Plot Examples

This is an example page showing the different custom plots possible with the mplot.js library.

The source code of this page is contained in midas/resources/plot_example.html.

Find a full description of the plot syntax is available at documentation.

{ "showMenuButtons": true, "color": { "background": "#FFFFFF", "axis": "#808080", "grid": "#D0D0D0", "label": "#404040" }, "title": { "color": "#404040", "backgroundColor": "#808080", "textSize": 20, "text": "Customized scatter plot" }, "legend": { "show": true, "color": "#D0D0D0", "backgroundColor": "#FFFFFF", "textColor": "#404040", "textSize": 16 }, "xAxis": { "log": false, "min": -6, "max": 6, "grid": true, "textSize": 10, "title": { "text": "x [mm]", "textSize" : 14 } }, "yAxis": { "log": false, "min": -0.5, "max": 10.5, "grid": true, "textSize": 10, "title": { "text": "Value [V]", "textSize" : 10 } }, "plot": [ { "type": "scatter", "getFromODB": true, "odbPath": "/System/Tmp/Plot", "x": "X2", "y": "Y2", "label": "Measurement", "marker": { "draw": true, "lineColor": 3, "fillColor": 3, "style": "cross", "size": 10, "lineWidth": 2 }, "line": { "draw": false, "fill": true, "color": 3, "style": "solid", "width": 1 } }] }