/* LZ4 auto-framing library Copyright (C) 2011-2015, Yann Collet. BSD 2-Clause License (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php) Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. You can contact the author at : - LZ4 source repository : https://github.com/Cyan4973/lz4 - LZ4 public forum : https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/lz4c */ /* LZ4F is a stand-alone API to create LZ4-compressed Frames * in full conformance with specification v1.5.0 * All related operations, including memory management, are handled by the library. * */ /************************************** * Compiler Options **************************************/ #ifdef _MSC_VER /* Visual Studio */ # pragma warning(disable : 4127) /* disable: C4127: conditional expression is constant */ #endif /************************************** * Memory routines **************************************/ #include /* malloc, calloc, free */ #define ALLOCATOR(s) calloc(1,s) #define FREEMEM free #include /* memset, memcpy, memmove */ #define MEM_INIT memset /************************************** * Includes **************************************/ #include "mlz4frame_static.h" #include "mlz4.h" #include "mlz4hc.h" #include "mxxhash.h" /************************************** * Basic Types **************************************/ #if defined(__STDC_VERSION__) && (__STDC_VERSION__ >= 199901L) /* C99 */ # include typedef uint8_t BYTE; typedef uint16_t U16; typedef uint32_t U32; typedef int32_t S32; typedef uint64_t U64; #else typedef unsigned char BYTE; typedef unsigned short U16; typedef unsigned int U32; typedef signed int S32; typedef unsigned long long U64; #endif /************************************** * Constants **************************************/ #define KB *(1<<10) #define MB *(1<<20) #define GB *(1<<30) #define _1BIT 0x01 #define _2BITS 0x03 #define _3BITS 0x07 #define _4BITS 0x0F #define _8BITS 0xFF #define MLZ4F_MAGIC_SKIPPABLE_START 0x184D2A50U #define MLZ4F_MAGICNUMBER 0x184D2204U #define MLZ4F_BLOCKUNCOMPRESSED_FLAG 0x80000000U #define MLZ4F_BLOCKSIZEID_DEFAULT MLZ4F_max64KB static const size_t minFHSize = 7; static const size_t maxFHSize = 15; static const size_t BHSize = 4; static const int minHClevel = 3; /************************************** * Structures and local types **************************************/ typedef struct MLZ4F_cctx_s { MLZ4F_preferences_t prefs; U32 version; U32 cStage; size_t maxBlockSize; size_t maxBufferSize; BYTE* tmpBuff; BYTE* tmpIn; size_t tmpInSize; U64 totalInSize; XXH32_state_t xxh; void* lz4CtxPtr; U32 lz4CtxLevel; /* 0: unallocated; 1: MLZ4_stream_t; 3: MLZ4_streamHC_t */ } MLZ4F_cctx_t; typedef struct MLZ4F_dctx_s { MLZ4F_frameInfo_t frameInfo; U32 version; U32 dStage; U64 frameRemainingSize; size_t maxBlockSize; size_t maxBufferSize; const BYTE* srcExpect; BYTE* tmpIn; size_t tmpInSize; size_t tmpInTarget; BYTE* tmpOutBuffer; const BYTE* dict; size_t dictSize; BYTE* tmpOut; size_t tmpOutSize; size_t tmpOutStart; XXH32_state_t xxh; BYTE header[16]; } MLZ4F_dctx_t; /************************************** * Error management **************************************/ #define MLZ4F_GENERATE_STRING(STRING) #STRING, static const char* MLZ4F_errorStrings[] = { MLZ4F_LIST_ERRORS(MLZ4F_GENERATE_STRING) }; unsigned MLZ4F_isError(MLZ4F_errorCode_t code) { return (code > (MLZ4F_errorCode_t)(-MLZ4F_ERROR_maxCode)); } const char* MLZ4F_getErrorName(MLZ4F_errorCode_t code) { static const char* codeError = "Unspecified error code"; if (MLZ4F_isError(code)) return MLZ4F_errorStrings[-(int)(code)]; return codeError; } /************************************** * Private functions **************************************/ static size_t MLZ4F_getBlockSize(unsigned blockSizeID) { static const size_t blockSizes[4] = { 64 KB, 256 KB, 1 MB, 4 MB }; if (blockSizeID == 0) blockSizeID = MLZ4F_BLOCKSIZEID_DEFAULT; blockSizeID -= 4; if (blockSizeID > 3) return (size_t)-MLZ4F_ERROR_maxBlockSize_invalid; return blockSizes[blockSizeID]; } /* unoptimized version; solves endianess & alignment issues */ static U32 MLZ4F_readLE32 (const BYTE* srcPtr) { U32 value32 = srcPtr[0]; value32 += (srcPtr[1]<<8); value32 += (srcPtr[2]<<16); value32 += ((U32)srcPtr[3])<<24; return value32; } static void MLZ4F_writeLE32 (BYTE* dstPtr, U32 value32) { dstPtr[0] = (BYTE)value32; dstPtr[1] = (BYTE)(value32 >> 8); dstPtr[2] = (BYTE)(value32 >> 16); dstPtr[3] = (BYTE)(value32 >> 24); } static U64 MLZ4F_readLE64 (const BYTE* srcPtr) { U64 value64 = srcPtr[0]; value64 += ((U64)srcPtr[1]<<8); value64 += ((U64)srcPtr[2]<<16); value64 += ((U64)srcPtr[3]<<24); value64 += ((U64)srcPtr[4]<<32); value64 += ((U64)srcPtr[5]<<40); value64 += ((U64)srcPtr[6]<<48); value64 += ((U64)srcPtr[7]<<56); return value64; } static void MLZ4F_writeLE64 (BYTE* dstPtr, U64 value64) { dstPtr[0] = (BYTE)value64; dstPtr[1] = (BYTE)(value64 >> 8); dstPtr[2] = (BYTE)(value64 >> 16); dstPtr[3] = (BYTE)(value64 >> 24); dstPtr[4] = (BYTE)(value64 >> 32); dstPtr[5] = (BYTE)(value64 >> 40); dstPtr[6] = (BYTE)(value64 >> 48); dstPtr[7] = (BYTE)(value64 >> 56); } static BYTE MLZ4F_headerChecksum (const void* header, size_t length) { U32 xxh = XXH32(header, length, 0); return (BYTE)(xxh >> 8); } /************************************** * Simple compression functions **************************************/ static MLZ4F_blockSizeID_t MLZ4F_optimalBSID(const MLZ4F_blockSizeID_t requestedBSID, const size_t srcSize) { MLZ4F_blockSizeID_t proposedBSID = MLZ4F_max64KB; size_t maxBlockSize = 64 KB; while (requestedBSID > proposedBSID) { if (srcSize <= maxBlockSize) return proposedBSID; proposedBSID = (MLZ4F_blockSizeID_t)((int)proposedBSID + 1); maxBlockSize <<= 2; } return requestedBSID; } size_t MLZ4F_compressFrameBound(size_t srcSize, const MLZ4F_preferences_t* preferencesPtr) { MLZ4F_preferences_t prefs; size_t headerSize; size_t streamSize; if (preferencesPtr!=NULL) prefs = *preferencesPtr; else memset(&prefs, 0, sizeof(prefs)); prefs.frameInfo.blockSizeID = MLZ4F_optimalBSID(prefs.frameInfo.blockSizeID, srcSize); prefs.autoFlush = 1; headerSize = maxFHSize; /* header size, including magic number and frame content size*/ streamSize = MLZ4F_compressBound(srcSize, &prefs); return headerSize + streamSize; } /* MLZ4F_compressFrame() * Compress an entire srcBuffer into a valid LZ4 frame, as defined by specification v1.5.0, in a single step. * The most important rule is that dstBuffer MUST be large enough (dstMaxSize) to ensure compression completion even in worst case. * You can get the minimum value of dstMaxSize by using MLZ4F_compressFrameBound() * If this condition is not respected, MLZ4F_compressFrame() will fail (result is an errorCode) * The MLZ4F_preferences_t structure is optional : you can provide NULL as argument. All preferences will then be set to default. * The result of the function is the number of bytes written into dstBuffer. * The function outputs an error code if it fails (can be tested using MLZ4F_isError()) */ size_t MLZ4F_compressFrame(void* dstBuffer, size_t dstMaxSize, const void* srcBuffer, size_t srcSize, const MLZ4F_preferences_t* preferencesPtr) { MLZ4F_cctx_t cctxI; MLZ4_stream_t lz4ctx; MLZ4F_preferences_t prefs; MLZ4F_compressOptions_t options; MLZ4F_errorCode_t errorCode; BYTE* const dstStart = (BYTE*) dstBuffer; BYTE* dstPtr = dstStart; BYTE* const dstEnd = dstStart + dstMaxSize; memset(&cctxI, 0, sizeof(cctxI)); /* works because no allocation */ memset(&options, 0, sizeof(options)); cctxI.version = MLZ4F_VERSION; cctxI.maxBufferSize = 5 MB; /* mess with real buffer size to prevent allocation; works because autoflush==1 & stableSrc==1 */ if (preferencesPtr!=NULL) prefs = *preferencesPtr; else memset(&prefs, 0, sizeof(prefs)); if (prefs.frameInfo.contentSize != 0) prefs.frameInfo.contentSize = (U64)srcSize; /* auto-correct content size if selected (!=0) */ if (prefs.compressionLevel < (int)minHClevel) { cctxI.lz4CtxPtr = &lz4ctx; cctxI.lz4CtxLevel = 1; } prefs.frameInfo.blockSizeID = MLZ4F_optimalBSID(prefs.frameInfo.blockSizeID, srcSize); prefs.autoFlush = 1; if (srcSize <= MLZ4F_getBlockSize(prefs.frameInfo.blockSizeID)) prefs.frameInfo.blockMode = MLZ4F_blockIndependent; /* no need for linked blocks */ options.stableSrc = 1; if (dstMaxSize < MLZ4F_compressFrameBound(srcSize, &prefs)) return (size_t)-MLZ4F_ERROR_dstMaxSize_tooSmall; errorCode = MLZ4F_compressBegin(&cctxI, dstBuffer, dstMaxSize, &prefs); /* write header */ if (MLZ4F_isError(errorCode)) return errorCode; dstPtr += errorCode; /* header size */ errorCode = MLZ4F_compressUpdate(&cctxI, dstPtr, dstEnd-dstPtr, srcBuffer, srcSize, &options); if (MLZ4F_isError(errorCode)) return errorCode; dstPtr += errorCode; errorCode = MLZ4F_compressEnd(&cctxI, dstPtr, dstEnd-dstPtr, &options); /* flush last block, and generate suffix */ if (MLZ4F_isError(errorCode)) return errorCode; dstPtr += errorCode; if (prefs.compressionLevel >= (int)minHClevel) /* no allocation necessary with lz4 fast */ FREEMEM(cctxI.lz4CtxPtr); return (dstPtr - dstStart); } /*********************************** * Advanced compression functions ***********************************/ /* MLZ4F_createCompressionContext() : * The first thing to do is to create a compressionContext object, which will be used in all compression operations. * This is achieved using MLZ4F_createCompressionContext(), which takes as argument a version and an MLZ4F_preferences_t structure. * The version provided MUST be MLZ4F_VERSION. It is intended to track potential version differences between different binaries. * The function will provide a pointer to an allocated MLZ4F_compressionContext_t object. * If the result MLZ4F_errorCode_t is not OK_NoError, there was an error during context creation. * Object can release its memory using MLZ4F_freeCompressionContext(); */ MLZ4F_errorCode_t MLZ4F_createCompressionContext(MLZ4F_compressionContext_t* MLZ4F_compressionContextPtr, unsigned version) { MLZ4F_cctx_t* cctxPtr; cctxPtr = (MLZ4F_cctx_t*)ALLOCATOR(sizeof(MLZ4F_cctx_t)); if (cctxPtr==NULL) return (MLZ4F_errorCode_t)(-MLZ4F_ERROR_allocation_failed); cctxPtr->version = version; cctxPtr->cStage = 0; /* Next stage : write header */ *MLZ4F_compressionContextPtr = (MLZ4F_compressionContext_t)cctxPtr; return MLZ4F_OK_NoError; } MLZ4F_errorCode_t MLZ4F_freeCompressionContext(MLZ4F_compressionContext_t MLZ4F_compressionContext) { MLZ4F_cctx_t* cctxPtr = (MLZ4F_cctx_t*)MLZ4F_compressionContext; if (cctxPtr != NULL) /* null pointers can be safely provided to this function, like free() */ { FREEMEM(cctxPtr->lz4CtxPtr); FREEMEM(cctxPtr->tmpBuff); FREEMEM(MLZ4F_compressionContext); } return MLZ4F_OK_NoError; } /* MLZ4F_compressBegin() : * will write the frame header into dstBuffer. * dstBuffer must be large enough to accommodate a header (dstMaxSize). Maximum header size is MLZ4F_MAXHEADERFRAME_SIZE bytes. * The result of the function is the number of bytes written into dstBuffer for the header * or an error code (can be tested using MLZ4F_isError()) */ size_t MLZ4F_compressBegin(MLZ4F_compressionContext_t compressionContext, void* dstBuffer, size_t dstMaxSize, const MLZ4F_preferences_t* preferencesPtr) { MLZ4F_preferences_t prefNull; MLZ4F_cctx_t* cctxPtr = (MLZ4F_cctx_t*)compressionContext; BYTE* const dstStart = (BYTE*)dstBuffer; BYTE* dstPtr = dstStart; BYTE* headerStart; size_t requiredBuffSize; if (dstMaxSize < maxFHSize) return (size_t)-MLZ4F_ERROR_dstMaxSize_tooSmall; if (cctxPtr->cStage != 0) return (size_t)-MLZ4F_ERROR_GENERIC; memset(&prefNull, 0, sizeof(prefNull)); if (preferencesPtr == NULL) preferencesPtr = &prefNull; cctxPtr->prefs = *preferencesPtr; /* ctx Management */ { U32 tableID = (cctxPtr->prefs.compressionLevel < minHClevel) ? 1 : 2; /* 0:nothing ; 1:LZ4 table ; 2:HC tables */ if (cctxPtr->lz4CtxLevel < tableID) { FREEMEM(cctxPtr->lz4CtxPtr); if (cctxPtr->prefs.compressionLevel < minHClevel) cctxPtr->lz4CtxPtr = (void*)MLZ4_createStream(); else cctxPtr->lz4CtxPtr = (void*)MLZ4_createStreamHC(); cctxPtr->lz4CtxLevel = tableID; } } /* Buffer Management */ if (cctxPtr->prefs.frameInfo.blockSizeID == 0) cctxPtr->prefs.frameInfo.blockSizeID = MLZ4F_BLOCKSIZEID_DEFAULT; cctxPtr->maxBlockSize = MLZ4F_getBlockSize(cctxPtr->prefs.frameInfo.blockSizeID); requiredBuffSize = cctxPtr->maxBlockSize + ((cctxPtr->prefs.frameInfo.blockMode == MLZ4F_blockLinked) * 128 KB); if (preferencesPtr->autoFlush) requiredBuffSize = (cctxPtr->prefs.frameInfo.blockMode == MLZ4F_blockLinked) * 64 KB; /* just needs dict */ if (cctxPtr->maxBufferSize < requiredBuffSize) { cctxPtr->maxBufferSize = requiredBuffSize; FREEMEM(cctxPtr->tmpBuff); cctxPtr->tmpBuff = (BYTE*)ALLOCATOR(requiredBuffSize); if (cctxPtr->tmpBuff == NULL) return (size_t)-MLZ4F_ERROR_allocation_failed; } cctxPtr->tmpIn = cctxPtr->tmpBuff; cctxPtr->tmpInSize = 0; XXH32_reset(&(cctxPtr->xxh), 0); if (cctxPtr->prefs.compressionLevel < minHClevel) MLZ4_resetStream((MLZ4_stream_t*)(cctxPtr->lz4CtxPtr)); else MLZ4_resetStreamHC((MLZ4_streamHC_t*)(cctxPtr->lz4CtxPtr), cctxPtr->prefs.compressionLevel); /* Magic Number */ MLZ4F_writeLE32(dstPtr, MLZ4F_MAGICNUMBER); dstPtr += 4; headerStart = dstPtr; /* FLG Byte */ *dstPtr++ = (BYTE)(((1 & _2BITS) << 6) /* Version('01') */ + ((cctxPtr->prefs.frameInfo.blockMode & _1BIT ) << 5) /* Block mode */ + ((cctxPtr->prefs.frameInfo.contentChecksumFlag & _1BIT ) << 2) /* Frame checksum */ + ((cctxPtr->prefs.frameInfo.contentSize > 0) << 3)); /* Frame content size */ /* BD Byte */ *dstPtr++ = (BYTE)((cctxPtr->prefs.frameInfo.blockSizeID & _3BITS) << 4); /* Optional Frame content size field */ if (cctxPtr->prefs.frameInfo.contentSize) { MLZ4F_writeLE64(dstPtr, cctxPtr->prefs.frameInfo.contentSize); dstPtr += 8; cctxPtr->totalInSize = 0; } /* CRC Byte */ *dstPtr = MLZ4F_headerChecksum(headerStart, dstPtr - headerStart); dstPtr++; cctxPtr->cStage = 1; /* header written, now request input data block */ return (dstPtr - dstStart); } /* MLZ4F_compressBound() : gives the size of Dst buffer given a srcSize to handle worst case situations. * The MLZ4F_frameInfo_t structure is optional : * you can provide NULL as argument, preferences will then be set to cover worst case situations. * */ size_t MLZ4F_compressBound(size_t srcSize, const MLZ4F_preferences_t* preferencesPtr) { MLZ4F_preferences_t prefsNull; memset(&prefsNull, 0, sizeof(prefsNull)); prefsNull.frameInfo.contentChecksumFlag = MLZ4F_contentChecksumEnabled; /* worst case */ { const MLZ4F_preferences_t* prefsPtr = (preferencesPtr==NULL) ? &prefsNull : preferencesPtr; MLZ4F_blockSizeID_t bid = prefsPtr->frameInfo.blockSizeID; size_t blockSize = MLZ4F_getBlockSize(bid); unsigned nbBlocks = (unsigned)(srcSize / blockSize) + 1; size_t lastBlockSize = prefsPtr->autoFlush ? srcSize % blockSize : blockSize; size_t blockInfo = 4; /* default, without block CRC option */ size_t frameEnd = 4 + (prefsPtr->frameInfo.contentChecksumFlag*4); return (blockInfo * nbBlocks) + (blockSize * (nbBlocks-1)) + lastBlockSize + frameEnd;; } } typedef int (*compressFunc_t)(void* ctx, const char* src, char* dst, int srcSize, int dstSize, int level); static size_t MLZ4F_compressBlock(void* dst, const void* src, size_t srcSize, compressFunc_t compress, void* lz4ctx, int level) { /* compress one block */ BYTE* cSizePtr = (BYTE*)dst; U32 cSize; cSize = (U32)compress(lz4ctx, (const char*)src, (char*)(cSizePtr+4), (int)(srcSize), (int)(srcSize-1), level); MLZ4F_writeLE32(cSizePtr, cSize); if (cSize == 0) /* compression failed */ { cSize = (U32)srcSize; MLZ4F_writeLE32(cSizePtr, cSize + MLZ4F_BLOCKUNCOMPRESSED_FLAG); memcpy(cSizePtr+4, src, srcSize); } return cSize + 4; } static int MLZ4F_localMLZ4_compress_limitedOutput_withState(void* ctx, const char* src, char* dst, int srcSize, int dstSize, int level) { (void) level; return MLZ4_compress_limitedOutput_withState(ctx, src, dst, srcSize, dstSize); } static int MLZ4F_localMLZ4_compress_limitedOutput_continue(void* ctx, const char* src, char* dst, int srcSize, int dstSize, int level) { (void) level; return MLZ4_compress_limitedOutput_continue((MLZ4_stream_t*)ctx, src, dst, srcSize, dstSize); } static int MLZ4F_localMLZ4_compressHC_limitedOutput_continue(void* ctx, const char* src, char* dst, int srcSize, int dstSize, int level) { (void) level; return MLZ4_compress_HC_continue((MLZ4_streamHC_t*)ctx, src, dst, srcSize, dstSize); } static compressFunc_t MLZ4F_selectCompression(MLZ4F_blockMode_t blockMode, int level) { if (level < minHClevel) { if (blockMode == MLZ4F_blockIndependent) return MLZ4F_localMLZ4_compress_limitedOutput_withState; return MLZ4F_localMLZ4_compress_limitedOutput_continue; } if (blockMode == MLZ4F_blockIndependent) return MLZ4_compress_HC_extStateHC; return MLZ4F_localMLZ4_compressHC_limitedOutput_continue; } static int MLZ4F_localSaveDict(MLZ4F_cctx_t* cctxPtr) { if (cctxPtr->prefs.compressionLevel < minHClevel) return MLZ4_saveDict ((MLZ4_stream_t*)(cctxPtr->lz4CtxPtr), (char*)(cctxPtr->tmpBuff), 64 KB); return MLZ4_saveDictHC ((MLZ4_streamHC_t*)(cctxPtr->lz4CtxPtr), (char*)(cctxPtr->tmpBuff), 64 KB); } typedef enum { notDone, fromTmpBuffer, fromSrcBuffer } MLZ4F_lastBlockStatus; /* MLZ4F_compressUpdate() * MLZ4F_compressUpdate() can be called repetitively to compress as much data as necessary. * The most important rule is that dstBuffer MUST be large enough (dstMaxSize) to ensure compression completion even in worst case. * If this condition is not respected, MLZ4F_compress() will fail (result is an errorCode) * You can get the minimum value of dstMaxSize by using MLZ4F_compressBound() * The MLZ4F_compressOptions_t structure is optional : you can provide NULL as argument. * The result of the function is the number of bytes written into dstBuffer : it can be zero, meaning input data was just buffered. * The function outputs an error code if it fails (can be tested using MLZ4F_isError()) */ size_t MLZ4F_compressUpdate(MLZ4F_compressionContext_t compressionContext, void* dstBuffer, size_t dstMaxSize, const void* srcBuffer, size_t srcSize, const MLZ4F_compressOptions_t* compressOptionsPtr) { MLZ4F_compressOptions_t cOptionsNull; MLZ4F_cctx_t* cctxPtr = (MLZ4F_cctx_t*)compressionContext; size_t blockSize = cctxPtr->maxBlockSize; const BYTE* srcPtr = (const BYTE*)srcBuffer; const BYTE* const srcEnd = srcPtr + srcSize; BYTE* const dstStart = (BYTE*)dstBuffer; BYTE* dstPtr = dstStart; MLZ4F_lastBlockStatus lastBlockCompressed = notDone; compressFunc_t compress; if (cctxPtr->cStage != 1) return (size_t)-MLZ4F_ERROR_GENERIC; if (dstMaxSize < MLZ4F_compressBound(srcSize, &(cctxPtr->prefs))) return (size_t)-MLZ4F_ERROR_dstMaxSize_tooSmall; memset(&cOptionsNull, 0, sizeof(cOptionsNull)); if (compressOptionsPtr == NULL) compressOptionsPtr = &cOptionsNull; /* select compression function */ compress = MLZ4F_selectCompression(cctxPtr->prefs.frameInfo.blockMode, cctxPtr->prefs.compressionLevel); /* complete tmp buffer */ if (cctxPtr->tmpInSize > 0) /* some data already within tmp buffer */ { size_t sizeToCopy = blockSize - cctxPtr->tmpInSize; if (sizeToCopy > srcSize) { /* add src to tmpIn buffer */ memcpy(cctxPtr->tmpIn + cctxPtr->tmpInSize, srcBuffer, srcSize); srcPtr = srcEnd; cctxPtr->tmpInSize += srcSize; /* still needs some CRC */ } else { /* complete tmpIn block and then compress it */ lastBlockCompressed = fromTmpBuffer; memcpy(cctxPtr->tmpIn + cctxPtr->tmpInSize, srcBuffer, sizeToCopy); srcPtr += sizeToCopy; dstPtr += MLZ4F_compressBlock(dstPtr, cctxPtr->tmpIn, blockSize, compress, cctxPtr->lz4CtxPtr, cctxPtr->prefs.compressionLevel); if (cctxPtr->prefs.frameInfo.blockMode==MLZ4F_blockLinked) cctxPtr->tmpIn += blockSize; cctxPtr->tmpInSize = 0; } } while ((size_t)(srcEnd - srcPtr) >= blockSize) { /* compress full block */ lastBlockCompressed = fromSrcBuffer; dstPtr += MLZ4F_compressBlock(dstPtr, srcPtr, blockSize, compress, cctxPtr->lz4CtxPtr, cctxPtr->prefs.compressionLevel); srcPtr += blockSize; } if ((cctxPtr->prefs.autoFlush) && (srcPtr < srcEnd)) { /* compress remaining input < blockSize */ lastBlockCompressed = fromSrcBuffer; dstPtr += MLZ4F_compressBlock(dstPtr, srcPtr, srcEnd - srcPtr, compress, cctxPtr->lz4CtxPtr, cctxPtr->prefs.compressionLevel); srcPtr = srcEnd; } /* preserve dictionary if necessary */ if ((cctxPtr->prefs.frameInfo.blockMode==MLZ4F_blockLinked) && (lastBlockCompressed==fromSrcBuffer)) { if (compressOptionsPtr->stableSrc) { cctxPtr->tmpIn = cctxPtr->tmpBuff; } else { int realDictSize = MLZ4F_localSaveDict(cctxPtr); if (realDictSize==0) return (size_t)-MLZ4F_ERROR_GENERIC; cctxPtr->tmpIn = cctxPtr->tmpBuff + realDictSize; } } /* keep tmpIn within limits */ if ((cctxPtr->tmpIn + blockSize) > (cctxPtr->tmpBuff + cctxPtr->maxBufferSize) /* necessarily MLZ4F_blockLinked && lastBlockCompressed==fromTmpBuffer */ && !(cctxPtr->prefs.autoFlush)) { int realDictSize = MLZ4F_localSaveDict(cctxPtr); cctxPtr->tmpIn = cctxPtr->tmpBuff + realDictSize; } /* some input data left, necessarily < blockSize */ if (srcPtr < srcEnd) { /* fill tmp buffer */ size_t sizeToCopy = srcEnd - srcPtr; memcpy(cctxPtr->tmpIn, srcPtr, sizeToCopy); cctxPtr->tmpInSize = sizeToCopy; } if (cctxPtr->prefs.frameInfo.contentChecksumFlag == MLZ4F_contentChecksumEnabled) XXH32_update(&(cctxPtr->xxh), srcBuffer, srcSize); cctxPtr->totalInSize += srcSize; return dstPtr - dstStart; } /* MLZ4F_flush() * Should you need to create compressed data immediately, without waiting for a block to be filled, * you can call MLZ4_flush(), which will immediately compress any remaining data stored within compressionContext. * The result of the function is the number of bytes written into dstBuffer * (it can be zero, this means there was no data left within compressionContext) * The function outputs an error code if it fails (can be tested using MLZ4F_isError()) * The MLZ4F_compressOptions_t structure is optional : you can provide NULL as argument. */ size_t MLZ4F_flush(MLZ4F_compressionContext_t compressionContext, void* dstBuffer, size_t dstMaxSize, const MLZ4F_compressOptions_t* compressOptionsPtr) { MLZ4F_cctx_t* cctxPtr = (MLZ4F_cctx_t*)compressionContext; BYTE* const dstStart = (BYTE*)dstBuffer; BYTE* dstPtr = dstStart; compressFunc_t compress; if (cctxPtr->tmpInSize == 0) return 0; /* nothing to flush */ if (cctxPtr->cStage != 1) return (size_t)-MLZ4F_ERROR_GENERIC; if (dstMaxSize < (cctxPtr->tmpInSize + 8)) return (size_t)-MLZ4F_ERROR_dstMaxSize_tooSmall; /* +8 : block header(4) + block checksum(4) */ (void)compressOptionsPtr; /* not yet useful */ /* select compression function */ compress = MLZ4F_selectCompression(cctxPtr->prefs.frameInfo.blockMode, cctxPtr->prefs.compressionLevel); /* compress tmp buffer */ dstPtr += MLZ4F_compressBlock(dstPtr, cctxPtr->tmpIn, cctxPtr->tmpInSize, compress, cctxPtr->lz4CtxPtr, cctxPtr->prefs.compressionLevel); if (cctxPtr->prefs.frameInfo.blockMode==MLZ4F_blockLinked) cctxPtr->tmpIn += cctxPtr->tmpInSize; cctxPtr->tmpInSize = 0; /* keep tmpIn within limits */ if ((cctxPtr->tmpIn + cctxPtr->maxBlockSize) > (cctxPtr->tmpBuff + cctxPtr->maxBufferSize)) /* necessarily MLZ4F_blockLinked */ { int realDictSize = MLZ4F_localSaveDict(cctxPtr); cctxPtr->tmpIn = cctxPtr->tmpBuff + realDictSize; } return dstPtr - dstStart; } /* MLZ4F_compressEnd() * When you want to properly finish the compressed frame, just call MLZ4F_compressEnd(). * It will flush whatever data remained within compressionContext (like MLZ4_flush()) * but also properly finalize the frame, with an endMark and a checksum. * The result of the function is the number of bytes written into dstBuffer (necessarily >= 4 (endMark size)) * The function outputs an error code if it fails (can be tested using MLZ4F_isError()) * The MLZ4F_compressOptions_t structure is optional : you can provide NULL as argument. * compressionContext can then be used again, starting with MLZ4F_compressBegin(). The preferences will remain the same. */ size_t MLZ4F_compressEnd(MLZ4F_compressionContext_t compressionContext, void* dstBuffer, size_t dstMaxSize, const MLZ4F_compressOptions_t* compressOptionsPtr) { MLZ4F_cctx_t* cctxPtr = (MLZ4F_cctx_t*)compressionContext; BYTE* const dstStart = (BYTE*)dstBuffer; BYTE* dstPtr = dstStart; size_t errorCode; errorCode = MLZ4F_flush(compressionContext, dstBuffer, dstMaxSize, compressOptionsPtr); if (MLZ4F_isError(errorCode)) return errorCode; dstPtr += errorCode; MLZ4F_writeLE32(dstPtr, 0); dstPtr+=4; /* endMark */ if (cctxPtr->prefs.frameInfo.contentChecksumFlag == MLZ4F_contentChecksumEnabled) { U32 xxh = XXH32_digest(&(cctxPtr->xxh)); MLZ4F_writeLE32(dstPtr, xxh); dstPtr+=4; /* content Checksum */ } cctxPtr->cStage = 0; /* state is now re-usable (with identical preferences) */ if (cctxPtr->prefs.frameInfo.contentSize) { if (cctxPtr->prefs.frameInfo.contentSize != cctxPtr->totalInSize) return (size_t)-MLZ4F_ERROR_frameSize_wrong; } return dstPtr - dstStart; } /********************************** * Decompression functions **********************************/ /* Resource management */ /* MLZ4F_createDecompressionContext() : * The first thing to do is to create a decompressionContext object, which will be used in all decompression operations. * This is achieved using MLZ4F_createDecompressionContext(). * The function will provide a pointer to a fully allocated and initialized MLZ4F_decompressionContext object. * If the result MLZ4F_errorCode_t is not zero, there was an error during context creation. * Object can release its memory using MLZ4F_freeDecompressionContext(); */ MLZ4F_errorCode_t MLZ4F_createDecompressionContext(MLZ4F_decompressionContext_t* MLZ4F_decompressionContextPtr, unsigned versionNumber) { MLZ4F_dctx_t* dctxPtr; dctxPtr = (MLZ4F_dctx_t*)ALLOCATOR(sizeof(MLZ4F_dctx_t)); if (dctxPtr==NULL) return (MLZ4F_errorCode_t)-MLZ4F_ERROR_GENERIC; dctxPtr->version = versionNumber; *MLZ4F_decompressionContextPtr = (MLZ4F_decompressionContext_t)dctxPtr; return MLZ4F_OK_NoError; } MLZ4F_errorCode_t MLZ4F_freeDecompressionContext(MLZ4F_decompressionContext_t MLZ4F_decompressionContext) { MLZ4F_errorCode_t result = MLZ4F_OK_NoError; MLZ4F_dctx_t* dctxPtr = (MLZ4F_dctx_t*)MLZ4F_decompressionContext; if (dctxPtr != NULL) /* can accept NULL input, like free() */ { result = (MLZ4F_errorCode_t)dctxPtr->dStage; FREEMEM(dctxPtr->tmpIn); FREEMEM(dctxPtr->tmpOutBuffer); FREEMEM(dctxPtr); } return result; } /* ******************************************************************** */ /* ********************* Decompression ******************************** */ /* ******************************************************************** */ typedef enum { dstage_getHeader=0, dstage_storeHeader, dstage_getCBlockSize, dstage_storeCBlockSize, dstage_copyDirect, dstage_getCBlock, dstage_storeCBlock, dstage_decodeCBlock, dstage_decodeCBlock_intoDst, dstage_decodeCBlock_intoTmp, dstage_flushOut, dstage_getSuffix, dstage_storeSuffix, dstage_getSFrameSize, dstage_storeSFrameSize, dstage_skipSkippable } dStage_t; /* MLZ4F_decodeHeader return : nb Bytes read from srcVoidPtr (necessarily <= srcSize) or an error code (testable with MLZ4F_isError()) output : set internal values of dctx, such as dctxPtr->frameInfo and dctxPtr->dStage. input : srcVoidPtr points at the **beginning of the frame** */ static size_t MLZ4F_decodeHeader(MLZ4F_dctx_t* dctxPtr, const void* srcVoidPtr, size_t srcSize) { BYTE FLG, BD, HC; unsigned version, blockMode, blockChecksumFlag, contentSizeFlag, contentChecksumFlag, blockSizeID; size_t bufferNeeded; size_t frameHeaderSize; const BYTE* srcPtr = (const BYTE*)srcVoidPtr; /* need to decode header to get frameInfo */ if (srcSize < minFHSize) return (size_t)-MLZ4F_ERROR_frameHeader_incomplete; /* minimal frame header size */ memset(&(dctxPtr->frameInfo), 0, sizeof(dctxPtr->frameInfo)); /* special case : skippable frames */ if ((MLZ4F_readLE32(srcPtr) & 0xFFFFFFF0U) == MLZ4F_MAGIC_SKIPPABLE_START) { dctxPtr->frameInfo.frameType = MLZ4F_skippableFrame; if (srcVoidPtr == (void*)(dctxPtr->header)) { dctxPtr->tmpInSize = srcSize; dctxPtr->tmpInTarget = 8; dctxPtr->dStage = dstage_storeSFrameSize; return srcSize; } else { dctxPtr->dStage = dstage_getSFrameSize; return 4; } } /* control magic number */ if (MLZ4F_readLE32(srcPtr) != MLZ4F_MAGICNUMBER) return (size_t)-MLZ4F_ERROR_frameType_unknown; dctxPtr->frameInfo.frameType = MLZ4F_frame; /* Flags */ FLG = srcPtr[4]; version = (FLG>>6) & _2BITS; blockMode = (FLG>>5) & _1BIT; blockChecksumFlag = (FLG>>4) & _1BIT; contentSizeFlag = (FLG>>3) & _1BIT; contentChecksumFlag = (FLG>>2) & _1BIT; /* Frame Header Size */ frameHeaderSize = contentSizeFlag ? maxFHSize : minFHSize; if (srcSize < frameHeaderSize) { /* not enough input to fully decode frame header */ if (srcPtr != dctxPtr->header) memcpy(dctxPtr->header, srcPtr, srcSize); dctxPtr->tmpInSize = srcSize; dctxPtr->tmpInTarget = frameHeaderSize; dctxPtr->dStage = dstage_storeHeader; return srcSize; } BD = srcPtr[5]; blockSizeID = (BD>>4) & _3BITS; /* validate */ if (version != 1) return (size_t)-MLZ4F_ERROR_headerVersion_wrong; /* Version Number, only supported value */ if (blockChecksumFlag != 0) return (size_t)-MLZ4F_ERROR_blockChecksum_unsupported; /* Not supported for the time being */ if (((FLG>>0)&_2BITS) != 0) return (size_t)-MLZ4F_ERROR_reservedFlag_set; /* Reserved bits */ if (((BD>>7)&_1BIT) != 0) return (size_t)-MLZ4F_ERROR_reservedFlag_set; /* Reserved bit */ if (blockSizeID < 4) return (size_t)-MLZ4F_ERROR_maxBlockSize_invalid; /* 4-7 only supported values for the time being */ if (((BD>>0)&_4BITS) != 0) return (size_t)-MLZ4F_ERROR_reservedFlag_set; /* Reserved bits */ /* check */ HC = MLZ4F_headerChecksum(srcPtr+4, frameHeaderSize-5); if (HC != srcPtr[frameHeaderSize-1]) return (size_t)-MLZ4F_ERROR_headerChecksum_invalid; /* Bad header checksum error */ /* save */ dctxPtr->frameInfo.blockMode = (MLZ4F_blockMode_t)blockMode; dctxPtr->frameInfo.contentChecksumFlag = (MLZ4F_contentChecksum_t)contentChecksumFlag; dctxPtr->frameInfo.blockSizeID = (MLZ4F_blockSizeID_t)blockSizeID; dctxPtr->maxBlockSize = MLZ4F_getBlockSize(blockSizeID); if (contentSizeFlag) dctxPtr->frameRemainingSize = dctxPtr->frameInfo.contentSize = MLZ4F_readLE64(srcPtr+6); /* init */ if (contentChecksumFlag) XXH32_reset(&(dctxPtr->xxh), 0); /* alloc */ bufferNeeded = dctxPtr->maxBlockSize + ((dctxPtr->frameInfo.blockMode==MLZ4F_blockLinked) * 128 KB); if (bufferNeeded > dctxPtr->maxBufferSize) /* tmp buffers too small */ { FREEMEM(dctxPtr->tmpIn); FREEMEM(dctxPtr->tmpOutBuffer); dctxPtr->maxBufferSize = bufferNeeded; dctxPtr->tmpIn = (BYTE*)ALLOCATOR(dctxPtr->maxBlockSize); if (dctxPtr->tmpIn == NULL) return (size_t)-MLZ4F_ERROR_GENERIC; dctxPtr->tmpOutBuffer= (BYTE*)ALLOCATOR(dctxPtr->maxBufferSize); if (dctxPtr->tmpOutBuffer== NULL) return (size_t)-MLZ4F_ERROR_GENERIC; } dctxPtr->tmpInSize = 0; dctxPtr->tmpInTarget = 0; dctxPtr->dict = dctxPtr->tmpOutBuffer; dctxPtr->dictSize = 0; dctxPtr->tmpOut = dctxPtr->tmpOutBuffer; dctxPtr->tmpOutStart = 0; dctxPtr->tmpOutSize = 0; dctxPtr->dStage = dstage_getCBlockSize; return frameHeaderSize; } /* MLZ4F_getFrameInfo() * This function decodes frame header information, such as blockSize. * It is optional : you could start by calling directly MLZ4F_decompress() instead. * The objective is to extract header information without starting decompression, typically for allocation purposes. * MLZ4F_getFrameInfo() can also be used *after* starting decompression, on a valid MLZ4F_decompressionContext_t. * The number of bytes read from srcBuffer will be provided within *srcSizePtr (necessarily <= original value). * You are expected to resume decompression from where it stopped (srcBuffer + *srcSizePtr) * The function result is an hint of the better srcSize to use for next call to MLZ4F_decompress, * or an error code which can be tested using MLZ4F_isError(). */ MLZ4F_errorCode_t MLZ4F_getFrameInfo(MLZ4F_decompressionContext_t dCtx, MLZ4F_frameInfo_t* frameInfoPtr, const void* srcBuffer, size_t* srcSizePtr) { MLZ4F_dctx_t* dctxPtr = (MLZ4F_dctx_t*)dCtx; if (dctxPtr->dStage > dstage_storeHeader) /* note : requires dstage_* header related to be at beginning of enum */ { size_t o=0, i=0; /* frameInfo already decoded */ *srcSizePtr = 0; *frameInfoPtr = dctxPtr->frameInfo; return MLZ4F_decompress(dCtx, NULL, &o, NULL, &i, NULL); } else { size_t o=0; size_t nextSrcSize = MLZ4F_decompress(dCtx, NULL, &o, srcBuffer, srcSizePtr, NULL); if (dctxPtr->dStage <= dstage_storeHeader) /* note : requires dstage_* header related to be at beginning of enum */ return (size_t)-MLZ4F_ERROR_frameHeader_incomplete; *frameInfoPtr = dctxPtr->frameInfo; return nextSrcSize; } } /* trivial redirector, for common prototype */ static int MLZ4F_decompress_safe (const char* source, char* dest, int compressedSize, int maxDecompressedSize, const char* dictStart, int dictSize) { (void)dictStart; (void)dictSize; return MLZ4_decompress_safe (source, dest, compressedSize, maxDecompressedSize); } static void MLZ4F_updateDict(MLZ4F_dctx_t* dctxPtr, const BYTE* dstPtr, size_t dstSize, const BYTE* dstPtr0, unsigned withinTmp) { if (dctxPtr->dictSize==0) dctxPtr->dict = (const BYTE*)dstPtr; /* priority to dictionary continuity */ if (dctxPtr->dict + dctxPtr->dictSize == dstPtr) /* dictionary continuity */ { dctxPtr->dictSize += dstSize; return; } if (dstPtr - dstPtr0 + dstSize >= 64 KB) /* dstBuffer large enough to become dictionary */ { dctxPtr->dict = (const BYTE*)dstPtr0; dctxPtr->dictSize = dstPtr - dstPtr0 + dstSize; return; } if ((withinTmp) && (dctxPtr->dict == dctxPtr->tmpOutBuffer)) { /* assumption : dctxPtr->dict + dctxPtr->dictSize == dctxPtr->tmpOut + dctxPtr->tmpOutStart */ dctxPtr->dictSize += dstSize; return; } if (withinTmp) /* copy relevant dict portion in front of tmpOut within tmpOutBuffer */ { size_t preserveSize = dctxPtr->tmpOut - dctxPtr->tmpOutBuffer; size_t copySize = 64 KB - dctxPtr->tmpOutSize; const BYTE* oldDictEnd = dctxPtr->dict + dctxPtr->dictSize - dctxPtr->tmpOutStart; if (dctxPtr->tmpOutSize > 64 KB) copySize = 0; if (copySize > preserveSize) copySize = preserveSize; memcpy(dctxPtr->tmpOutBuffer + preserveSize - copySize, oldDictEnd - copySize, copySize); dctxPtr->dict = dctxPtr->tmpOutBuffer; dctxPtr->dictSize = preserveSize + dctxPtr->tmpOutStart + dstSize; return; } if (dctxPtr->dict == dctxPtr->tmpOutBuffer) /* copy dst into tmp to complete dict */ { if (dctxPtr->dictSize + dstSize > dctxPtr->maxBufferSize) /* tmp buffer not large enough */ { size_t preserveSize = 64 KB - dstSize; /* note : dstSize < 64 KB */ memcpy(dctxPtr->tmpOutBuffer, dctxPtr->dict + dctxPtr->dictSize - preserveSize, preserveSize); dctxPtr->dictSize = preserveSize; } memcpy(dctxPtr->tmpOutBuffer + dctxPtr->dictSize, dstPtr, dstSize); dctxPtr->dictSize += dstSize; return; } /* join dict & dest into tmp */ { size_t preserveSize = 64 KB - dstSize; /* note : dstSize < 64 KB */ if (preserveSize > dctxPtr->dictSize) preserveSize = dctxPtr->dictSize; memcpy(dctxPtr->tmpOutBuffer, dctxPtr->dict + dctxPtr->dictSize - preserveSize, preserveSize); memcpy(dctxPtr->tmpOutBuffer + preserveSize, dstPtr, dstSize); dctxPtr->dict = dctxPtr->tmpOutBuffer; dctxPtr->dictSize = preserveSize + dstSize; } } /* MLZ4F_decompress() * Call this function repetitively to regenerate data compressed within srcBuffer. * The function will attempt to decode *srcSizePtr from srcBuffer, into dstBuffer of maximum size *dstSizePtr. * * The number of bytes regenerated into dstBuffer will be provided within *dstSizePtr (necessarily <= original value). * * The number of bytes effectively read from srcBuffer will be provided within *srcSizePtr (necessarily <= original value). * If the number of bytes read is < number of bytes provided, then the decompression operation is not complete. * You will have to call it again, continuing from where it stopped. * * The function result is an hint of the better srcSize to use for next call to MLZ4F_decompress. * Basically, it's the size of the current (or remaining) compressed block + header of next block. * Respecting the hint provides some boost to performance, since it allows less buffer shuffling. * Note that this is just a hint, you can always provide any srcSize you want. * When a frame is fully decoded, the function result will be 0. * If decompression failed, function result is an error code which can be tested using MLZ4F_isError(). */ size_t MLZ4F_decompress(MLZ4F_decompressionContext_t decompressionContext, void* dstBuffer, size_t* dstSizePtr, const void* srcBuffer, size_t* srcSizePtr, const MLZ4F_decompressOptions_t* decompressOptionsPtr) { MLZ4F_dctx_t* dctxPtr = (MLZ4F_dctx_t*)decompressionContext; MLZ4F_decompressOptions_t optionsNull; const BYTE* const srcStart = (const BYTE*)srcBuffer; const BYTE* const srcEnd = srcStart + *srcSizePtr; const BYTE* srcPtr = srcStart; BYTE* const dstStart = (BYTE*)dstBuffer; BYTE* const dstEnd = dstStart + *dstSizePtr; BYTE* dstPtr = dstStart; const BYTE* selectedIn = NULL; unsigned doAnotherStage = 1; size_t nextSrcSizeHint = 1; memset(&optionsNull, 0, sizeof(optionsNull)); if (decompressOptionsPtr==NULL) decompressOptionsPtr = &optionsNull; *srcSizePtr = 0; *dstSizePtr = 0; /* expect to continue decoding src buffer where it left previously */ if (dctxPtr->srcExpect != NULL) { if (srcStart != dctxPtr->srcExpect) return (size_t)-MLZ4F_ERROR_srcPtr_wrong; } /* programmed as a state machine */ while (doAnotherStage) { switch(dctxPtr->dStage) { case dstage_getHeader: { if ((size_t)(srcEnd-srcPtr) >= maxFHSize) /* enough to decode - shortcut */ { MLZ4F_errorCode_t errorCode = MLZ4F_decodeHeader(dctxPtr, srcPtr, srcEnd-srcPtr); if (MLZ4F_isError(errorCode)) return errorCode; srcPtr += errorCode; break; } dctxPtr->tmpInSize = 0; dctxPtr->tmpInTarget = minFHSize; /* minimum to attempt decode */ dctxPtr->dStage = dstage_storeHeader; } case dstage_storeHeader: { size_t sizeToCopy = dctxPtr->tmpInTarget - dctxPtr->tmpInSize; if (sizeToCopy > (size_t)(srcEnd - srcPtr)) sizeToCopy = srcEnd - srcPtr; memcpy(dctxPtr->header + dctxPtr->tmpInSize, srcPtr, sizeToCopy); dctxPtr->tmpInSize += sizeToCopy; srcPtr += sizeToCopy; if (dctxPtr->tmpInSize < dctxPtr->tmpInTarget) { nextSrcSizeHint = (dctxPtr->tmpInTarget - dctxPtr->tmpInSize) + BHSize; /* rest of header + nextBlockHeader */ doAnotherStage = 0; /* not enough src data, ask for some more */ break; } { MLZ4F_errorCode_t errorCode = MLZ4F_decodeHeader(dctxPtr, dctxPtr->header, dctxPtr->tmpInTarget); if (MLZ4F_isError(errorCode)) return errorCode; } break; } case dstage_getCBlockSize: { if ((size_t)(srcEnd - srcPtr) >= BHSize) { selectedIn = srcPtr; srcPtr += BHSize; } else { /* not enough input to read cBlockSize field */ dctxPtr->tmpInSize = 0; dctxPtr->dStage = dstage_storeCBlockSize; } } if (dctxPtr->dStage == dstage_storeCBlockSize) case dstage_storeCBlockSize: { size_t sizeToCopy = BHSize - dctxPtr->tmpInSize; if (sizeToCopy > (size_t)(srcEnd - srcPtr)) sizeToCopy = srcEnd - srcPtr; memcpy(dctxPtr->tmpIn + dctxPtr->tmpInSize, srcPtr, sizeToCopy); srcPtr += sizeToCopy; dctxPtr->tmpInSize += sizeToCopy; if (dctxPtr->tmpInSize < BHSize) /* not enough input to get full cBlockSize; wait for more */ { nextSrcSizeHint = BHSize - dctxPtr->tmpInSize; doAnotherStage = 0; break; } selectedIn = dctxPtr->tmpIn; } /* case dstage_decodeCBlockSize: */ /* no more direct access, to prevent scan-build warning */ { size_t nextCBlockSize = MLZ4F_readLE32(selectedIn) & 0x7FFFFFFFU; if (nextCBlockSize==0) /* frameEnd signal, no more CBlock */ { dctxPtr->dStage = dstage_getSuffix; break; } if (nextCBlockSize > dctxPtr->maxBlockSize) return (size_t)-MLZ4F_ERROR_GENERIC; /* invalid cBlockSize */ dctxPtr->tmpInTarget = nextCBlockSize; if (MLZ4F_readLE32(selectedIn) & MLZ4F_BLOCKUNCOMPRESSED_FLAG) { dctxPtr->dStage = dstage_copyDirect; break; } dctxPtr->dStage = dstage_getCBlock; if (dstPtr==dstEnd) { nextSrcSizeHint = nextCBlockSize + BHSize; doAnotherStage = 0; } break; } case dstage_copyDirect: /* uncompressed block */ { size_t sizeToCopy = dctxPtr->tmpInTarget; if ((size_t)(srcEnd-srcPtr) < sizeToCopy) sizeToCopy = srcEnd - srcPtr; /* not enough input to read full block */ if ((size_t)(dstEnd-dstPtr) < sizeToCopy) sizeToCopy = dstEnd - dstPtr; memcpy(dstPtr, srcPtr, sizeToCopy); if (dctxPtr->frameInfo.contentChecksumFlag) XXH32_update(&(dctxPtr->xxh), srcPtr, sizeToCopy); if (dctxPtr->frameInfo.contentSize) dctxPtr->frameRemainingSize -= sizeToCopy; /* dictionary management */ if (dctxPtr->frameInfo.blockMode==MLZ4F_blockLinked) MLZ4F_updateDict(dctxPtr, dstPtr, sizeToCopy, dstStart, 0); srcPtr += sizeToCopy; dstPtr += sizeToCopy; if (sizeToCopy == dctxPtr->tmpInTarget) /* all copied */ { dctxPtr->dStage = dstage_getCBlockSize; break; } dctxPtr->tmpInTarget -= sizeToCopy; /* still need to copy more */ nextSrcSizeHint = dctxPtr->tmpInTarget + BHSize; doAnotherStage = 0; break; } case dstage_getCBlock: /* entry from dstage_decodeCBlockSize */ { if ((size_t)(srcEnd-srcPtr) < dctxPtr->tmpInTarget) { dctxPtr->tmpInSize = 0; dctxPtr->dStage = dstage_storeCBlock; break; } selectedIn = srcPtr; srcPtr += dctxPtr->tmpInTarget; dctxPtr->dStage = dstage_decodeCBlock; break; } case dstage_storeCBlock: { size_t sizeToCopy = dctxPtr->tmpInTarget - dctxPtr->tmpInSize; if (sizeToCopy > (size_t)(srcEnd-srcPtr)) sizeToCopy = srcEnd-srcPtr; memcpy(dctxPtr->tmpIn + dctxPtr->tmpInSize, srcPtr, sizeToCopy); dctxPtr->tmpInSize += sizeToCopy; srcPtr += sizeToCopy; if (dctxPtr->tmpInSize < dctxPtr->tmpInTarget) /* need more input */ { nextSrcSizeHint = (dctxPtr->tmpInTarget - dctxPtr->tmpInSize) + BHSize; doAnotherStage=0; break; } selectedIn = dctxPtr->tmpIn; dctxPtr->dStage = dstage_decodeCBlock; break; } case dstage_decodeCBlock: { if ((size_t)(dstEnd-dstPtr) < dctxPtr->maxBlockSize) /* not enough place into dst : decode into tmpOut */ dctxPtr->dStage = dstage_decodeCBlock_intoTmp; else dctxPtr->dStage = dstage_decodeCBlock_intoDst; break; } case dstage_decodeCBlock_intoDst: { int (*decoder)(const char*, char*, int, int, const char*, int); int decodedSize; if (dctxPtr->frameInfo.blockMode == MLZ4F_blockLinked) decoder = MLZ4_decompress_safe_usingDict; else decoder = MLZ4F_decompress_safe; decodedSize = decoder((const char*)selectedIn, (char*)dstPtr, (int)dctxPtr->tmpInTarget, (int)dctxPtr->maxBlockSize, (const char*)dctxPtr->dict, (int)dctxPtr->dictSize); if (decodedSize < 0) return (size_t)-MLZ4F_ERROR_GENERIC; /* decompression failed */ if (dctxPtr->frameInfo.contentChecksumFlag) XXH32_update(&(dctxPtr->xxh), dstPtr, decodedSize); if (dctxPtr->frameInfo.contentSize) dctxPtr->frameRemainingSize -= decodedSize; /* dictionary management */ if (dctxPtr->frameInfo.blockMode==MLZ4F_blockLinked) MLZ4F_updateDict(dctxPtr, dstPtr, decodedSize, dstStart, 0); dstPtr += decodedSize; dctxPtr->dStage = dstage_getCBlockSize; break; } case dstage_decodeCBlock_intoTmp: { /* not enough place into dst : decode into tmpOut */ int (*decoder)(const char*, char*, int, int, const char*, int); int decodedSize; if (dctxPtr->frameInfo.blockMode == MLZ4F_blockLinked) decoder = MLZ4_decompress_safe_usingDict; else decoder = MLZ4F_decompress_safe; /* ensure enough place for tmpOut */ if (dctxPtr->frameInfo.blockMode == MLZ4F_blockLinked) { if (dctxPtr->dict == dctxPtr->tmpOutBuffer) { if (dctxPtr->dictSize > 128 KB) { memcpy(dctxPtr->tmpOutBuffer, dctxPtr->dict + dctxPtr->dictSize - 64 KB, 64 KB); dctxPtr->dictSize = 64 KB; } dctxPtr->tmpOut = dctxPtr->tmpOutBuffer + dctxPtr->dictSize; } else /* dict not within tmp */ { size_t reservedDictSpace = dctxPtr->dictSize; if (reservedDictSpace > 64 KB) reservedDictSpace = 64 KB; dctxPtr->tmpOut = dctxPtr->tmpOutBuffer + reservedDictSpace; } } /* Decode */ decodedSize = decoder((const char*)selectedIn, (char*)dctxPtr->tmpOut, (int)dctxPtr->tmpInTarget, (int)dctxPtr->maxBlockSize, (const char*)dctxPtr->dict, (int)dctxPtr->dictSize); if (decodedSize < 0) return (size_t)-MLZ4F_ERROR_decompressionFailed; /* decompression failed */ if (dctxPtr->frameInfo.contentChecksumFlag) XXH32_update(&(dctxPtr->xxh), dctxPtr->tmpOut, decodedSize); if (dctxPtr->frameInfo.contentSize) dctxPtr->frameRemainingSize -= decodedSize; dctxPtr->tmpOutSize = decodedSize; dctxPtr->tmpOutStart = 0; dctxPtr->dStage = dstage_flushOut; break; } case dstage_flushOut: /* flush decoded data from tmpOut to dstBuffer */ { size_t sizeToCopy = dctxPtr->tmpOutSize - dctxPtr->tmpOutStart; if (sizeToCopy > (size_t)(dstEnd-dstPtr)) sizeToCopy = dstEnd-dstPtr; memcpy(dstPtr, dctxPtr->tmpOut + dctxPtr->tmpOutStart, sizeToCopy); /* dictionary management */ if (dctxPtr->frameInfo.blockMode==MLZ4F_blockLinked) MLZ4F_updateDict(dctxPtr, dstPtr, sizeToCopy, dstStart, 1); dctxPtr->tmpOutStart += sizeToCopy; dstPtr += sizeToCopy; /* end of flush ? */ if (dctxPtr->tmpOutStart == dctxPtr->tmpOutSize) { dctxPtr->dStage = dstage_getCBlockSize; break; } nextSrcSizeHint = BHSize; doAnotherStage = 0; /* still some data to flush */ break; } case dstage_getSuffix: { size_t suffixSize = dctxPtr->frameInfo.contentChecksumFlag * 4; if (dctxPtr->frameRemainingSize) return (size_t)-MLZ4F_ERROR_frameSize_wrong; /* incorrect frame size decoded */ if (suffixSize == 0) /* frame completed */ { nextSrcSizeHint = 0; dctxPtr->dStage = dstage_getHeader; doAnotherStage = 0; break; } if ((srcEnd - srcPtr) < 4) /* not enough size for entire CRC */ { dctxPtr->tmpInSize = 0; dctxPtr->dStage = dstage_storeSuffix; } else { selectedIn = srcPtr; srcPtr += 4; } } if (dctxPtr->dStage == dstage_storeSuffix) case dstage_storeSuffix: { size_t sizeToCopy = 4 - dctxPtr->tmpInSize; if (sizeToCopy > (size_t)(srcEnd - srcPtr)) sizeToCopy = srcEnd - srcPtr; memcpy(dctxPtr->tmpIn + dctxPtr->tmpInSize, srcPtr, sizeToCopy); srcPtr += sizeToCopy; dctxPtr->tmpInSize += sizeToCopy; if (dctxPtr->tmpInSize < 4) /* not enough input to read complete suffix */ { nextSrcSizeHint = 4 - dctxPtr->tmpInSize; doAnotherStage=0; break; } selectedIn = dctxPtr->tmpIn; } /* case dstage_checkSuffix: */ /* no direct call, to avoid scan-build warning */ { U32 readCRC = MLZ4F_readLE32(selectedIn); U32 resultCRC = XXH32_digest(&(dctxPtr->xxh)); if (readCRC != resultCRC) return (size_t)-MLZ4F_ERROR_contentChecksum_invalid; nextSrcSizeHint = 0; dctxPtr->dStage = dstage_getHeader; doAnotherStage = 0; break; } case dstage_getSFrameSize: { if ((srcEnd - srcPtr) >= 4) { selectedIn = srcPtr; srcPtr += 4; } else { /* not enough input to read cBlockSize field */ dctxPtr->tmpInSize = 4; dctxPtr->tmpInTarget = 8; dctxPtr->dStage = dstage_storeSFrameSize; } } if (dctxPtr->dStage == dstage_storeSFrameSize) case dstage_storeSFrameSize: { size_t sizeToCopy = dctxPtr->tmpInTarget - dctxPtr->tmpInSize; if (sizeToCopy > (size_t)(srcEnd - srcPtr)) sizeToCopy = srcEnd - srcPtr; memcpy(dctxPtr->header + dctxPtr->tmpInSize, srcPtr, sizeToCopy); srcPtr += sizeToCopy; dctxPtr->tmpInSize += sizeToCopy; if (dctxPtr->tmpInSize < dctxPtr->tmpInTarget) /* not enough input to get full sBlockSize; wait for more */ { nextSrcSizeHint = dctxPtr->tmpInTarget - dctxPtr->tmpInSize; doAnotherStage = 0; break; } selectedIn = dctxPtr->header + 4; } /* case dstage_decodeSFrameSize: */ /* no direct access */ { size_t SFrameSize = MLZ4F_readLE32(selectedIn); dctxPtr->frameInfo.contentSize = SFrameSize; dctxPtr->tmpInTarget = SFrameSize; dctxPtr->dStage = dstage_skipSkippable; break; } case dstage_skipSkippable: { size_t skipSize = dctxPtr->tmpInTarget; if (skipSize > (size_t)(srcEnd-srcPtr)) skipSize = srcEnd-srcPtr; srcPtr += skipSize; dctxPtr->tmpInTarget -= skipSize; doAnotherStage = 0; nextSrcSizeHint = dctxPtr->tmpInTarget; if (nextSrcSizeHint) break; dctxPtr->dStage = dstage_getHeader; break; } } } /* preserve dictionary within tmp if necessary */ if ( (dctxPtr->frameInfo.blockMode==MLZ4F_blockLinked) &&(dctxPtr->dict != dctxPtr->tmpOutBuffer) &&(!decompressOptionsPtr->stableDst) &&((unsigned)(dctxPtr->dStage-1) < (unsigned)(dstage_getSuffix-1)) ) { if (dctxPtr->dStage == dstage_flushOut) { size_t preserveSize = dctxPtr->tmpOut - dctxPtr->tmpOutBuffer; size_t copySize = 64 KB - dctxPtr->tmpOutSize; const BYTE* oldDictEnd = dctxPtr->dict + dctxPtr->dictSize - dctxPtr->tmpOutStart; if (dctxPtr->tmpOutSize > 64 KB) copySize = 0; if (copySize > preserveSize) copySize = preserveSize; memcpy(dctxPtr->tmpOutBuffer + preserveSize - copySize, oldDictEnd - copySize, copySize); dctxPtr->dict = dctxPtr->tmpOutBuffer; dctxPtr->dictSize = preserveSize + dctxPtr->tmpOutStart; } else { size_t newDictSize = dctxPtr->dictSize; const BYTE* oldDictEnd = dctxPtr->dict + dctxPtr->dictSize; if ((newDictSize) > 64 KB) newDictSize = 64 KB; memcpy(dctxPtr->tmpOutBuffer, oldDictEnd - newDictSize, newDictSize); dctxPtr->dict = dctxPtr->tmpOutBuffer; dctxPtr->dictSize = newDictSize; dctxPtr->tmpOut = dctxPtr->tmpOutBuffer + newDictSize; } } /* require function to be called again from position where it stopped */ if (srcPtrsrcExpect = srcPtr; else dctxPtr->srcExpect = NULL; *srcSizePtr = (srcPtr - srcStart); *dstSizePtr = (dstPtr - dstStart); return nextSrcSizeHint; }