VxWorks Reference Manual Supplement


WindNet STREAMS autopush facility
Data Link Provider Interface (DLPI) Library
WindNet STREAMS utility for tracing messages
WindNet STREAMS utility for tracing error messages
driver for the WindNet STREAMS I/O system
library for STREAMS debugging
interface to STREAMS sockets


autopushAdd( )
add list of automatically pushed STREAMS modules
autopushDelete( )
delete autopush information for device
autopushGet( )
get autopush information for a device
dlpiInit( )
initialize the DLPI driver
strace( )
print STREAMS trace messages
straceStop( )
stop the strace( ) task
strerr( )
STREAMS error logger task
strerrStop( )
stop the strerr( ) task
strmBandShow( )
display messages in a particular band
strmDebugInit( )
include STREAMS debugging facility in VxWorks
strmDriverAdd( )
add a STREAMS driver into the STREAMS subsystem
strmDriverModShow( )
list configuration information for modules and devices
strmMessageShow( )
display information about all messages in a stream
strmMkfifo( )
strmModuleAdd( )
add a STREAMS module to the STREAMS subsystem
strmMsgStatShow( )
display statistics about system-wide usage of message blocks
strmOpenStreamsShow( )
displays all open streams in the STREAMS subsystem
strmPipe( )
create an intertask channel
strmQueueShow( )
displays all queues in a particular stream
strmQueueStatShow( )
display statistics about queues system-wide
strmSleep( )
suspend task execution pending occurrence of an event
strmSockDevNameGet( )
get the transport provider device name
strmSockProtoAdd( )
add a new transport protocol entry to STREAMS sockets
strmSockProtoDelete( )
remove a protocol entry from the table
strmStatShow( )
display statistics about streams
strmSyncWriteAccess( )
access a shared data structure for synchronous writing
strmTimeout( )
execute a routine in a specified length of time
strmUnWeld( )
the q_next pointers of streams queues are set to NULL
strmUntimeout( )
cancel previous strmTimeout( ) call
strmWakeup( )
resume suspended task execution
strmWeld( )
connects the q_next pointers of arbitrary streams