""" This module contains a simple tool that helps you talk to LeCroy oscilloscopes over a raw TCP connection, without using NI-VISA, VISA passport, VXI-11 etc. It implements the LeCroy VICP protocol. It is based on C code from http://optics.eee.nottingham.ac.uk/lecroy_tcp/, but expanded slightly based on the latest VICP specification. The code is very simplistic, and does not support all features (e.g. no out-of-band communication, no serial poll, no sequence numbers). Example usage would be: ``` instr = LeCroyInstrument("") print(instr.ask("*IDN?")) print(instr.ask("CRS?")) ``` """ import socket import ctypes import time class LeCroyHeader(ctypes.Structure): """ Structure that we must send before any of our queries, and that the scope responds with before sending its payload. """ _fields_ = [("operation_flags", ctypes.c_uint8), ("header_version", ctypes.c_uint8), ("sequence_number", ctypes.c_uint8), ("reserved", ctypes.c_uint8), ("data_length", ctypes.c_int32)] class LeCroyInstrument(): def __init__(self, ip, port=1861): self.EOI_FLAG = 0x01 # Whether to use EOI terminator or not self.SRQ_FLAG = 0x08 # Only ever sent from device to us self.CLEAR_FLAG = 0x10 # Clear device before parsing our data self.LOCKOUT_FLAG = 0x20 # Lock out the front panel self.REMOTE_FLAG = 0x40 # Remote mode self.DATA_FLAG = 0x80 # Data block self.header_version = 1 self.connect_timeout_secs = 5 self.read_timeout_secs = 3 self.ip = ip self.port = port self.conn = socket.socket() self._connect() def _connect(self): # We connect automatically in the constructor self.conn.settimeout(self.connect_timeout_secs) self.conn.connect((self.ip, self.port)) self.conn.settimeout(self.read_timeout_secs) def disconnect(self): self.conn.close() def clear(self): header = LeCroyHeader() header.operation_flags = self.CLEAR_FLAG header.header_version = self.header_version self.conn.send(header) time.sleep(0.1) self.disconnect() self._connect() def write(self, cmd_str): payload = bytes(cmd_str, "ascii") header = LeCroyHeader() header.operation_flags = self.DATA_FLAG | self.EOI_FLAG header.header_version = self.header_version header.data_length = socket.htonl(len(payload)) self.conn.send(header) self.conn.send(payload) def read(self, stringify_response=True): header = LeCroyHeader() self.conn.recv_into(header) if header.data_length: retval = self.conn.recv(header.data_length) else: retval = b"" if stringify_response: return retval.decode("ascii").strip() else: return retval def ask(self, cmd_str, stringify_response=True): self.write(cmd_str) return self.read(stringify_response)