chartCreate create a new Tcl chart chartDestroy destroy a chart chartPost post a chart chartSetQuantities establish a set of quantities to display in a chart chartSetValues set the values of the quantities contained in a chart chartTitleSet set the title of a chart window chartUnpost removed a chart from the display configStatusSet set the configuration status bar to the given string D
delayedEval arrange for an expression to be evaluated later dialogCreate create a new Tcl dialog dialogDestroy destroy a dialog dialogGetValue query the value of a dialog item dialogGetValues query the values of all dialog items dialogListDeselect deselect an item in a dialog's list dialogListSelect select an item in a dialog's list dialogPost post a dialog dialogSetValue set the value of a dialog item dialogSetValues set the values of all items in a dialog dialogTitleSet set the title of a dialog window dialogUnpost remove a dialog from the display downtcl request evaluation of an expression in the debugger's interpreter H
hierarchyCreate create a hierarchy window hierarchyDestroy destroy a hierarchy hierarchyExists test for the existence of a hierarchy hierarchyHighlight highlight a given node in a hierarchy hierarchyIsDisplayed check if a hierarchy window is displayed hierarchyList return a list of all existing hierarchies hierarchyPost post a hierarchy hierarchySetStructure set the structure of a hierarchy hierarchySetValues set the values of terminal nodes in a hierarchy hierarchyUnhighlight highlight a given node in a hierarchy L
listBoxAddItems add items to a listbox listBoxDeleteAll delete all elements in a list box listBoxSelect select an item in a list box listBoxUpdateItems supply a new list for a listbox M
markDelete delete a mark markGoto move the source context to the position of a mark markInfo return information about a mark markList enumerate all marks markSet set a mark on a source line menuButtonCreate create a button in a top level menu menuCreate create a new menu on the top menu bar N
noticePost post a notice dialog noticeUnpost unpost a notice O
objectCreate create a new object in the application well S
selection return the text of the current selection in the code window sourceContextDisplay move the source context to a new location sourceContextForget forget cached information about a source file sourceContextForgetAll forget all cached information about source files sourceRedisplay redisplay the source window T
textWindowAppend add to the contents of a text window textWindowCreate create a text window textWindowIsDisplayed check if a text window is visible textWindowPost post a text window textWindowSet set the contents of a text window toolBarItemCreate create a new tool bar button or update an old one toolBarItemDelete delete a toolbar item ttySend send text to a subprocess through the interface W
windHelpDisplay [unix] displays specified link in a web browser windHelpDocDirGet [unix] gets the current doc directory windHelpDocDirSet [unix] sets the current doc directory windHelpEntryLookup [unix] gets the entry number in entry names list windHelpIndexGet [unix] gets the current complete help index windHelpInit [unix] initialises the help data base windHelpLinkGet [unix] gets the hyper link windHelpListGet [unix] gets the list of help entries wsArgv examine/change original window system command arguments wsBusyAnimation check or set busy animation wsHierarchy print the window system hierarchy of graphical objects wsObjectSelect change to the help cursor and return the name of the object wsRestart restart the application wsSync flush pending requests to the window system wsTitleSet set the text of the window manager title bar wsWindowGeom return the geometry string of a window wsWindowIconic report whether a given window is iconified wsWindowId return the X Window ID of the application's top level window