target memory WTX_MEM_ALLOC WTX allocate target memory WTX_MEM_CHECKSUM WTX perform a target memory checksum WTX_MEM_DISASSEMBLE WTX target memory disassembler WTX_MEM_FREE WTX free a block of target memory WTX_MEM_INFO_GET WTX get information about the target memory pool WTX_MEM_MOVE WTX move target memory WTX_MEM_READ WTX target memory read WTX_MEM_REALLOC WTX reallocate target memory WTX_MEM_SCAN WTX search for a pattern in target memory WTX_MEM_SET WTX target memory set WTX_MEM_WIDTH_READ WTX target memory read WTX_MEM_WIDTH_WRITE WTX target memory write WTX_MEM_WRITE WTX target memory write WTX_OBJ_KILL WTX object kill WTX_OBJ_MODULE_CHECKSUM WTX checks validity of the target memory WTX_OBJ_MODULE_FIND WTX find an object module WTX_OBJ_MODULE_INFO_GET WTX get information about an object module WTX_OBJ_MODULE_LIST WTX list loaded object modules WTX_OBJ_MODULE_LOAD WTX load an object module into target memory WTX_OBJ_MODULE_LOAD_2 WTX load an object module into target memory WTX_OBJ_MODULE_UNLOAD WTX unload an object module WTX_OBJ_MODULE_UNLOAD_2 WTX unload an object module WTX_OPEN WTX open a file or pipe WTX_REGISTER WTX register a server WTX_REGISTER_FOR_EVENT WTX register for events WTX_REGS_GET WTX get target registers WTX_REGS_SET WTX set target registers WTX_SYM_ADD WTX add a symbol WTX_SYM_FIND WTX find a symbol WTX_SYM_LIST_GET WTX get a list of symbols WTX_SYM_REMOVE WTX remove a symbol WTX_SYM_TBL_INFO_GET WTX get information about a symbol table WTX_TARGET_ATTACH WTX attach a target to the target server WTX_TARGET_RESET WTX reset a target WTX_TOOL_ATTACH WTX attach a tool to a target server WTX_TOOL_DETACH WTX detach a tool from a target server WTX_TS_INFO_GET WTX get target and target server information WTX_TS_LOCK WTX target server lock WTX_TS_UNLOCK WTX target server unlock WTX_UNREGISTER WTX unregister a server WTX_UNREGISTER_FOR_EVENT WTX unregister for events WTX_VIO_CHAN_GET WTX get a virtual I/O channel number WTX_VIO_CHAN_RELEASE WTX release a virtual-I/O-channel number WTX_VIO_CTL WTX virtual I/O control WTX_VIO_FILE_LIST WTX list files managed by the target server WTX_VIO_WRITE WTX write to a virtual I/O channel