GUI Tcl Library (WINDOWS) : Routines






























allControlsDestroydestroys all the controls in a dialog or window
applicationRegistryPathSetsets the path where the persistent state of this application should be saved
applicationReturnCodeSetsets the return code for the application
applicationTitleSetsets the title of the application
autoTimerCallbackGetsee `windowTimerCallbackGet'
autoTimerCallbackSetsee 'windowTimerCallbackSet'
averageCharSizeGetretrieves the average character size of a window


controlCallbackGetretrieves the Tcl script (if any) established to process events for a control
controlCallbackSetsets a Tcl script to process events for a control in a dialog or window
controlCheckedretrieves the check state of a control in a window or dialog
controlCheckSetchecks a control in a window or dialog
controlContextMenuShowshow the specified context menu.
controlCreatecreates a control in a Tcl window, dialog, or toolbar
controlDestroydestroys a control in a dialog or window
controlEnableenables or disables a control in a dialog or window
controlEnabledretrieves the enabled state of a control in a dialog or window
controlEventGetreturns the most recent event that has occured on a control
controlExistsdetermines whether a particular control exists in a dialog or window
controlExpandingItemGetgets information about the currently expanding item of a treelist control.
controlFocusSetsets focus to a control in a dialog or window
controlHandleGetreturns the handle of a tcl control
controlHelpIDSetsets the help ID to be used for the named control in a dialog or window
controlHiddenretrieves the hidden state of a control in a dialog or window
controlHidehides or shows a control in a dialog or window
controlItemDeletedelete the specified item in a control.
controlItemInsertinserts the provided item into the control.
controlItemPropertyGetgets the property of an item in a control
controlItemPropertySetsets the value of the specified property.
controlLockUpdatelocks the updating of the control.
controlParentSetsets the specifed window as the parent of the control.
controlPositionGetretrieves the position of a control
controlPositionSetsets the position of a control in a dialog or window
controlPropertyGetreturns the value of the specified property of a control.
controlPropertySetallows to configure the control properties
controlSelectionGetgets the selection in a control in a dialog or window
controlSelectionSetsets the selection in a control in a dialog or window
controlSizeGetretrieves the size of a control in a dialog or window
controlSizeSetsets the size of a control in a dialog or window
controlStructureSetsets the structure of a hierarchy (tree) control
controlTabsAddadd the strings as new tabs in a tab control.
controlTextInsertinserts the text into a text control.
controlUnlockUpdateUnlocks all the updates on the control.
controlValuesGetretrieves values of controls
controlValuesSetsets the data or text of a control


dialogCreateCreates a dialog
dialogUnitsToPixelsconversion routine
dirBrowseDialogCreatecreate a standard directory browser dialog


fileDialogCreatecreate a standard file browser dialog


helpLaunchstart winhelp using a specified file, ID, mode, and so forth


mainWindowCreateCreates a main window for the application


pixelsToDialogUnitsconversion routine


systemColorsEnumerateenumerates pre-defined system colors


toolbarCreatecreate a toolbar on a window


windHelpDisplaydisplays specified link in a web browser
windHelpDocDirGetgets the current doc directory
windHelpDocDirSetsets the current doc directory
windHelpEntryLookupgets the entry number in entry names list
windHelpIndexGetgets the current complete help index
windHelpInitinitialises the help data base
windHelpLinkGetgets the hyper link
windHelpListGetgets the list of help entries
windowActivateCallbackGetreturns the script called when the window or dialog is activated
windowActivateCallbackSetsets the Tcl script to be called when a dialog or window is activated
windowActiveGetgets the name of the currently active Tcl window, dialog, or toolbar
windowActiveSetsets the named Tcl window as the active window
windowClientSizeGetretrieves the size of the client area of a dialog or window
windowClosecloses a dialog or window
windowCreatecreates a child window
windowEventGetreturns the most recent event that has occured in a dialog or window
windowExistsdetermines whether a particular window exists
windowExitCallbackGetreturns the script called when the user or system exits the dialog or window
windowExitCallbackSetsets the Tcl script called when a dialog or window is exited
windowHandleGetgets the internal Windows handle of a dialog or window
windowHelpFileGetgets the path of help file.
windowHelpFileSetsets the help file to be used for the named dialog or window
windowHelpIDGetgets the help ID of the window
windowHelpIDSetsets the help ID and (optionally) the help file to be used for named dialog or window
windowHiddendetermines whether a particular UITcl window or dialog is hidden
windowHidehides or shows a Tcl window, dialog, or toolbar
windowInitCallbackGetreturns the script called when the dialog or window is initialized
windowInitCallbackSetsets the Tcl script called when a dialog or window is initialized
windowPositionGetretrieves the position of a dialog or window
windowPositionSetsets the position of a dialog or window
windowPropertySetsets the value of a property
windowQueryCloseCallbackGetreturns the script called to determine whether the dialog or window can be closed safely
windowQueryCloseCallbackSetsets the Tcl script to be called when closing a dialog or window
windowShowshows or hides a Tcl window, dialog, or toolbar
windowShowCallbackGetreturns the script called when the dialog or window is displayed
windowShowCallbackSetsets the Tcl script called when a dialog or window is displayed
windowSizeCallbackGetreturns the script called when the user or system resizes the dialog or window
windowSizeCallbackSetsets the Tcl script to be called when a dialog or window has been resized
windowSizeGetretrieves the size of a dialog or window
windowSizeSetsets the size of a dialog or window
windowTimerCallbackGetreturns the timer script for the given dialog or window
windowTimerCallbackSetsets or removes the timer script for the given dialog or window
windowTitleGetgets the title of a dialog or window
windowTitleSetsets the title of a dialog or window
windowVisibledetermines whether a particular UITcl window or dialog is visible on the screen