2.1   Introduction

For information on installing WindNet SNMPv1/v2c, as well as other Wind River Systems products, refer to the Wind River Products Installation Guide. For a general discussion on setting up the entire VxWorks cross-development environment, see the Tornado User's Guide: Getting Started.


WARNING: Including SNMP into VxWorks may cause the loading of the VxWorks system image to fail. This failure is due to the static maximum size of the VxWorks image allowed by the loader. This problem can be fixed by either reducing the size of the VxWorks image (by removing unneeded options; see 5. Configuring the WindNet SNMPv1/v2c Agent), or by burning new boot ROMs.

After the distribution is installed on your system, you must perform the following steps in order to include the agent into VxWorks:

  1. Configure VxWorks for use with SNMP.

  1. Build the SNMP agent.

  1. Rebuild VxWorks from the BSP directory and reboot.

We recommend you perform these steps before attempting to extend the agent in order to familiarize yourself with the SNMP agent. Each step is described below.


NOTE: To include support for distributed SNMP agents (that is, an SNMP agent consisting of a master agent and one or more subagents), you must edit h/snmp/subInstall.h) and define INSTALL_MASTER_SUBAGENT. For more information, see 7. SNMP Distributed Agents.