3.6   Tornado Central Services

Because the launcher is the control panel for Tornado, it performs a number of support functions as well as its central mission of connecting tools and targets. Through the launcher menu bar, you can do the following:

3.6.1   Support and Information

The About menu has a single command, Tornado, which displays version information for Tornado. This menu appears in all Tornado graphical tools.

The launcher's Support and Info menus are a gateway to Wind River Systems' support, training, and sales services. See 9. Customer Service for more information on these launcher facilities.

3.6.2   Administrative Activities

The Admin menu provides a number of conveniences to automate Tornado administrative chores to the extent possible. The commands in this menu cover installing updates or optional products and managing your site's global authorization file for Tornado.

Install CD
Begins by prompting you to mount a Tornado CD-ROM. Locate your installation keys and mount the CD-ROM as explained in the Tornado Getting Started Guide. The launcher runs the installation program for you.

Wind River Systems maintains a small archive of auxiliary software and useful information available over the Internet by FTP. Click on this command to connect to the WRS FTP server. Follow the usual conventions for anonymous FTP transfers: log in as anonymous, and provide your e-mail address at the password: prompt.

The Authorize command brings up an editor1 on the file ${WIND_BASE}/.wind/userlock. This file controls overall access to Tornado host tools at your site. This file employs the same simple conventions described in 3.5.2 Sharing and Reserving Target Servers for a file to restrict a target server to a list of users: the character + to indicate that all users are authorized, or the sign-on names of authorized users, one on each line.

1:  The editor specified in your EDITOR environment variable, or vi.