1.5   Customer Services

A full range of support services is available from Wind River Systems to ensure that you have the opportunity to make optimal use of the extensive features of VxWorks.

This section summarizes the major services available. For more detailed information, consult the Tornado User's Guide: Customer Service.


In the United States, Wind River Systems holds regularly scheduled classes on Tornado and VxWorks. Customers can also arrange to have Tornado classes held at their facility. The easiest way to learn about WRS training services, schedules, and prices is through the World Wide Web. Point your site's Web browser at the following URL:


You can contact the Training Department at:  








Outside of the United States, call your local distributor or nearest Wind River Systems office for training information. See the back cover of this manual for a list of Wind River Systems offices.

Customer Support

Direct contact with a staff of software engineers experienced in VxWorks is available through the Wind River Systems Customer Support program. For information on how to contact WRS Customer Support, see the copyright page at the front of this manual.