SNMP Errors


NOTE: SNMPv2 error codes are included here only when applicable to this SNMPv2c product.
The value being set is not allowed. A SNMPv1 code that is included in SNMPv2 for proxy compatibility.

A general error code, basically this will be returned if the error is not one of the defined errors. It is used by both SNMPv1 and SNMPv2.

The variable is not accessible. A SNMPv2 code.

The type of the variable binding's value field is inconsistent with that required for the variable. A SNMPv2 code.

The variable binding's value field specifies a length which is inconsistent with that required for the variable. A SNMPv2 code.

The encoding of the value field is inconsistent with the field's tag. A SNMPv2 code.

The specified value could never be assigned to the variable. A SNMPv2 code.

The variable does not exist and can not be created. A SNMPv2 code.

The specified value is currently inconsistent, though under other circumstances it would be acceptable. A SNMPv2 code.

The assignment of the specified value to the given variable requires the allocation a resource which is presently unavailable. A SNMPv2 code.

All of the pre-set tests were passed but an assignment failed. Any assignments already done must be undone before sending this error. If an assignment can not be undone TPROC_UNDO_FAILED should be used. Implementations should take all possible measures to avoid this error. A SNMPv2 code.

All of the pre-set tests were passed but an assignment failed and some other assignment could not be undone. Implementations should take all possible measures to avoid this error. A SNMPv2 code.

This error should not be returned from a testproc, it is included here for completeness of the error list. This error may be returned from the section of code that determines that the source, destination, and context (or target, subject, and resources) triple does not grant appropriate privileges for this PDU type to be executed. A SNMPv2 code.

The variable exists but can not be modified no matter what new value is specified. A SNMPv2 code.

The variable can not be created currently, though it could be created under other circumstances. A SNMPv2 code.