By default, the wvEvent( ) and e( ) routines generate the
icon, followed by the event number (for example,
). However, you can create your own icon to be displayed for each event number.
Store event icons for user-defined WindView events in installDir/.wind/windview. The file name for each event icon must be of the form userNumber.bmp, for example, user28.bmp. To create the icon, use any Windows paint program that can save bitmap (.bmp) files; you can use bitmaps up to 16 bits wide by 16 bits high. For example, you can use the Microsoft Paint accessory included with Windows to create a bitmap.
Once an appropriately named bitmap is available, whenever you call the wvEvent( ) or e( ) routine, the user event icon with the corresponding event number is displayed. For example, if you call wvEvent( )NULL( ), the icon described by the file user28 (if present) is displayed.