mkbootTffs( )


mkbootTffs( ) - make the specified flash device a boot device


STATUS mkbootTffs 
    int   drive,      /* drive number: (0 - TFFS_MAX_DRIVES - 1) */ 
    int   removable,  /* removable or not: (TRUE - FALSE)        */ 
    char  *in         /* name of file to read: "bootrom_uncmp"   */ 


This command sets up the flash device, drive, as a boot device. The removable parameter expects a 1 if the flash device is removable or a 0 if it is not. The in parameter specifies the name of the boot file.


In the following example, the first zero identifies drive zero as the flash device to be made into a boot device. The second zero indicates that the flash is not removable. The bootrom_uncmp parameter specifies the name of the boot file.

    -> mkbootTffs 0, 0, "bootrom_uncmp"


OK, or ERROR if there is an error copying from in to the disk.