#include "mex.h" #include "msc.h" #include #define STRINGNUM 7 void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[ ],int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[ ]) { char* StringPtr[STRINGNUM]; int m,n; int count; bool validInput = true; int buflen; char *input_buf; int status; bool writeFlag = false; bool scanFlag = false; double* nodeAddrDouble; double* rwAddrDouble; double* writeValDouble; int nodeAddrInt; int rwAddrInt; long signed int writeValInt; char tempBuffer[256]; char* tempBufPtr = tempBuffer; char myString1[] = "asfasdfasf"; char myString2[] = "-d"; char ipString[256] = ""; char myString4[256] = "-a"; char nodeAddr[256] = "0"; char myString6[256] = "-c"; char rwCmd[256] = "r"; char rwAddr[256] = "10"; char wVal[256] = "3"; char space[] = " "; char rwCmd_rwAddr_wVal[512]; char scanCmd[256] = " "; char* ipStringPtr = ipString; char* rwCmdPtr = rwCmd; char* nodeAddrPtr = nodeAddr; char* rwAddrPtr = rwAddr; char* wValPtr = wVal; char* rwCmd_rwAddr_wVal_Ptr = rwCmd_rwAddr_wVal; char* spacePtr = space; char* scanCmdPtr = scanCmd; if(nrhs == 3 || nrhs == 4 || nrhs == 5 || nrhs == 2) { for(count = 0; count < nrhs; count++) { /* Find the dimensions of each input data */ m = mxGetM(prhs[count]); n = mxGetN(prhs[count]); //number of column should equal to 1 if(m != 1) { validInput = false; } else { //char data input parsing if(count == 0 || count == 2) { //check char exists if(!mxIsChar(prhs[count])) { mexErrMsgTxt("Char array expected."); validInput = false; } else { //get length of the char array buflen = mxGetN(prhs[count]); if(buflen > 0) { //printf("string length\n"); itoa(buflen,tempBufPtr,10); //printf(tempBufPtr); //printf("\n"); input_buf = (char *) mxCalloc(buflen + 1, sizeof(char)); status = mxGetString(prhs[count], input_buf, buflen + 1); if(count == 0) { ipStringPtr = input_buf; } if(count == 2) { rwCmdPtr = input_buf; //check for right number of inputs if( strcmp(rwCmdPtr,"w") == 0) { if(nrhs == 5) { writeFlag = true; } else { validInput = false; } } else if(strcmp(rwCmdPtr, "r") == 0) { if(nrhs == 4) { writeFlag = false; } else { validInput = false; } } else if(strcmp(rwCmdPtr, "i") == 0) { if(nrhs == 3) { writeFlag = false; } else { validInput = false; } } else { validInput = false; } } input_buf = NULL; } else { printf("empty input\n"); validInput = false; } } } else { //check numerical value exists if(!mxIsNumeric(prhs[count])) { //check if command is to scan node if(count == 1) { if(nrhs == 2) { printf("entered here!\n"); //get length of the char array buflen = mxGetN(prhs[count]); if(buflen > 0) { itoa(buflen,tempBufPtr,10); input_buf = (char *) mxCalloc(buflen + 1, sizeof(char)); status = mxGetString(prhs[count], input_buf, buflen + 1); scanCmdPtr = input_buf; if(strcmp(scanCmdPtr, "sc") == 0) { scanFlag = true; } } } } else { mexErrMsgTxt("Numerical type expected."); validInput = false; } } else { if(count == 1) { nodeAddrDouble = mxGetPr(prhs[count]); nodeAddrInt = (int)(*nodeAddrDouble); itoa(nodeAddrInt,nodeAddrPtr,10); //printf("node address: "); //printf(nodeAddrPtr); //printf("\n"); } else if(count == 3) { rwAddrDouble = mxGetPr(prhs[count]); rwAddrInt = (int)(*rwAddrDouble); itoa(rwAddrInt,rwAddrPtr,10); //printf("r/w address: "); //printf(rwAddrPtr); //printf("\n"); } else if(count == 4) { writeValDouble = mxGetPr(prhs[count]); writeValInt = *writeValDouble; itoa(writeValInt,wValPtr,10); //printf("write value: "); //printf(wValPtr); //printf("\n"); } } } } } } else { validInput = false; } if(validInput == false) { printf("Function Input/Output:\n"); printf("read node info -> input: [ip:string, node_addr:int, 'i']\n"); printf("read reg value -> input: [ip:string, node_addr:int, 'r', read_addr:int]\n"); printf("write reg value -> input: [ip:string, node_addr:int, 'w', write_addr:int, write_val:int], output: [reg_name, reg_val] \n"); } else { strcpy(rwCmd_rwAddr_wVal_Ptr, rwCmdPtr); strcat(rwCmd_rwAddr_wVal_Ptr, spacePtr); strcat(rwCmd_rwAddr_wVal_Ptr, rwAddrPtr); if(nrhs == 5) { strcat(rwCmd_rwAddr_wVal_Ptr, spacePtr); strcat(rwCmd_rwAddr_wVal_Ptr, wValPtr); } if(scanFlag == false) { StringPtr[0] = myString1; StringPtr[1] = myString2; StringPtr[2] = ipStringPtr; StringPtr[3] = myString4; StringPtr[4] = nodeAddrPtr; StringPtr[5] = myString6; StringPtr[6] = rwCmd_rwAddr_wVal_Ptr; } else { StringPtr[0] = myString1; StringPtr[1] = myString2; StringPtr[2] = ipStringPtr; StringPtr[3] = "-c"; StringPtr[4] = "sc"; StringPtr[5] = " "; StringPtr[6] = " "; } //check if it's usb mode if(strcmp(ipStringPtr, "usb") == 0) { StringPtr[1] = ""; StringPtr[2] = ""; } //printf("concatenate test: "); //printf(rwCmd_rwAddr_wVal_Ptr); //printf("\n"); //for(count = 0; count < STRINGNUM; count++) //{ // printf("--------------\n"); // printf( StringPtr[count]); // printf("\n"); //} mainmsc(STRINGNUM,StringPtr,plhs, writeFlag, scanFlag); } }