T2K-FGD Reference document
- Contain a collection of reference information regarding the installation of the FGD and its wiring some of the TPC DCC, Central Cathode slow control equipment and the P0d Light injection slow control. It is meant to be used as repository of details notes which might be lost in the long term.
- Information about the slow control devices can be found here.
- This overall slide summarizes the overall DAQ for the FGD.
Some of the Slow Control/Monitoring for the FGD, TPC & P0D are performed through the MSCB communication and dedicated slow control devices. The list below reflects the assignments of these hardware modules. The link to each device requires a Ethernet/MSCB interface.
- Chain : corresponds to the ethernet node name composed as follow: mscbxxx.nd280.t2k
- Node : Device address on the particular chain.
- Index : Parameter index within the device.
- HW : Hardware type used in the device (C8051Fxxx).
- Frontend : Corresponding application dealing with this device.
- Bank Name : Bank name generated withing the frontend task.
- EvID : Assigned Event Identifier for that task.
- Comment : Simple description to what sort of information the device is controlling/monitoring
Current MSCB device list.
- Information on the cabling for the Midas Slow Control wiring. Includes the Power, Ethernet and MSCB bus.
- !! SS-Level !! : Need to confirm the Temp36 +5V to FGD Rack Xantrex.
- !! rear FGD !! : Need to complete the 522 to 10 power line (red line missing, possibly through PoE?).
- !! All !! : Specify the UPS for each AC power.
MSCB/Network/Power SS-Level cabling
MSCB/Network/Power FGD rack cabling
MSCB/Network/Power GSC rack cabling
MSCB/Network/Power TPC rack cabling
FGD racks layout.
Back of the FGD rack.
Valid for both FGDs, Looking in the beam direction.
Crate location around the FGDs
The GND connection at the bottom goes to the FGD frame for overall grounding purpose
Backplane connections.
Power bar assignment.
Power connections.
- FGD1 Vss (+5V) nominal voltge and current.
- Right: 3.50A, dV:140mV (dV=VXantrex - VFGDsense)
- Left: 3.50A, dV:140mV
- Bottom: 3.50A, dV:140mV
- Top: 3.58A, dV:180mV
- Total FGD1 Vss current: 14.1A (Xantrex)
- FGD2 Vss (+5V) nominal voltge and current.
- Right: 2.0A, dV:90mV (dV=VXantrex - VFGDsense)
- Left: 2.0A, dV:100mV
- Bottom: 2.0A, dV:90mV
- Top: 2.0A, dV:110mV
- Total FGD1, FGD2 Vss current: 22.5A (Xantrex)
Wiener Power connection.
FEB64 cooling pads.
CMB cooling pads.
- The thermal sheet is applied on the OpAmps, CPLD, uC and the 4 Vregs.
- Use scrap thermal sheet for the LPB!
LPB cooling pads.
Refers to the set of 3 panels mounted on the skirt on B1 level.
- MSCB distribution panel for FGD1 and FGD2 are mounted on the "skirt" on B1 floor. they provide the communication to the Slow Control for both FGDs. The power and communication channel is provided by a PoE only.
MSCB for FGD1 and FGD2 mounted on the skirt at B1 level.
- One GenericIO board (on the back) handles the FGD1 water temperature monitoring
- The one on the front handles the CTM temperature and the environment humidity and temperature
- They are mounted on the FGD1 panel on the "skirt" on B1 floor.
MSCB for FGD1 water temperature, CTM temperature and ambient humidity/temperature on B1 Level.
- 3 stacks of 3 boards (temp36) are assembled for the TPC, one stack for each TPC.
- 3 MSCB/ETH (mscb519, 520, 521) are allocated for communication through PoE.
MSCB distribution panel for the TEMP36 boards, mounted on the skirt at B1 level.
- There are 3 MSCB/ETH on the back of the GSC/FGD rack.
- P0d for the Light Injection MSCB/GPIB interface.
- DCC for the 2 DCC crates in this GSC/FGD rack.
- CCB for the Bertan HV of the 3 Central cathodes of the TPCs.
- The TEMP36 boards for the Temperature of the TPCs are mounted on a panel attached on the skirt (SS floor). The MSCB communication is similar to the FGD Slow control i.e: PoE. The PoE will be located on the back of the GSC/FGD rack.
MSCB/ETH for the auxiliary slow control devices, mounted on the back of the GSC/FGD rack. Included DCC power switch for FGD1 and FGD2
The 2 FGD and 3 TPC DCC power switches have been upgraded to a new board. Their installation has been done during the period of Jul 17-26/2012 by Pierre-Andre and Fabrice. In/Out cables have been changed as well. The connection to the DCC power is done using an Anderson connector type. This connector allows a U-shape lock pin to prevent inadvertent disconnection. This pin has been made by hand and spares can be found in the FGD equipment box in a plastic cylindric case. It also contain a reference wire and spare wire for further production.
U-Shape lock pin for the Andreson connector used for the DCCs power units.
- 2 DCC power distribution are mounted on the back of the GSC/FGD rack.
- It provides power (5V) to each individual DCC/ML405 boards in 2 groups of 6 DCCs.
- The power distribution is controlled/monitored (Voltage, Current, Temperature) by MSCB.
- The main power is fed by a dedicated Xantrex 5V@140A (top of the rack).
- The MSCB is powered by external PS unit running on the GSC-UPS
- At the same location, an MSCB distribution port is available for:
- The TPC High Voltage Bertan units (3) interfacing the GPIB port.
- The Light Injection LI P0D monitoring the power supply (1)
- The power is from the GSC-UPS.
DCCs power distribution
- 3 DCC power distribution are mounted on the back of the TPC DCC rack.
- 3 SMB temperature sensors are available per DCC Power switch.
- The MSCB is controlled through the MSCB509
- TPC1:n231/g250, TPC2:n233/g250, TPC3:n238/n250
- The 5V MSCB is fed by a PoE installed on the back of the TPC rack.
- Xantrex unit is monitored by the genericIO410/n1/g250 for U/I
- The Xantrex Voltage is set to 5.5V which provide about 4.8V to the DCCs card This can be raised to 6V if necessary as the Vss (Slow control) is independent of the Xantrex voltage.
- Total current during run 5.25V@??A (Ilimit set at 70A trim pot at the back of the Xantrex)
- Task TpcDccPwr01..3 provide the DCC power control and monitoring.
Overall cable path and estimated length.
FGD frontend electronics grounding scheme.
The following S/N labels are assigned to the different FGD cards. This web database provides the current status of FGD registered devices.
- 76300000 : FEB (2x1000)
- 76400000 : CMB (2x100)
- 76500000 : LPB (2x100)
- 76700000 : ML405 board (1x100)
- 76710000 : ML405 Clock extention (1x100)
- 76720000 : ML405 Optical output extension card (1x100)
- 76730000 : Optical Rx/Tx (1x1000)
- 76740000 : DCC assembly (1x100)
- 76810000 : mscb-ethernet box (1x100)
- 76820000 : ?? (1x100)
Display of the Wiener PL508 units through the UEP6000 utility The PL508 is a 8 units of 2..7V@30A floating voltage source. FGD has 3 units:
- FGD-PS01: Powering FGD1 with interlock on GSC Voltage (Xantrex) and later on the FGD cooling water (not done yet).
- FGD-PS02: Powering FGD2 with interlock on GSC Voltage (Xantrex) and later on the FGD cooling water (not done yet).
- Currently Pod U1 is dead. Email sent to Andreas. Reconnect BU1 to RU3.
- Closed U1-sense wire to permit "interlock enable".
- FGD-PS03: Spare FGD PS, but powering the CTM+MCM and Backplane test board (no interlock). Its location is in the FGD/GSC rack.
- Interlock connector DSUB15 female pin 12=GND, Pin 14=Interlock
- The interlock connection is done on the PS unit itself and not on the front panel.
- The interlocked units are locked off when a voltage below 0.9V is applied to the interlock pins.
- The Wiener shuts down at 0.9V, which is below the Vss uC (2.7V). This cause power feedback which may result in damaged boards. A voltage divider is placed on the back of the FGD rack to reduce the interlock enable voltage to 0.9V when the Vss is equal or below 4.5V. This will ensure the shutdown of the Wiener prior the shutdown of the Xantrex.
- External Temperature sensor is placed underneath FGD-PS01 above the fan tray. The device KT81/110 is used for temperature sensor (DK:568-1003-ND).
- USB/RS232 cable is left attached on the side of the FGD rack for possible direct connection to a PC.
- Sense wire for FGDx have been changed to local meaning all the sense wires are connected at the rear of the FGD rack.
Sense wires connections for FGD1, 2
Interlock circuitry
PL500 with interlock FGD-PS01 IP:
PL500 with interlock FGD-PS02 IP:
- Mounted on hinges on the skirt below the FGD2.
- Air flow with 3 fans on the top, air intake on the bottom side with FR4 deflector pannel
- CTM card mounted on isolator stand-offs
- RJ45-shield on the left not isolated from the box.
- Power cable:
- Brown : 3.1V connected to Red CTM
- Red : 3.8V connected to Orange CTM
- Orange: 5.5V connected to Yellow CTM
- FAN power from 5.5v Orange.
- Blue, Violet: GND connected to all blacks
Inner CTM Box.
CTM power connection pin assignment.
- The FGD-PS03 is powering the CTM, SCM and the backplane test board.
- The CTM and SCM uses 3.1V, 3.8V, 5.5V on the first 3 pods (U0..2)
- The Backplane test board uses the standard FGD voltage distribution out of 4 pods (-V6a, (+V6d, +V4d same pod), +V5sc, -V6a.
CTM/SCM and Test Backplane Power Supply.
FGD-PS03 Power Supply connection (Back of GSC/FGD rack).
- Uses a RS232 port for communication.
- It is possible to control the HP R3000 XR UPS through the ATEN USB-serial adapter (pl2303 driver) using the "NUT" software from http://www.networkupstools.org/source.html
- At 10% load the remaining time is approximatively 40'
- At 60% load the remaining time is approximatively 8'
- Serial Numbers and power deliivery list:
- FGD Rack UPS1 FGD LV : S/N MX18201873
- Wiener1, Wiener2, FAN, RPS
- FGD Rack UPS2 FGD SC : S/N MX18201871
- T2KGSC1, MSCB/FGD1, MSCB/FGD2, Xantrex, Network Switch, MSCB/Xantrex
- GSC Rack UPS3 FGD DCC: S/N MX18201905
- Wiener, Xantrex, RPS, FAN, FAN, DDC Switch
- GSC Rack UPS4 GSC : S/N MX18201868
- Network Switch, Monitor, T2KGSC0, MSCB/DCC, MSCB/TEMP36
- The RPS 1U 19 module is placed on the top of GSC and FGD racks.
- The current configuration of both RPS is passive, meaning no interruption of power is inforced by this system.
- Only temperature, air flow and smoke detection are monitored remotely through dedicated Midas application provided by the UK group.
- The RPS is powered by one of the UPS of each rack.
- The different sensors are placed as follow for both racks:
- FGD rack
- below Xantrex: Smoke detector, Temp sensor#1, Air flow
- above FGD2 Wiener: Air flow, Temp sensor#2
- free hanging above T2KGSC1: Temp sensor#3
- GSC rack
- on the side of the Laser rack: Smoke detector
- above FGD1 DCC Crate: Temp sensor#1, Air flow
- below FGD2 DCC Crate and FAN: Air flow
- below T2KGSC0 terminal: Temp sensor#2
- free hanging above Wiener FGD/SCM unit: Temp sensor#3
- Three Xantrex power supplies for the FGD & TPC (FGDs slow control, DCCs) are monitored for their Voltage and Current. The data are collected by the frontend "Fexantrex"
- The remote control of these modules is done setting:
- J2-1 to J2-3 (Remote Voltage setting)
- J2-2 to J2-3 (remote Current limit setting)
- The FGD Xantrex power supply provides Slow Control power to:
- FGD1 & FGD2 Slow Control
- TEMP36 TPC Temperature boards (SS level, on skirt).
- The Voltage and Current limit settings is done through a resistive pot on the back of the unit. This configuration prevents any changes from the front panel of the unit.
- U/I Settings The settings for the Vset and Ilim is based on a 10KOhm@1mA for full range
- J2-5,6: Voltage setting: 7.5V output for 10V range
- The output voltage should be 5.25V -> J2-5,6 = 7.29V
- J2-7,8: Current limit: 140A output for 10V range
- The current limit should be 36A -> J2-7,8 = 2.57V
- Monitoring The Voltage and current monitoring is based on a 5V full range
- J2-9,10: Voltage monitoring: 7.5V output for 5V range
- The output voltge should be 5.23V -> J9,10 = 3.40V
- J2-11,12: Current monitoring: 140A output for 5V range
- The output current is in 32.1A range -> J11,12 = 1.17V
- Rear Panel SW1 Switch Assignments
- SW1-1=ON(closed), SW1-2=ON(closed), SW1-3=ON(closed), SW1-4=ON(closed) SW1-5=OFF(open), SW1-6=OFF(open), SW1-7=N/A, SW1-8=ON(closed)
- The MSCB interface for the FGD Xantrex (GENERIC310_REV1/n11/g77) connects to the MSCB522.
- To match the MSCB ADC range, the Voltage measurement is divided by 2.
- Scaling done in the frontend, physical data are readout as follow
- MSCB-Idx 7 : Voltage monitoring (V) (data[0])
- MSCB-Idx 9 : Current monitoring (A) (data[1])
- The GSC/FGD Xantrex power supply provides power to:
- 12 FGD-DCCs boards.
- The Voltage and Current limit settings is done through a resistive pot on the back of the unit. This configuration prevents any changes from the front panel of the unit.
- U/I Settings The settings for the Vset and Ilim is based on a 10KOhm\1mA for full range.
- J2-5,6: Voltage setting: 7.5V output for 10V range
- The output voltage should be 5.25V -> J2-5,6 = 7.29V
- J2-7,8: Current limit: 140A output for 10V range
- The current limit should be 45A -> J2-7,8 = 3.42V
- Monitoring The Voltage and current monitoring is based on a 5V full range
- J2-9,10: Voltage monitoring: 7.5V output for 5V range
- The output voltge should be 5.25 -> J9,10 = 3.42V
- J2-11,12: Current monitoring: 140A ouput for 5V range
- The output current is in 41.5A range -> J11,12 = 1.50V
- Rear Panel SW1 Switch Assignments
- SW1-1=ON(closed), SW1-2=ON(closed), SW1-3=ON(closed), SW1-4=ON(closed) SW1-5=OFF(open), SW1-6=OFF(open), SW1-7=N/A, SW1-8=ON(closed)
- The MSCB interface for the FGD-DCC Xantrex monitoring (GENERIC310_REV1/n10/g77) connects to the MSCB510 also used for the P0D Light Injection (P0DPS/n270/g600)
- To match the MSCB ADC range, the Voltage measurement is divided by 2.
- Scaling done in the frontend, physical data are readout as follow
- MSCB-Idx 3 : Voltage monitoring (V) (data[2])
- MSCB-Idx 9 : Current monitoring (A) (data[3])
- The TPC-DCC Xantrex power supply provides power to:
- 18 TPC-DCCs boards.
- The Voltage and Current limit settings is done through a resistive pot on the back of the unit. This configuration prevents any changes from the front panel of the unit.
- U/I Settings The settings for the Vset and Ilim is based on a 10KOhm@1mA for full range
- J2-5,6: Voltage setting: 7.5V output for 10V range
- The output voltage should be 5.25V -> J2-5,6 = 6.95V
- J2-7,8: Current limit: 140A output for 10V range (Current setting):
- The current limit should be 70A -> J2-7,8 = 5.0V
- Monitoring The Voltage and current monitoring is based on a 5V full range
- J2-9,10: Voltage monitoring: 7.5V output for 5V range
- The output voltge should be 5.25 -> J9,10 = 3.42V
- J2-11,12: Current monitoring: 140A output for 5V range
- The output current is in 65A range -> J11,12 = 2.3V
- Rear Panel SW1 Switch Assignments
- SW1-1=ON(closed), SW1-2=ON(closed), SW1-3=ON(closed), SW1-4=ON(closed) SW1-5=OFF(open), SW1-6=OFF(open), SW1-7=N/A, SW1-8=ON(closed)
- The MSCB interface for the TPC-DCC Xantrex monitoring connects to the MSCB509 (node: TPC1:234, TPC2:237, TPC3:230)
- The Xantrex for the TPC-DCCs is monitored by mscb509@node1 to match the MSCB ADC range, the Voltage measurement is divided by 2.
- Scaling done in the frontend, physical data are readout as follow
- MSCB-Idx 15 : Voltage [V]
- MSCB-Idx 16 : Current [A]
- The temperature of the 2 Water loops of FGD1 are being monitored with 4 temperature sensors. The data are collected by the frontend "Fefgd1watertemp" extra computed delta temperature for each loop is added to the data set.
- The MSCB node mscb506 is accessing the MSCB interface (GENERIC310_SST/n35/g77)
- Cabling CB Channels
- Green/White AR (Front/Left/Bottom2Right) Idx 8/12 Loop 1 Out
- Blue/White AS (Front/Left/Bottom2Top) Idx 6/10 Loop 1 In
- Orange/White BR (Back/Right/Bottom2Left) Idx 5/9 Loop 2 Out
- Brown/White BS (Back/Right/Bottom2Top) Idx 7/11 Loop 2 In
- Loop 1 DeltaT (Idx12 - Idx10 ) (data[4])
- Loop 2 DeltaT (Idx9 - Idx 11) (data[5])
- The Light injection system has a GenericIO410 MSCB device for monitoring the different power supplies operating the light injection.
- Schematic of the device can be found here
- The ADC and DAC operation is unipolar 0V .. +2.5V
- The I/O operation is unipolar 0V .. +3.3V , Input is 4.5V compliant.
- The GenericIO410 is accessible throught the Ethernet/mscb interface MSCB510 (P0DPS/n270/g600)
- The firmware code is in the SVN here
- The I/O connector of the genericIO410 is a Amphenol 1022 25pins/sockets.
- pin assignments are:
- 1/A0 V5_1 - 2/A1 V5_2 - 3/A2 V5_3 - 4/A3 V5_4 5/A4 V15_1 - 6/A5 V15_2 - 7/A6 V15_3 - 8/A7 V15_4
- 13/D4 RESET_1 - 12/D3 RESET_2 - 11/D2 RESET_3 - 10/D1 RESET_4
- 25/D7 Active_1 - 24/D6 Active_2 - 23/D5 Active_3 - 9/D0 Active_4
- 22,21,20,19,18 : GND
- Voltage dividers have to be provided to bring the input voltage within ADC range.
- The Reset pins will deliver a logical level at 3.3V
- The Active pins will toggle to a logical value "1" >2.3V, "0" < 1.0V
- 2 wooden box are containing most of the small equipments, parts used for the FGD. It doesn't include the main frame parts for the FGD assembly.
- Each box is labeled 1 and 2
- The content of this box, August 31th 2010 was:
- Gray plastic box 1 : LPB parts - Box 1. thermal sheets, rollers, ruler, thermal paste, LPB cooling plate screws.
- Gray plastic box 3 : Optical fibres - Box 3. Optical fibers (~20), DCC clock distribution, Xilinx pogrammer
- Gray plastic box 5 : MSCB stuff - Box 5. Computer fans(2), CAT5 cables(2), RS232 cable, USB/RS232 cable, crate Al bars
- Gray plastic box 6 : spare DCC power unit with cable, PoE, MSC- Box 6. Brother label maker, Fluke DVM.
- Gray plastic box 7 : Electrical stuff - Box 7. Euro plugs(bag), Euro socket(for wall), pump, power bar (Euro style), Copper bars(FGD distribution).
- Gray plastic box 8 : Switch - Box 8. FGD DAQ switch(24ports), DYMO labels, Xilinx/MSCB Jtag interface
NO picture
- White plastic box 9 : Spare FGD cards - Box 9. FEB64s, CMBs, LPBs
- White plastic : FGD parts box 01.
- White plastic : FGD parts box 02.
- Tool box
- Cardboard box: DCCs
- Cardboard box(3) : Xilinx ML405
- The content of this box, December 19th 2009 was:
- Cardboard box: Power cords
- Cardboard box: misc. cable power FGD+GND Power cors, misc. cables.
- Cardboard box: misc. CAT5/6, Nylon sleeve
- Cardboard box: Plastic Aluminized bags/envelops
- Spool black AWG10 wire(FGD power)
- Spool black Nylon sleeve
- Fan tray(1)
- Pierre's helmet
- Kyoto Power supply
- Power cable (for wall to GSC rack)