6.1   Introduction

The extensible functionality of WindNet SNMPv1/v2c lets you use MIB extensions to customize the VxWorks SNMP data tree to include information specific to your particular applications and environments.

The VxWorks SNMP agent includes default management information defined by MIB-II and SNMPv1. If no further support is required from the agent, then no additional work needs to be done.

The agent can be extended in several ways, both before building the agent (at the time you are designing your network-management paradigm; see 6.3 Compile-time MIB Extensions) and dynamically (after the agent is built and running; see 6.4 Dynamic MIB Additions).

A Note On Enterprise Numbers

As mentioned in 3.2.5 The Structure of Management Information, each MIB object is unique and resides in the object identifier name space. To add new MIB objects to the identifier name space, you must obtain administrative control over a portion of the hierarchical tree.

For example, Wind River Systems has administrative control over the portion of the tree defined by (iso.org.dod.internet.private.enterprises.wrs). The WRS enterprise number is 731. All WRS-specific objects are added below this portion of the tree.

In order to make custom MIB extensions, you need to use the enterprise number assigned to your organization. If your organization does not already have an enterprise number, obtain one by sending an e-mail request to iana-mib@isi.edu or iana@isi.edu, by telephoning (310) 822-1511, or by writing:

Joyce K. Reynolds
Internet Assigned Numbers Authority
USC/Information Sciences Institute
4676 Admiralty Way
Marina del Rey, CA 90292-6695